Exercise 27. Read the article and retell it


This is a reproduction of a picture by the well-known Dutch painter Van Gogh. We see an empty room. There is little furniture in it. The furniture is simple and modest.

On the right there is a wooden bed. In the background there is a small dressing-table near the window. On the left there is a door. There is another door on the other side of the room. On the walls there are some paintings and drawings — a few portraits and a landscape. To the left of the window there is a square mirror. There are some clothes on the right. There is a chair between the table and the bed and another chair near the door. There is no carpet on the floor and there are no curtains on the window.

Colour is the main expressive element here. Thanks to colour perspective in combination with linear perspective there is an impression of space. The colours are bright. There are no shadows; the image is flat like in Japanese prints. Thanks to such colour treatment there is an atmosphere of rest. The walls are light violet. The floor is of red squares. The bed and the chairs are bright yellow like fresh butter. The bed-sheets and the pillows are lemon-green. The blanket is scarlet.

Exercise 28. Translate into English.

  1. В этой коробке несколько карандашей.
  2. Карандаши в коробке.
  3. В аудитории двенадцать стульев.
  4. Сколько студентов в вашей группе?
  5. У тебя в контрольной много ошибок?
  6. В фильме нет диалога.
  7. В вашем городе есть киностудия?
  8. В этом журнале много интересных статей, правда?
  9. В лесу много снега.
  10. У нас в группе мало девушек.
  11. В мире много прекрасных стран и городов.
  12. В сегодняшней газете мало интересных новостей.
  13. В этом кинотеатре всегда много зрителей. Он очень популярен.
  14. На стене висят два натюрморта, но нет ни одного портрета.




  1. to have/have got - иметь, обладать чем-то


Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
  We’ve got a big house. He’s got two tickets. Haveyou got a big house? Has he got two tickets?   We haven’t got a big house. He hasn’t got two tickets.  
  I have dinner at seven o’clock. She always has a good time in summer.   Do you have dinner at seven o’clock? Does she always have a good time in summer?   I don’t have dinner at seven o’clock. She doesn’t always have a good time in summer.


  1. have в ряде устойчивых словосочетаний

to have breakfast /lunch/ dinner/ tea/ supper – завтракать /обедать/ пить чай/ ужинать

to have a snack – перекусить

to have a talk – поговорить

to have a bath / a shower – принимать ванну / душ

to have a seat – садиться

to have a walk – прогуляться

to have fun / a good time – хорошо проводить время, веселиться

to have a rest – отдохнуть

to have a journey – путешествовать

to have a class – быть на занятии

to have a lecture – быть на лекции

to have a holiday – быть в отпуске

to have holidays – быть на каникулах

to have a look (at) – взглянуть (на)

to have a cold – простудиться