Development of 395 GHz gyrotrons for NDP spectroscopy on the b experience of elaboration 260 GHz gyrotron

V.E. Zapevalov, A.N. Kuftin, M.A. Moiseev, A.S. Sedov, N.A. Zavolsky

Session 15: Modern methods of generation of terahertz and microwave radiation - 7

14:00 - 14:30 Invited

THz synthesiser: high resolution photomixing spectrometer based on a frequency comb

G. Mouret, F. Hindle, A. Cuisset, M. Guinet, S. Eliet, and R. Bocquet

14:30 - 15:00 Invited

High-harmonic THz gyrotrons with sectioned microwave systems

Ilya V. Bandurkin, Vladimir L. Bratman, Yury K. Kalynov, Andrey V. Savilov

15:00 - 15:30 Invited

Efficient terahertz generation with tilted-pulse-front pumping: 2D analysis

Michael I. Bakunov, Sergey B. Bodrov, and Eugene A. Mashkovich

Session 16: Terahertz and microwave imaging: radiovision, tomography and near-field microscopy - 1

15:50 - 16:20 Invited

High-speed THz semiconductor imaging camera

V. Muravev, G. Tsydynzhapov, I. Kukushkin

16:20 - 16:40

Edge diffraction in the scattering of focused terahertz radiation

V.N. Trukhin, D.P. Hor’kov, L.L. Samoilov

16:40 - 17:00

New experiments in optics at NovoFEL facility

Boris A. Knyazev, Valery S. Cherkassky, Yulia Yu. Choporova, Vasily V. Gerasimov, Igor A. Kotelnikov, M.G. Vlasenko

17:00 - 17:20

Terahertz imaging system based on superconducting integrated receiver

Roman V. Ozhegov, Konstantin N. Gorshkov, Yuri B. Vachtomin, Konstantin V. Smirnov, Matvey I.Finkel, Gregory N. Goltsman, Oleg Kiselev, Nikolay V. Kinev, Lyudmila V. Filippenko, Valery P. Koshelets

17:20 - 17:40

An imaging system for THz radiation based on PbSnTe:In films

Igor G. Neizvestny, Igor K. Igumenov, Alexander E. Klimov, Vitalii V. Kubarev, Vladimir N. Shumsky

Session 17: Study of materials (including nano- and metamaterials) with the help of terahertz and microwave radiation. Time-domain and continuous-wave spectroscopy - 3

9:00 - 9:20

High-resolution BWO-Spectroscopy of the 29 cm-1 oxygen impurity mode in natural silicon and in isotopically enriched 28Si and 30Si

E.S. Zhukova, K. Lassmann, P.S. Korolev, B.P. Gorshunov, A.S. Prokhorov, V.P. Kalinushkin, G. Plotnichenko, N.V. Abrosimov, P.G. Sennikov, H.-J. Pohl, M. Dressel

9:20 - 9:40

Metamaterial bandpass structures made of two-dimensional arrays of planar resonators

Mikhail A. Tarasov, Artem M. Chekushkin, Valerian S. Edelman, and Leonid S. Kuzmin

9:40 - 10:00

Sensitivity of Pb1-xSnxTe:In films to radiation in the far-IR and THz spectral regions

Alexander E. Klimov, Nikolay S. Paschin, Valentina N. Sherstyakova, and Vladimir N. Shumsky

10:00 - 10:30 Invited

Terahertz super thin lens

Yan Zhang, Dan Hu, Xinke Wang

Session 18: Study of materials (including nano- and metamaterials) with the help of terahertz and microwave radiation. Time-domain and continuous-wave spectroscopy - 4

10:50 - 11:10