EXERCISE 8c — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs and participle adjectives from this section. Make all the phrasal verbs present perfect

1. I asked my father if I could smoke in the house, and he became angry and said he wouldn't allow it. What did my father say about smoking in the house?

2. The forest fire has stopped because there aren't any more trees left to burn. What has the fire done?

3. The cashier has totaled how much we must pay for our groceries. What has the cashier done?

4. They have chosen a hotel for their wedding reception. What have they done?

5. Sally's mother couldn't stop her tears. What couldn't Sally's mother do?

6. One of my car's headlights isn't working anymore. What did the headlight do?

7. In Question 6, how would you describe the headlight?

8. The stack of books was too high, and now the books are on the floor. What did the books do?

9. The coffee shop had to move to a different location because of a fire. What happened to the coffee shop?

10. In Question 9, how would you describe the coffee shop's previous location?

11. After they attacked us, we didn't attack them. What didn't we do?

12. I've made room in my busy day for a game of tennis. What have I done?

13. She hasn't called me on the telephone. What hasn't she done?

14. They've completely destroyed the old factory. What have they done?

15. The sergeant tried extremely hard to show the captain how well he was training the soldiers. What did the sergeant do?

16. I asked Jim if anyone had ever told him about the new seafood restaurant in the mall. What did I ask Jim?

EXERCISE 8d, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

cut up, 7 go in for, 3 point out, 7 see about, 7
fall for, 2 hold up, 7 pull through, 2 show up, 1
get over with, 3 let out, 7 put up with, 3 take apart, 7
give in, 2 look up, 4 run over, 7 take in, 7


1. My bicycle was really dirty, so I ________ it ________ and cleaned it.

2. it was a very serious injury, and no one expected Raul to ________ ________.

3. I've been waiting for the TV repair guy all day, but he still hasn't ________

4. I feel just awful. I was driving to work, and I ________ ________ a dog.

5. The detectives weren't ________ ________ by the crook's explanation.

6. The detectives didn't ________ ________ the crook's explanation.

7. Mrs. Taylor's husband doesn't have any teeth, so she has to ________ all his food________.

8. The freight train ________ ________ traffic for twenty minutes, so we were late for work.

9. In his report yesterday, the head of marketing ________ ________ several ways to increase the company's sales.

10. I. _______ the word Internet ________ in an old dictionary, but I couldn't find it.

11. Susie's mother told her, "I'm not going to ________ you ________ of this house until you finish your homework."

12. The company finally ________ ________ to demands that it hire more women and minorities.

13. I'm having root canal surgery next week. I'll be glad to ________ it ________.

14. David called the travel agency to ________ ________ getting his ticket changed.

15. Karen loves to ski. In fact, she________________________ most winter sports.

16. Betty told the doctor she couldn't ________ ________ ________ the pain any longer, and she asked him for morphine.

9. FOCUS ON: two-word phrasal verbs that require an additional particle when used with an object, 1

With some two-word verbs you must use a second particle when the verb has an object:

The criminalbroke out.

The criminalbroke out prison.

The criminalbroke out of prison.

Tom and Jerry don'tget along.

Tom and Jerry don'tget along each other.

Tom and Jerry don'tget along with each other.

Sometimes, as withbreak out andbreak out of, there is no change in meaning. Sometimes, as withhang up andhang up on, there is a small change in meaning. And sometimes, as withhook up andhook up to, the second particle is necessary not when there is one object but only when there are two:

Ihooked up my new CD player.

Ihooked up my new CD player my stereo.

Ihooked up my new CD player to my stereo.

There is no good way to always know which second particle must be used or if and how it will change the meaning of the verb. The best thing to do is to simply memorize each case.

Throughout this book, two-word phrasal verbs that require an additional parti­cle when used with an object are shown with the second particle in parentheses:

break out (of).

Do not confuse two-word phrasal verbs that require an additional particle when used with an object with three-word phrasal verbs. Three-word phrasal verbs always have three words — there is no two-word version, or if there is a phrasal verb with the same verb and first particle, it has a different meaning and is classified as a different verb. For example,break out andbreak out (of) are included in one definition because they have the same meaning, butput up and put up with have different meanings and are classified separately.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
break out                
    breakout & breaks out breaking out broke out broken out


1. break out (of) p.v. When you escape from a place where you are a prisoner, you break out orbreak out of that place.

Bubbabroke out of prison last month.

The police have been looking for him ever since hebroke out.

breakout n. An escape from prison is abreakout.

There hasn't been a successfulbreakout from the state prison in more than twenty-five years.

1. breakout p.v. When fighting begins suddenly, itbreaks out.

Riotingbroke out after the general canceled the election.
Millions wilt be killed if nuclear warbreaks out.

catch up                
    catch up & catches up catching up caught up caught up


1. catch up (with) p.v. When you move faster and reach the same level or place as people who had been moving faster or doing better than you were, youcatch up or catch up with them.

