Compose the proverb В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше

Compose the sentence in right order

1. where

2. did

3. he

4. live

5. last

6. year?


Compose the disjunctive question in right order

1. they

2. like

3. tea

4. don't

5. they?


6. Build up an affirmative sentence in Present Continuous Tense from the words below:

1. The students

2. Are

3. Writing

4. The grammar

5. Test


7. Build up a negative sentence in Present Continuous Tense from the words below:

1. Mary

2. Is

3. Not

4. Cooking

5. Supper


8. Build up an affirmative sentence in Present Perfect Tense from the words below:

1. My cat

2. Has caught

3. A

4. Mouse


9. Build up a negative sentence in Present Perfect Tense from the words below:

1. The students

2. Have

3. Not

4. Forgotten

5. The rules


10. Build up an interrogative sentence in Present Perfect Tense from the words below:

1. Has

2. The manager

3. Made

4. A number of

5. Important

6. Remarks


11. Build up an affirmative sentence in Past Simple Tense from the words below:

1. The thief

2. Stole

3. A ring

4. From

5. A woman


12. Build up a negative sentence in Past Simple Tense from the words below:

1. They did

2. Not

3. Open

4. A new

5. Shop

6. In our street


13. Build up an interrogative sentence in Past Simple Tense from the words below:

1. Did

2. The teacher

3. Offer

4. His

5. Help


14. Build up an affirmative sentence in Past Continuous Tense from the words below:

1. The children

2. Were

3. Taking

4. Pictures of

5. A flying

6. Object


15. Build up a negative sentence in Past Continuous Tense from the words below:

1. The manager

2. Was

3. Not

4. Instructing

5. His

6. Assistants


16. Build up an interrogative sentence in Past Continuous Tense from the words below:

1. Was

2. Anyone

3. Following

4. John

5. All the way


17. Build up an affirmative sentence in Past Perfect Tense from the words below:

1. Mother

2. Had

3. Laid

4. The table

5. By the time

6. The guests arrived


18. Build up an affirmative sentence in Future Simple Tense from the words below:

1. We

2. Will

3. Take

4. Our guests

5. To the picture gallery

6. On Sunday


19. Build up a negative sentence in Future Simple Tense from the words below:

1. We

2. Will

3. Not

4. Do

5. The work

6. In the evening


20. Build up an interrogative sentence in Future Simple Tense from the words below:

1. Will

2. You

3. Meet

4. Me

5. At

6. The station


21. Build up an affirmative sentence in Future Continuous Tense from the words below:

1. We

2. Will

3. Be

4. Translating

5. The articles

6. At this time

7. Tomorrow


22. Build up a negative sentence in Future Continuous Tense from the words below:

1. Probably

2. I

3. Will

4. Not

5. Be

6. Visiting

7. My friend

8. At this time


23. Build up an affirmative sentence in Future Perfect Tense from the words below:

1. They

2. Will

3. Have

4. Sold

5. A hundred

6. Tickets

7. By 10 o’clock

8. Tomorrow


24. Build up a negative sentence in Future Perfect Tense from the words below:

1. He

2. Will

3. Not

4. Have

5. Done

6. His

7. Lessons

8. by 5 o’clock


25. Build up an interrogative sentence in Future Perfect Tense from the words below:

1. Will

2. He

3. Have

4. Asked


Compose the sentence in right order

1. He

2. Must

3. Go

4. Home


Compose the sentence in right order

1. She

2. Should

3. See

4. A doctor


Compose the sentence in right order

1. They

2. Need

3. Help



Compose the sentence in right order

1. She

2. Can’t

3. Go

4. To

5. The

6. Cinema

7. Today


Compose the sentence in right order

1. You

2. May

3. Not

4. Go


Compose the sentence in right order

1. She

2. Should

3. See

4. A doctor



Compose the sentence in right order

1. May

2. Be

3. They

4. Go

5. The

6. Theatre

7. Today


Compose the sentence in right order

1. He

2. Oughtn’t

3. To

4. Miss

5. Lessons


Compose the sentence in right order

1. I

2. Can’t

3. Play

4. The

5. Piano



Compose the sentence in right order

1. You

2. Must

3. Be

4. In

5. Time


Compose the sentence in right order

1. They

2. Must

3. Not

4. Smoke

5. Here


Compose the sentence in right order in Passive Voice

1. Many

2. Books

3. Are

4. Published

5. In

6. Kazakhstan

7. Every

8. Year


Compose the sentence in right order in Passive Voice

1. The

2. Letter

3. Was

4. Written

5. Yesterday


Compose the sentence in right order in Passive Voice

1. These

2. Houses

3. Were

4. Built

5. 20 years

6. Ago


Compose the sentence in right order in Passive Voice

1. The

2. Theatre

3. Will

4. Be

5. Built

6. Next

7. Year


Compose the sentence in right order in Passive Voice

1. This

2. Food

3. Was

4. Made

5. In

6. China


Compose the proverb В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше

1. There

2. Is

3. No

4. Place

5. Like

6. Home


43. Order the following:

1. I was

2. Tired

3. But

4. I

5. Couldn’t

6. Sleep


44. Order the following:

1. Jim

2. Can’t

3. Go

4. To the concert

5. Next Saturday