Додаткові тексти для реферування 2 страница

5. The world’s first ______ laser had a dark-red beam. 6. Laser energy may be transformed practically without ______ into many familiar forms of energy. 7. But discovery of the laser signifies something greater than simply ______ a new kind of energy.   Завдання 5. Дайте вірні визначення наступним словам.
1. beam a) something in which all objects exist and move;
2. mechanics b) ray or stream of light;
3. laser c) a science of motion and force;
4. law d)a device for generating ,amplifying light waves into an intense beam;
5. space e) factual statement of what always happens in certain circumstances.


Завдання 6. Визначте, які речення відповідають змісту тексту, а які ні.

Завдання 4. Дайте українські еквіваленти наступним словосполученням: electronic phenomena flow of electrons electron tube glass vacuum tube physical electronics industrial electronics electronic device integrated circuit household appliances artificial intelligence.   Завдання 5. Знайдіть у тексті англійські еквіваленти наступним словосполученням: властивості електронів різні види енергії галузі електронної технології електронні процеси застосування електронних приладів винайдення електронного приладу

of the productive forces. Vocabulary notes 1. of the order of – порядку 2. to master – оволодівати 3. implements of labor – знаряддя праці 4. to have in common – мати щось спільне 5. flux of energy – потік енергії 6. highly pointed – з надзвичайно гострим кінцем   Завдання2. Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту. 1. What is a laser? 2. Where does the word ‘’laser’’ come from? 3. What laws govern the functioning of laser? 4. What is the quantity of laser energy determined by? 5. What makes the laser a very fine instrument? 6. Where does the laser find a wide application? 7. What types of lasers can we speak of?   Завдання 3. Перекладіть англійською мовою наступні слова та словосполучення, користуючись змістом тексту. Цілком може стати, немає сумніву, найближче майбутнє, електронний прилад, звичайне світло, закони квантової механіки, якість, лазерний промінь, ентропія, визначати, отримувати, вузький інтервал, людство, знаряддя виробництва, виробничі сили, коливатися, напівпровідник,рідина, відкриття.   Завдання 4. Заповніть пропуски, користуючись змістом
застосування електричної енергії різні промислові потреби обробка інформації переваги електронних приладів.   Завдання 6. Виберіть до наданих слів а) синоніми
transformation main
various many-sidedness
basic quick
many to carry out
versatility advance
rapid changing
to ensure a lot of
progress to guarantee
to perform different

б) антоніми

difficult past
various easy
present smaller

With ordinary light all the light waves are of different lengths. With lasers all the light waves are of the same length, and this increases the intensity. The functioning of lasers is governed by the laws of quantum mechanics. The laser is a device in which energy (thermal, chemical or electric) is transformed into electromagnetic radiation energy, a laser beam with maximally low entropy. The quality of laser energy is determined by the possibility of its high concentration both in space and in time. The laser beam is first compressed in time, i.e. transformed into a short pulse. Then it may be compressed in space focusing it to a fine point with a diameter of the order of alight wave length, thus obtaining energy density which, to date, evens that of a nuclear explosion. Laser energy can also be concentrated within a very narrow spectrum interval. This makes the laser a very fine instrument. The world’s fist ruby laser had a dark- red beam. Other lasers were then produced, whose beam oscillated in crystals of a different composition, in semiconductors, gases, and liquids. And the beams were blue, green or invisible – infrared. What they have in common is that the beam is always space- bound and carries a highly pointed and power flux of energy. Laser energy may be transformed practically without loss into many familiar forms of energy. As each of new kinds of energy was mastered, mankind gained new possibilities for its development. But discovery of the laser signifies something greater than simply mastering a new kind of energy. Wide laser application in production signifies a revolution in the implements of labor – the most flexible and mobile element
dynamic to reduce
to enlarge static
greater similar



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It is a matter of common knowledge nowadays that the principal direction of the present-day scientific and technological progress consists in the revolution of mechanized forms of work through the automation of production.

Quite recently, only some decades ago, even the words "automation", "automatic control" seldom appeared on the pages of the press or scientific publications. In the early forties the position radically changed. Soon automatic control was recognized throughout the world to be a new, progressive, independent branch of science and engineering. Today one cannot imagine technical progress without automation.

Automation may be defined as "the accomplishment of a job by an integrated mechanism with a minimum assistance of any kind". In fact, automation is the integration of four independent compounds which have been linked together into a single process. These integral parts of automation are: transfer machining, automatic assembly, communication engineering and control engineering.

Emphasis should be made that automation is not a mere extention of mechanization, but a qualitatively new step in technological development. It brought about

5.heaviest, and its atom is the last in the table of atoms that exist naturally. 6. Our knowledge of the internal ______ of the atom is a 20th century achievement. Завдання 7. Складіть словосполучення з запропонованих частин.
1. atomic a )use
2. peaceful b) energy
3. Russian c) molecule
4. protein d )scientist
5. tremendous e) philosophers
6. Greek f) advances
7. Various g) experiments



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The next century may well become the century of lasers. This miracle-making beam is the symbol of 20th century technology. There is no doubt that the use of lasers will be very widespread in the nearest future. Quite possibly, it will be as widely used as electronic devices are today.

