D. where they don’t work such long hours

399. Nobody told me why ______

A. did I have to sign the paper? B. I had to sign the paper?

C. didn’t I have the paper signed. D. I had to sign the paper.

400. I’m surprised at ______

A. how fast can she run? B. how fast can she run.

C. how fast she can run. D. can she run fast at all?

401. Concepts of modem nursing were founded by Florence Nightingale, an

English nurse ______ to the care of the sick and the war-wounded.

A. which dedicated her life B. which life was dedicated

C. whose life was dedicated D. that life was dedicated

402. I have had many teachers ______ I have admired greatly.

A. whose B. whom C. which D. what

403. It is not surprising that the person ______ influenced my life the most was a teacher.

A. who B. which C. — D. whose

404. Few visitors to Disney World in Florida know that much of its electrical power comes from the energy ______ by burning its own garbage.

A. that produces B. what is produce

C. which it is produced D. it produces

405. Tulips, ______ into Holland in 1554, were quickly and highly valued, and by the 1630s they became the objects of wild financial speculation in Europe.

A. which introduced B. that they were introduced

C. which introduced them D. introduced

406. Cork, the second largest city in Ireland, is the site of many industries, ______ automobile manufacturing and whiskey distilling.

A. two of whom are B. which two are

C. two of which are D. two of that are

407. Because of the success ______ I had in this class, I became more confident and at ease.

A. — B. whose C. what D. whom

408. ______ we need is a big fridge.

A. That B. Who C. Whom D. What

409. Martin’s garage, ______ the car had been taken to, was not far away.

A. what B. who C. whom D. where

410. The Olympic Games, ______ in 776 B.C., did not include women participants until 1912.

A. who first played B. first played

C. that they were first played D. they were first played

411. They gave me ______ I asked for.

A. that B. what C. which D. when

412. There’s the man ______ took your coat.

A. which B. who C. — D. whom

413. It’s certain to be a good game, ______ wins.

A. whichever B. whatever C. however D. whoever

414. The people in Canada were very friendly ______ we went.

A. whatever B. however C. wherever D. when

415. The dentist had to pull out two of my teeth, ______ was a real pity.

A. that B. what C. which D. —

416. I’ll give you my address and phone number but I need something ______.

A. I can write B. that I can write

C. I can write on D. what I can write on

417. She is lucky, ______ much she eats, she never gets fat.

A. whatever B. however C. whoever D. whenever

418. I liked ______ you said at the meeting very much.

A. which B. what C. that D. than

419. Where is the book ______ I bought this morning?

A. whose B. what C. that D. whom

420. ______ caused the accident, nobody knows.

A. Which B. What C. That D. Whichever

421. ______ I’d like most is a home computer.

A. That B. Which C. What D. Who

422. Sergeant Brown, ______ was very polite.

A. whom I showed my license, B. which I showed my license to

C. to what I showed my license D. who to I showed my license

423. Where is the man ______ I saw this morning?

A. who B. this C. whose D. which

424. There is the driver ______ overtook us five minutes ago.

A. whom B. whose C. which D. who

425. He is a man ______ falls a heavy responsibility.

A. on his shoulders B. who C. whose shoulders D. on whom

426. What ______

A. effect does the speed of telling the joke have on its success or failure.

B. does the speed of telling the joke effect have on its success or failure.

C. effect does the speed of telling the joke have on its success or failure?

D. does the speed of telling the joke effect have on its success or failure?

427. Why ______

A. you laughed at the last joke that you heard.

B. did you laugh at the last joke that you heard.

C. did you laugh at the last joke that you heard?

D. you laughed at the last joke that you heard?

428. ______ they live in?

A. Who’s house do you say B. Whose house you say

C. Whose house do D. Who’s house do

429. ______ you wanted for your birthday?

A. Which did you say B. Whose did you say

C. What did you say D. What you said

430. What ______

A. the factors are that make a joke funny to someone?

B. are the factors that make a joke funny to someone.