Topic №2

Almaty, 2013.


The Methodical recommendations for student’s independent worksiscompiled by MD Kaliyeva L.K., is discussed and approved at the meeting of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology№ 2.

Protocol №______, «_____»___________________2013.


Head of the department. Obstetrics and Gynecology № 2,

MD Kaliyeva LK



Topic №1

1. The title:Review of the medical history of pregnant suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis.

2. The purpose of presentation:Formation of students’ knowledge on the management of pregnant women with severe tuberculosis

3. The problems are:

· To make a presentation

4. The form of the work:

· Presentation

5. The performance criterias of the work:

· writing style should be simple

· The student must abide by a single style, cool background, non-contrast texture, on one slide to use no more than 3-4 colors, the use of computer animation, the content should be short, clear.

The time of work delivery

· The last day of the course

The evaluation criteria of independent work of the student


· 90-100 score of "excellent" -the student has shown a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of the material topics accurately and creatively fulfilled the task to meet a delivery structure presentation. The main points of clear and specific themes reflected by 10-15 slides, highlighting the most important information, with reference to the literature over the past 5 years. Illustrations of good quality (high resolution), with a clear image.

· 75-89 points "good" -the student fulfilled the assignment subject to presentation of the layout structure, and the unprincipled made ​​mistakes in the presentation;

· 50-74 points "satisfactory" -the student finished the task very briefly or with large amounts of text on a slide, illustrations of satisfactory quality;

· 49 points or less "unsatisfactory" -introduced the presentation does not meet the requirements.

8. Literature:

1. Туберкулез и беременность. Методические рекомендации. Калиева Л.К.… Алматы, 2010г.- с.

9. Form of control:Show of the presentation.

Topic №2

1. The title:Review of the case of viral pneumonia in pregnant.

2. The purpose of presentation:Formation of students’ knowledge on the management of pregnant women with viral pneumonia

3. The problems are:

· To make a presentation

4. The form of the work:

· Presentation

5. The performance criterias of the work:

· writing style should be simple

· The student must abide by a single style, cool background, non-contrast texture, on one slide to use no more than 3-4 colors, the use of computer animation, the content should be short, clear.