Managed money - регулируемое денежное обращение

One’s money’s worth = full value for the money one has spent; We enjoyed the film so much that we felt we’d got our money’s worth.

Pocket money – (BrE) – allowance; AmE – money given weekly to a child by his\her parents

To pocket – to take money or something small for one’s own use, esp. dishonestly: He pocketed the money for the children.

Pocket-book – AmE – a woman’s handbag or purse.

Control your knowledge of new words MONEY


Money-coins stamped from metal (gold, copper, alloys), printed notes, given and accepted when buying and selling, etc.

Be coining/minting ~ be getting rich quickly

Be in the~ (sl) be rich

Make money – earn it

Marry ~ -marry a rich person

Pay ~down –pay in cash/not in credit

Invest ~ /put~ in an enterprise

Ready ~ - cash ~

~-box-closed-box into which coins are dropped through a slit, used for savings or for collecting contributions (to charities)

~-lender – one whose business is to lend ~ at interest

The ~ market – the body of bankers, financiers, etc. whose operations decide the rates of interest on borrowed capital-рынок краткосрочного ссудного капитала

~ supply-количество денег в обращении

Advance ~

Bargain ~

In ~ terms=in current prices

Managed ~ регулируемое денежное обращение



Text 3. MONEY



Money has various uses in the modern world: it is a measure of the value of goods and services, a means of exchanging such goods and services and a way to store up buying (purchasing) power so that one can use it later. As a measure of value, it is of very greatest use. If I work in an office, how can my employer know what to pay me for my services if there is no generally recognized measure of value? He may decide to pay me a certain number of loaves of bread each week, but then I shall have to exchange some of these loaves for other things that I need: and how am I to know how many loaves of bread I should give for a pair of shoes or for the rent of my house, for example? Money gives us a very useful means of measuring such relative values.


Money is also of very great use as a means of exchange of goods and services. If, for example, I am a shoe-maker, it will not be at all convenient to me always to have to exchange the shoes I make for other goods or services. A doctor may want to buy a pair of shoes from me, for example, but I may not need medical care, so he will then have to find something else that I want, or look for another shoe-maker who needs him. Without money the tax-collector would come back to his office with an extraordinary collection of objects.


Considered as a means of storing up buying (purchasing) power, money has good and bad points. It can more easily be kept a long time than such things as food, which rots, or buildings, which slowly fall to pieces, or machines, which rust. It takes up very little space, and if you put it in a bank, it is as safe as anything in the world can be.


But modern money has some very serious disadvantages as means of storing up buying power. In the old days, when money was in the form of gold and silver coins, the metal in each was really worth the amount stamped on the coin. But the paper in modern paper money and even the metal in most modern coins are worth very much less than the amount written on them. As a result, the buying power of modern money can change very greatly in a short time.

….It is not surprising, therefore, that some people are doubtful about the wisdom of saving money. [Hilll.A., Fielden R.D. Further Comprehension and Prices Pieces for Overseas Students. P.83].

Task 1. Answer the questions:

What are the main uses of money?

What can you say about modern money and its disadvantages?

Why is saving money sometimes necessary?

What is the meaning of money to you?


Task 2. Now read and translate the talking about money and possessions.


Is how much you earn important for your job satisfaction?

What the average wage in your country?

If you had a lot of money, what would you do?

If you had to leave your home in an emergency, what would you try to take with you?

Would you ever lend money or borrow money from someone?

How many jobs do most workers have in your country?


Task 3. Match these comments with the questions above.


The average wage is equivalent of one hundred to one hundred and fifty dollars a month.

I’d travel – well, first I’d buy my house, a normal one, not an expensive one. And I don’t know about a car because I don’t know how to drive, so I’d think about that, and travel a lot. And then I help my family and my friends.

Especially now, one job isn’t enough. To survive, you have to do two jobs. Right now I’m working with computers and I’m driving; if I’m not driving, I’m helping my sons with the computers.

My brother, my personal papers, my passport, my qualification papers to allow me to work somewhere else.

Most people like to have a good wage, but also the satisfaction of knowing that you’re helping whatever company or whoever you’re working for, if you are a good worker.

Whenever we need some money, or we are short of money, we just ask our family or friends we work with in the office, and we’re willing to help each other that way. We know that when we get paid, we can return the money and we just think of it as normal, and other people just do the same thing too. But I have some foreign friends here and sometimes when they need money and I offer to lend them money, they’re really reluctant to accept that. They aren’t used to borrowing money from other people, but it’s something very common and normal in Vietnam.

I have a vision of helping other people, particularly children who are in school who need education. I think that would be my first priority.