We left an hour before Luis, but he drove fast and quicklycaught up.

After missing several weeks of class, Raquel is so far behind that she'll nevercatch up.

Pepsi hascaught up with Coca-Cola in some markets.

The mugger was running so fast that the angry mob couldn'tcatch up with him.

caught up part.adj. After you have moved faster and reached the same level or place as people who had been moving faster or doing better than you are, you arecaught up.

When I was sick, I missed a lot of schoolwork, but I worked hard and now I'm caught up.

1. catch up (on) p.v. When you study or learn something you are interested in but have not had time for, youcatch up on it.

I wonder what the latest gossip is. Let's call Michael so we cancatch up.After I returned from vacation, I read the newspaper tocatch up on the local news.

caught up part.adj. After you have studied or learned something you are interested in but have not had time for, you arecaught up.

Now that I've read the newspapers I missed while I was on vacation, I'mcaught up.

present tense -ing form past tense past participle
chicken out            
chicken out & chickens out chickening out chickened out chickened out


1. chicken out (of) p.v. [informal] When you do not do something because you are afraid, youchicken out orchicken out of it.

/ was going to ask Heather to go to the dance with me, but Ichickened out.Miguel's mad at himself because hechickened out of asking his boss for a raise yesterday.

get along            
get along & gets along getting along got along gotten/got along


1. get along (with) p.v. When youget along with people, you have peaceful, harmonious relations with them.Get on is similar toget along.

Jim and his cousin aren't good friends, but theyget along.
I haven't gottenalong with my neighbors for years.

2. get along p.v. When you are able to do some sort of work without any serious problems, youget along.

How are yougetting along in your new job?
Oh, I'mgetting along okay, thank you.

give up                
    give up & gives up giving up gave up given up


1. give up (on) p.v. When you stop trying to do something because you think you will never succeed, yougive up orgive up on it.

Forget it! This is impossible — Igive up!
I've tried for years to have a nice looking lawn, but I've justgiven up on it.

2. give... up p.v. When you are running from or fighting with the police or enemy soldiers and you surrender, yougive up orgive yourselfup.

When the bank robbers realized they were surrounded by police, they gaveup.The suspect got tired of hiding from the police, and hegave himself up.

3. give ...up p.v. When you stop doing something you do regularly, such as a sport or a job, yougive itup.

My father didn'tgive sky divingup until he was eighty-two.
I had togive up my second job because I was so exhausted all the time.

hang up                
    hang up & hangs up hanging up hung up hung up


1. hang up (on) p.v. When you stop talking on the telephone and put down the receiver, youhang up the telephone. When you are angry andhang up the tele­phone without saying good-bye to someone, youhang up on the person you are talking to.

After I finished talking to her, I said good-bye andhung up.
When he called me a moron, I got so mad Ihung up on him.

2. hang ... up p.v. When you hang something in a high place so that it cannot touch the ground, youhang itup.

When I get home, the first thing I do ishang my coatup.
Timmy neverhangs anythingup; he just leaves it on the floor.

hung up part.adj. After you have hung something in a high place so that it cannot touch the ground, it ishung up.

Timmy, why are your clothes on the floor and nothung up?

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
hook up                
    hook up & hooks up hooking up hooked up hooked up


1. hook... up (to) p.v. When you connect one electronic device to another, you hook itup orhook itup to something.

/ bought a new printer, but I haven'thooked itup yet.
Ihooked my sound systemup to my TV, and now the TV is in stereo.

hooked up part.adj. After one electronic device has been connected to another, it ishooked up.

There's a VCR on my TV, but don't try to use it because it's nothooked up. hookup n. A hookup is an electrical connection.

The cable TVhookup usually costs $20, but it's free this month.

1. hook up (with) p.v. [informal] When you meet people somewhere, usually after you have done some things separately, youhook up orhook up with them.

You do your shopping, I'll go to the post office, and we'llhook up around 2:30, okay?
I'llhook up with you at 12:00 at the corner of State and Madison, and we'll have lunch.

work up                
    work up & works up working up worked up worked up


1. work up (to) p.v. When you gradually improve at something difficult that you do regularly, youwork up to that improvement.

You can't lift 200 pounds on your first day of weight training. You have to work up to it.
When I started running, I couldn't go more than a mile, but now I'veworked up to five miles.

2. work up p.v. When you gradually develop the energy, confidence, courage, and so on, to do something difficult or something you do not want to do, youwork up the

energy, confidence, courage, and so on. When you gradually develop a feeling, you work up the feeling.

It took me a long time towork up the nerve to ask my boss for a raise.
If Iwork up some energy, I'll wash the car.
I reallyworked up a sweat in the gym today.
Raking leaves all day sureworks up an appetite.

worked up part.adj. [informal] When you are anxious, worried, or upset about something, you areworked up orworked up about it.

Mark has been acting nervous all day. What's he allworked up about?
Relax, we're only a few minutes late. It's nothing to getworked up about.