Tell about services and facilities offered in X-star hotels

. Види житла, що пропонує індустрія гостинності (Інформація)

· accommodations – 1. Loading, food, drink and other services for travelers or transients. 2) a seat or place to sleep. esp. on a board or train;

· Inn – an establishment offering shelter and food for travelers. The term was customary in the days of travel by horse; it has been revived because it conveys an idea of old-fashioned hospitality.

· Tavern – in modern usage, a place that serves alcoholic drinks. Formerly, it was an alternative term for an inn.

· Motel – a shortened form for motor hotel. A motel provides accommodations for the traveller and parking place for his or her automobile.

· Resort – a place or area to which people travel for recreational purposes. Hotels are important features of resort areas.

· Conventions – a meeting of a business or professional group for the purpose of exchanging information, electing officers and discussing.

· Deluxe – of a highest quality. Hotels rated as deluxe offer the services possible convenience, comfort and service to their guests. Such hotels are often called luxury hotels and are generally the most expensive.

· Luxury hotel – provides every facility a wealthy guest might need.

· Resort hotel – is situated in a place where tourists like to stay, often near the sea, lake or in the mountains. Guests usually book it in advance.

· Commercial hotel – is often situated in a town center and provides accommodation for travelling businessmen, staying only one or two nights.

· Congress hotel – provides everything necessary for large meetings and conferences, with a lecture, theatre and exhibition facilities.

· Airport hotel – provides accommodations for people going to or coming from other countries, usually only staying for one night.

· Country house hotel – is situated in pleasant scenery and provides comfortable but informal accommodation for people who want to relax in a quiet place.

· Guest house – provides low-priced accommodation, usually on a small scale for holiday visitors or for long-stay guests.

· Motel – is built especially to provide a service to motorists.

· B&B – is a small hotel, a kind of boarding-house, which provides home-like low-priced accommodation and the morning meal for visitors. The letters B&B stand for “Bed and Breakfast”


1) How many hotel classes are there ?

2) What way can you describe a five-star hotel ?

3) What do four-star hotels offer ?

4) What do you know about the work of a three-star hotel ?

5) What services and facilities do two-star hotels offer ?

6) What do you know about one-star hotel ?

7) What services for people who are not staying in the hotel does a hotel offer ?

8) What do you know about countryhouse hotels ?

9) What do you know about resort hotels?

+ Самост. 9-5cемВправа 1.1 Read and translate the following hotel facilities:

  1. wheelchair access
  2. health or fitness facilities
  3. credit cards accepted
  4. rooms for more than 2 people
  5. pets welcome
  6. air conditioning
  7. swimming pool
  8. 24-hour room service
  9. business facilities
  10. children’s facilities


What facilities would you expect a very expensive hotel to provide for its guests ? Make a list of your ideas.

Вправа 1.3 Read and translate the following short dialogues:
