Answer the following questions.

1) Who wins the court case? Why?

2) How will banks feel if they lose the court case and have to repay billions of dollars of charges?

3) What do you think of banks charging $80 fines for things that cost them $4?

4) Do banks use charges to boost their profits?

5) Do you think bank charges are too high?

6) What good or bad experiences do you have with banks?

7) Do bank charges reflect the costs incurred by the banks?

8) What aspect about banks in your country would you like to change?

9) How would you describe the service you receive from banks?

10) What adjectives would you use to describe banks?

11) Have you ever gone into the red?

12) Have you ever written a cheque that bounced?

13) Should people question and challenge the claims made in adverts more often?

14) What do you think of the claims that banks lie to and mislead customers about bank charges?

15) Have you ever vote with your feet?


Match the following synonyms from the text.

1) authorized 2) watchdog 3) to determine 4) once and for all 5) in the red 6) fine 7) computerized 8) to boost 9) false 10)to deter   a) inspector b) to discourage c) overdrawn d) penalty e) incorrect f) automated g) finally h) to decide i) approved j) to strengthen

Match the following phrases from the text (sometimes more than one combination is possible).

1) British banks have been placed 2) customers who go over 3) to launch a court 4) to determine whether or 5) to settle the issue once 6) to go in 7) rarely involves human 8) the courts rule 9) penalty charges dating 10) vote with your feet and   a) case against the banks b) back over six years c) and for all in court d) the red e) under the microscope f) against the banks g) not they are unfair h) show the banks who is boss i) their authorized overdraft limits j) decision-making

Write down different words you associate with banks. Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the words into different categories.

In pairs or groups talk about your thoughts on these financial services. Rank them in order of which you think are best.

§ banks § credit card companies § loan companies § insurance companies   § investment companies § stock markets § investment bankers  

In pairs discuss these headlines. Try to guess what the stories are behind them and share your opinions.

1) Banks to start charging $50 a month to have an account.

2) Banks guarantee five percent return on all accounts.

3) The last bank branch closes – all online from now.

4) More cashiers - No more waiting in banks.

5) Bank charges declared illegal.

6) Banks must return all charges made over the past six years.

7) Personalized banking - Banks return to making home visits.

8) All banks taken over by governments.