Упражнение 4

Подобрать предложения из раздела A, корреспондируемые предложениями из раздела B. В пояснениях по каждой паре указать использованное время залог.


1. She's been away on business since last week.

2. Metal expand when heated.

3. The loop returns to the boiler for reheating.

4. A heat exchanger is for exchanging heat.

5. Water is heated by gas burners.

6. A grass box is used to store the clippings.

7. Respirators should be worn in dusty conditions.

8. The discovery of the electron was followed by investigation of its properties.

9. This building will be completed very soon.

10. Plastics can lie softened and moulded into useful articles.


a. I haven'tseen him for several years.

b. The Central Hunk raised / lowered interest rates by a quarter of one percent (0,25%).

c. The impeller is rotated to achieve airflow.

d. Safety helmets should be used where there is a danger of falling objects.

e. The rate of the reactions was influenced by many factors.

f. The experiments will be completed by the end of the week

g. Gold water from the radiators returns to the boiler.

h. Plastics can be moulded into plates, car components, and medical aids.

i. A hover mower is for cutting grass.

j. The hot water is pumped through a diverter value.


Упражнение 5.

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сказуемые с модальным глаголом или с эквивалентом модального глагола.


1. This effect must have caused some change in the atomic structure.

2. He can continue his studies at the evening faculty.

3. You should try to find out all the essential facts connected with his experiments.

4. I couldn’t find the explanations of this fact anywhere.

5. Nobody was able to understand this mysterious phenomenon.


Упражнение 6.

Выберите правильный вариант и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. If we _____ a taxi we can save a lot of time.

A will take

B take

C took

2. If you _____ the letter a couple of days earlier he would have got it by his birthday

A posted

B have posted

C had posted

3. The meeting is going to_____ next Tuesday.

A take on

B take place

C take part

4. ______ something strange in this situation.

A there is

B it is

C this is

5. I would like you to let me _____ the project myself.

A to finish

B finishing

C finish


Английский язык

Составители : Поммерс Маргарита Яновна, Ковальчук Наталья Николаевна

Корректор кафедры:

Редактор издательства


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