Tomorrow’s scientists. No one is born to a vocation, but many find their calling at an early age

No one is born to a vocation, but many find their calling at an early age. Albert Einstein’s fascination with science began when he was given his first compass as a child and he puzzled over why the needle always pointed in the same direction. Young Einstein’s passion for physics and mathematics were destined to alter our view of the Universe and catapult him to international fame.

A host of other legendary European scientists have transformed the way we see and interact with the world: Marie Curie’s pioneering work on radium, Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin, and Alan Turing’s invention of the computing machine.

Europe has seen the birth of scientific discoveries and inventions that have profoundly influenced modern society. The computer, the motorcar, radio, the World Wide Web, television and cinema all started life here. Innovation has been and will continue to be key to Europe’s success.

Today, the continent is home to some of the world’s top research facilities and its education system is among the best. European schools and universities – which prize creativity, curiosity and independent thinking – continue to produce the most significant number of science graduates.

But science does not stand still: to maintain Europe’s competitiveness in the cutting-edge disciplines that will shape our future, successive generations of scientists and researchers are needed.

“Supporting Europe's youngest scientists is essential to ensure the future of the research community,” said European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin, “and more must be done to create the conditions to encourage more young people to take up careers in science and become tomorrow’s science professionals.”


1. When did Albert Einstein become interested in science?

2. What other scientists have transformed our view of the world? What are they famous for?

3. What is said to be Europe’s key to success?

4. Which qualities are valued in European educational institutions?

5. What is needed to ensure Europe’s competitiveness in the field of science and advanced technologies?


Exercise 5 Fill in the gaps in the following table.


Noun Adjective Verb


Exercise 6 Match the following words with their definitions.


1. host 2. vocation 3. innovation 4. graduate 5. discovery 6. invention a. a new method, idea, product, etc b. a new device, method, or process developed from study and experimentation c. a person who has successfully completed a course of study or training d. a large number of people or things e. a person, place, or thing that has been discovered f. a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation


Exercise 7 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or –ing form.


1. NASA scientists suggest __________ (plant) a lunar garden.

2. Twenty percent of scientists admit __________ (use) brain-enhancing drugs.

3. Scientists decide __________ (abandon) the aging Hubble Space Telescope project.

4. Scientists would rather __________ (change) facts than their theories.

5. Scientists agree __________ (enhance) international collaboration towards global sustainability.