Запишите форму множественного числа следующих существитель-

Контрольная работа №1


Задания для самостоятельной работы.

1. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо.

1. This is ____ nice city. 2. ____ pen is red, and ____ pencil

is black. 3. Please, give Bess ____ pen and ____ pencil. 4. Volgograd

is ____ big city. 5. Please, send Jane ____ text. 6. This is his ____

flat. 7. Please give me ____ black pencil. 8. This is ____ text. Read

____ text! 9. This is ____ cap. ____ cap is black. 10. This is ____

match. It is ____ thin match. 11. This is ____ fine film. 12. Please,

give me ____ pen, Kate. 13. Please, take that pencil, Jane. Give me

____ pencil. It is ____ bad pencil. 14. This is a room. It is ____ good



Заполните пропуски артиклями, обращая внимание на значения существительных.

1. ____ Volga is ____ longest river in ____ European part of

____ Russia. 2. My brother is ____ pupil of ____ 8-th form and he

wants to become ____ doctor. 3. ____ chemistry is his favourite

subject at _____ school. 4. ____ children like ____ ice-cream. 5.

____ butter and ____ cheese are made of ____ milk. 6. Which

____ fruit do you like: ____ apples or ____ oranges? 7. I go to

____ bed at 12 o’clock at night. 8. I get up at 7 o’clock in ____



3.Употребите нужную форму личных местоимений:

1) I often see (they, them) in the bus.

2) She lives near (we, us).

3) (We, us) always walk to office together.

4) He teaches (we, us) English.

5) I often see (them, they) at the Institute.

6) She wants to talk with (he, him)

7) What is the matter with (he, him) today?

8) He explained this rule to (we, us) yesterday.

9) There are some letters here for you and (I, me).

10) I know (she, her) and her sister very well.

Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями в объектном

Падеже .

1. I see a student, I see ____. 2. I like the picture, I like ____. 3.

I know the girl, I know ____. 4. Jim can play tennis, he can play

____. 5. Give me these books, give me _____. 6. Ask your teacher

about it, ask _____. 7. This task was given to you and me, it was given

to ____.


5. Замените личные местоимения, данные в скобках, соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями:

1) I have some notebooks and pens in (I) bag.

2) (He) composition is very interesting.

3) Is this (you) child? Yes, it is (we) child.

4) I saw (you) brother in the café.

5) (We) table is in front of the window.

6) (They) knowledge of English is very good.

7) (She) friends often visit her.


6. Употребите нужную форму притяжательных местоимений:

1) You take care of (your, yours) things and I’ll take care of (my, mine).

2) Their, theirs) boat was faster than (our, ours).

3)Their, theirs) home is good but (our, ours) is better.

4)She likes (her, hers) work.


Перефразируйте предложения, используя притяжатель-

Ные местоимения или абсолютную форму притяжательных место-

Имений (my — mine, her — hers, etc.).

1. This book belongs to me. 2. Does this watch belong to you? 3.

Will this new flat belong to them? 4. This umbrella doesn’t belong to

me. 5. These books belong to us. 6. Do these things belong to him or to


Используйте абсолютную форму притяжательных мес-

Тоимений, данных в скобках.

1. His composition is much more interesting than (your) or

(my). 2. It was through no fault of (her). 3. You can do without my

help but not without (their). 4. This radio-set of (his) is always out of

order. — But so is (your)! 5. The books on the table are (our). 6. The

pleasure was all (my).

Поставьте вместо пропусков неопределенные местоиме-

Ния some или any.

1. Do you know ____ of these girls? 2. There are ____ foreign

visitors in the palace. 3. ____ of my friends live in this house. 4. We

haven’t ____ time. 5. Do you like ____ of these animals? 6. Yes, I

like ____ of them. 7. No, I do not like ____ of them. 8. Give me

____ water. 9. We don’t see ____ flowers here. 10. What fruit do you

want to buy? — ____ fruit that is good for small children. 11. If I

have ____ free time, I shall go with you to the cinema.

Запишите форму множественного числа следующих существитель-


carpet, glass, photo, box, lady, wife, valley, thief, man, woman,

child, foot, tooth, life, tomato, sheep, deer, information, fish, coat.



11. Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных.

1)bag, dog, bird, verb, spoon, room, ring, thing, apple, song .

2)tree, pie, , lady, teacher, letter, play, city, toy, berry, table.

3)cake, fork, map, lamp, hat, clock, coat, skirt, plant.

4)shelf, leaf, knife.

5)bus, class, dress, piece, horse, house, fox, match,

6)bench, brush, bridge, cottage, bush, nose, rose, blouse.


12.Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе.

1) This is a book. 2) That is a table. 3) This pencil is red. 4) That is a green apple.

5) This is our office. 6) That work is difficult.


13. Замените существительные с предлогом of существительными в притяжательном падеже:

1) the title of the book 2) the toys of my children 3) the hobby of my wife 4) the handbags of these women 5) the life of animals 6) the voice of this girl 7) the letter of Peter 8) the questions of my child 9) the newspaper of last Saturday 10) the photo of her boyfriend 11) the economy of the country.


14.Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык, употребляя притяжательный падеж.

1)письмо моего друга, 2) рассказы этого писателя, 3) библиотека института, 4) дочь моей младшей сестры, 5) стены этого старого дома.