Discussion questions

1. Should Yedo continue to position itself as an up-market store selling exclusive products?

2. Should Yedo try to appeal more to older or younger people? What products and services should it offer to appeal to these target customers?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of renting parts of the store to other businesses? Should Yedo be doing this?

4. Should Yedo expand overseas, with more stores abroad? If so, what countries would be suitable for overseas expansion?

5. Should Yedo use the Internet? If so, how can it use the Internet effectively?

6. How can Yedo compete against the convenience stores?

7. How do you see the Yedo Department Store group developing in the future?


You are members of the marketing agency, TWCB. An informal meeting has been arranged to discuss ways of maintaining and increasing Yedo’s profitability. Yedo’s Ceo has prepared some discussion questions for you to consider. Hold the meeting and note down your best ideas, which will be incorporated into a report.



Active word-list. Read the words and word combinations and learn them.

bulky adj крупногабаритный, громоздкий

a cash-and-carry warehouse n склад самовывоза, склад для отпуска товара за наличный расчет

collect v забирать (о товаре)

compete v конкурировать

competitorn конкурент

competition n конкуренция

direct selling n торговля без посредников

finished goods n готовые изделия, готовая продукция

increase v повышать, увеличивать(ся), возрастать

increase n повышение, увеличение, возрастание

loss n потеря, убыток

monopolyn монополия

perishable adj скоропортящийся

supply n поставка, снабжение

to increase trade расширять свой рынок

the supply of goodsпоставка товара

to make a loss понести убытки

to lose trade терять свою долю рынка

to supply smb. with smth. поставлять, снабжать кого-л. чем-л.


Key words

Competitor Player Key player Competitive Competitive advantage Competitive edge Competition Monopoly Competitors are organizations selling products or services in the same market and they can also be the products or services themselves. Competitors compete with each other. The related adjective is competitive: commentators talk about the things that give one company or product its competitive advantageor competitive edge over others. Competitors in a market are players and the most important ones are key players. Competition is characterised in many ways. Companies without competitors aremonopolies.