If you 'pick something out', you choose it, often with some care

· Harry has picked out all the cashew nuts and left only the peanuts for me.

· From the thirty candidates, we've picked out seven to interview.

If you 'reach out' for something, you extend your arm to get it (sometimes metaphorically.)

· Drivers have to reach out a long way to insert the ticket in the machine.

· Our present customers are almost all over fifty. We need to reach out to a younger public.

If you 'rush out', you leave or send out very quickly.

· I wanted to speak to Jane but she rushed out as soon as the meeting was over.

· We rushed out the new catalogue and it is full of spelling errors.

If you 'throw something out', you get rid of it.

· We need to throw out the terrible printers we have and buy some new ones.

· You shouldn't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

If you warn somebody to 'look out', it means that there is danger.

· Look out! The boss is on the warpath.

· Look out! There's a radar camera just up ahead.

If you 'send something out' you send it to a lot of people (for example, to a mailing list.)

· I'll be sending out the newsletter early next week.

· Have you sent out the invitations yet?

If someone or something 'stands out', it is very noticeable or is better than similar people or things.

· One candidate stands out from the rest.

· He likes to stand out from the crowd.

If you 'pour out' your (usually sad) feelings or your thoughts, you talk about them very honestly and without holding anything back.

· He poured his heart out to me about his recent divorce.

· Don't hold back. Let it all pour out. It will do you good.

Phrasal Verbs with OUT 3

If you are 'tired out' you are very tired.

· All this work is beginning to tire me out. I need a break.

· The long journey has tired me out.

If you 'back out' of something, you decide not to do something that you had previously agreed to do.

· John was going to make the presentation but he backed out at the last minute.

· You've signed the contract so you can't back out now.

If you 'sort something out', you solve any problems or difficulties.

· I had to sort out a problem with our delivery times.

· We're meeting on Monday to sort out the details of the new contract.

If you 'pull out' of negotiations or an agreement, you stop being involved in it.

· They have pulled out of the deal because they didn't like our payment terms.

· The unions have pulled out of the negotiations and are now threatening strike action.

If you 'rule out' something or someone, you decide that it is not suitable or is impossible.

· I think we can rule him out for the job as he doesn't speak Italian well enough.

· We haven't ruled out the possibility of appointing a local agent.