1. Family name (surname, last name) My surname is ______ .
2. First (Christian) name My first name is ____. My name is...
3. Present nationality I am British / American / Russian...
4. Date of birth (day, month, year) I was born on the 18th of January, 1950
5. Place and country of birth I was born in London, Great Britain.
6. Place of residence (home address) I live at 73 Park Lane, Guilford, Great Britain
7. Telephone
8. Present employment (occupation) I am a judge. I work for a law firm.
9. Marital status I am single (married, widowed, divorced).
10. Spouse, any dependents and close relatives (relationship, name, occupation, etc.) My wife's name is... She is 35. She is a teacher. I have a lot of relatives. My brother, who is 22, is a law student. I have two sons. One is 7, the other is 10. Both are schoolchildren.
11. Information on residence or prolonged travel abroad (state countries and purpose) I have been to ... as a tourist (on business, on the invitation of my relatives, etc.). I have visited (travelled to)...
12. Main leisure activity (hobby, pastime, favourite occupation, etc.) My hobby (favourite occupation, pastime) is hunting. I'm fond of classical music, etc. I'm a football fan. I do sports. I like to read.



Множественное число существительных образуется добавлением к форме единственного числа окончания -S / -ES.


1. -s [s] после глухих согласных: student – students;

[z] после звонких согласных и гласных: town – towns, lawyerlawyers.

2. -es [iz] после - s, - ss, - sh, ch, - tch, - x, - ge, - dge: class – classes;

Если после шипящих или свистящих стоит немое-e, то прибавляется только -s: judge – judges.

3. У существительных c окончанием на -о, если ему предшествует согласная, добавляется -es: hero – heroes, если же перед ним стоит гласная или слово заимствовано, то добавляется -s: radio – radios, photo – photos.

4. Существительные на -y с предшествующей согласной образуют множественное число прибавлением -es, причем -yменяется на -i: city – cities.

Если перед -y стоит гласная, то прибавляется -s и -y не меняется: day – days.

5. Существительные, оканчивающиеся на

-f: half (половина) – halves; thief – thieves

-fe: wife – wives; knife – knives; life – lives

НО roof (крыша) – roofs; proof – proofs

6. Исключения:

man – men woman women child children foot feet tooth teeth sheep – sheep deer deer ox – oxen goose geese agendum agenda datum data criterion criteria phenomenon phenomena thesis theses hypothesis hypotheses basis bases minutia minutiae crisis crises counsel counsel series series headquarters headquarters means means index indices (indexes) appendix appendices (appendixes) analysis – analyses apparatus – apparatus (apparatuses) medium media


m 1. Употребите следующие существительные во множественном числе.

a) Agency, address, place, college, name, officer, village, child, detective, student, activity, lawyer, half, sportsman, country, boy, constable, judge, agendum, means, thief, thesis, phenomenon, criterion, basis;

b) this country, that young man, this new flat, that lawyer, that town, this problem, that green car, that yellow bus, this big problem.




Личные местоимения Притяжательные местоимения
  I я me меня, мне my mine мой, свой
  you ты you тебя, тебе your yours твой, свой
Ед.ч. he он him его, ему his his его, свой
  she она her ее, ей her hers ее, свой
  it оно it его, ее, ему, ей its its его, ее, свой
  we мы us нас, нам our ours наш, свои
Мн.ч. you вы you вас, вам your yours ваш, свой
  they они them их, им their theirs их, свой

My old friend – an old friend of mine.

That book of yours.

  Единственное число Множественное число  
  this это, этот, эта these эти  
  that то, тот, та those те  

this experienced judge – этот опытный судья

these experienced judges – эти опытные судьи

that experienced judge – тот опытный судья

those experienced judges – те опытные судьи

m 1. Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями I, he, she, it, we, you, they.

Example: Roger is with the Denver Police Department. – He is a police officer.

1. Mr. Bell is not married. ____ is single. 2. Jane studies at the university. ____ is a student. 3. Peter and his wife come from the USA. ____ live in New York. 4. My name is John. ____ am a lawyer. 5. I don't see that report. ____ was here on the table. 6. My friends and I like to spend our free time together. ____ have much in common (много общего).

m 2.Заполните пропуски местоимениями me, you, him, her, it, us, them.

1. I have a dog. I like ____. 2. I was very glad to see my sister. I haven't seen ____ for a long time. 3. This is my pen. Give it to ____, please. 4. Jim asked my friend and me to visit ____. 5. I have many good pictures at home. I like ____. 6. Look at this building. Look at ____. 7. I haven't seen my friends for a week. I am missing ____ badly (очень скучаю). 8. I was near the man when he asked ____ to help ____. 9. Is Mary at home? Can I speak to ____ , please? 10. I called them and they invited ____ to take part in the seminar.



лицо/ число Present Past Future
I am('m) have was had shall/will('ll) be shall/will have
you are('re) have were had will('ll) be will have
he is ('s) has was had will('ll) be will have
she is ('s) has was had will('ll) be will have
it is ('s) has was had will('ll) be will have
we are('re) have were had shall/will('ll) be shall/will have
you are('re) have were had will('ll) be will have
they are('re) have were had will('ll) be will have

+ I am a lawyer. He is a detective.

+ I was a lawyer. He was a detective.

+ I'll be a lawyer. He'll be a detective.

? Am I a lawyer? Is he a detective?

? Was I a lawyer? Was he a detective?

? Will I be a lawyer? Will he be a detective?

? What are you? Where is he?

– I am not a lawyer. He is not a detective.

– I was not a lawyer. He was not a detective.

– I won't be a lawyer. He will not be a detective.

ma) Поставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме настоящего времени.

b) Сделайте предложения вопросительными.

с) Сделайте предложения отрицательными.

1. They ... from France. 2. He ... a well-known specialist in criminal law. 3. Mr Crystal ... from Bristol. 4. We ... from Spain. 5. You ... tired. 6. She ... a law student. 7. John and Mary ... good students. 8. We ... also good students. 9. They ... friends. 10. Baltimore ... in the United States of America. 11. It ... a very difficult task.
12. Mr. West ... a teacher. 13. He ... very experienced. 14. We ... good friends.
15. Mr. More ... rather young.


Притяжательный падеж имен существительных обозначает принадлежность чего-либо или кого-либо кому-либо.

Mr. Brown's lawyer – юрист г-на Брауна

The Browns' lawyer – юрист Браунов

Одушевленные существительные (’S или ’)

Существительное в ед.ч.: +’S – the student’s textbook

Существительное вомн.ч.: +’ – the passengers’ luggage
Существительные во мн.ч., не оканчивающиеся на 's': +’S– the children’s bikes

Сложное существительное: +’S– my brother-in-law’s house

John and Jane’s car (общее владение)

John’s and Jane’s cars (раздельное владение)

Неодушевленные существительные (OF)

OF +Неодушевленное или абстрактное существительное

the windows of a house, the price of success

OF +притяжательный падеж / притяжательное местоимение

Look at that car of John’s!

A friend of his phoned me yesterday.

Примечание:1) место +’S – at the dentist’s; 2) выражение времени или расстояния +’S/ ’ – last year’s reports, two days’ work; 3)когда речь идет о месте или организации, возможны ’S или OF – London’s monuments / the monuments of London; 4) с длинными фразами OF – the sister of one of my friends.

m 1.a) Составьте предложения, используя притяжательный

падеж существительных.