What is laser? It is a device for making and concentrating light waves into a very intense beam. The letters LASER stand for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The light made by a laser is much more intense than ordinary light.
radical changes in the technological nature of the relationship between man and machine. In mechanization the function of the direct effect on the object of labour was transferred to the working mechanism. Here, man remained the principal agent of the technological process. He retained the functions of control, regulation, maintaining machines and direct intervention in production process. With the advent of automation these functions were transferred to the mechanical device'. The automation of production enables man to operate machines with the help of other machines. Now machines discharge not only production but also intellectual, and in some cases even physiological functions. Our country has many thousands of comprehensively mechanized and automated enterprises and workshops. The mechanized and automated production lines replace or lighten the work of a tremendous number of workers. All the hydro-power plants in the country have been completely automated. Annually hundreds of automated control systems go into operation at industrial, agricultural, communication, trade and transport enterprises and organizations. Modern means of automation make it possible to link up in a single complex the whole technological chain: machine designing, equipment and rigging, control of a technological process, control of the whole enterprise. This has been made possible due to the extensive development and mass production of new types of computer technology, from large computers to microprocessors. Needless to say, comprehensive automation calls for material inputs and time. But the economic effect from the release of "living labour", the intensification of production, the higher quality of output and more flexible technology make up for the inputs, while, on the social plane, it gives opportunities for creative work by both the makers of this technology and its users.

2.affected by______. 3. In the not too distant future, when the atom, the Sun, the heat of the Earth become the main sources of energy, the great quantities of coal, oil, gas and wood, which are extracted and burned every year, will be used to______. 4. Today we are witnessing the development of a new scientific and technical branch - ______. 5. The chemists-researchers have already succeeded in determining______.   Завдання 5. А) Доберіть синоніми до поданих слів, користуючись змістом тексту: enormous, significant, large, different, to behavior, to arrange, forceful; В) Доберіть до поданих слів слова протилежні за значенням, користуючись змістом тексту: outdated, simple, decompose, weak, external, light, many, violent.   Завдання 6. Заповніть пропуски, користуючись змістом тексту. 1. In recent years tremendous advances have been made in the development of various ______ of physics. 2. The most remarkable researchers of the 20th century have substantiated two ideas about ______of the matter. 3. The modern______ is convinced of the existence of molecules and atoms. 4. Molecules all vary in size, ______ upon the number and size of the atoms which compose them. Uranium, the ore used for ______ energy production, is the
Thus, now the main trend in automation is developing not merely automatic machines, but entire technological processes and systems whose functioning excludes the direct involvement of men. Such automated systems, called flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) are regarded by many experts as being the best way to meet the demands of industry. They consider theFMS to be the future of the automated factory, or at least the minimally manned factory. The application of FMS requires advanced technical know-how.   Завдання 2. Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту. 1. What is the principal direction of the present-day scientific and technological progress? 2. Can one imagine technical progress today without automation? 3. What is automation? 4. Did the word “automatic control” appear recently or long ago? 5. What is the difference between mechanization and automation? 6. What are the integral parts of automation? 7. What does modern automation mean? 8. What is the basis of automation? 9. What is the economic effect of automation?   Завдання 3. Знайдіть у тексті еквіваленти наступним українським словосполученням: задовольнити потреби промисловості автоматичне складання

2. What is the role of chemistry in the life of contemporary society? 3. Why is chemistry an extremely useful science? 4. What is the impact of modern chemistry on production? 5. In what branches of industry is chemistry useful? 6. What new scientific and technical branches of chemistry have appeared? 7. What are the tendencies of modern chemistry?   Завдання 3.Перекладіть українською та англійською мовою наступні словосполучення, користуючись текстом А) 1. transformation of matter; 2. the growth of output; 3. an extremely useful thing; 4. national defence; 5. bioorganic compound; B) 1. молода наука; 2. досягнення хімії; 3. вдосконалювати якість; 4. змінити спадкові риси; 5. необмежні джерела;   Завдання 4. Доповніть речення, користуючись змістом тексту. 1. A great number of facts which are still useful in modern chemistry were discovered in ______. There are such sciences as biochemistry, molecular biology, geochemistry, astrochemistry which have been considerably
техніка зв’язку техніка управління технологічний розвиток експлуатація машин всебічна автоматизація інтенсифікація виробництва головна тенденція в автоматизації пряме втручання людей   Завдання 4. Визначте, яке слово пропущене в наступних реченнях. 1. In mechanization man remained the _____ agent of the technological process. 2. Man performed the function of control and direct _____ in production process. 3. Our country has many comprehensively automated _____ and workshops. 4. All the hydro-power _____ in the country have been completely automated. 5. Modern means of automation make possible to link up in a single _____ the whole technological chain. 6. Comprehensive automation calls for _____ inputs and time. 7. The application of FMS requires _____ technical know-how. 8. Automation is a qualitatively new _____ in technological development.   Завдання 5. Підберіть до наданих слів

synthetics. In the not too distant future, when the atom, the Sun, the heat of the Earth, and the tides become the main sources of energy, the great quantities of coal, oil, gas, shale and wood, which are extracted burned up all over the world every year, will be used to make consumer goods. Today we are witnessing the development of a new scientific and technical branch – biochemical technology. The chemists-researchers have already succeeded in determining the place and role of each atom in a complex bioorganic compound. We are also reading quite frequently about the scientists who can retrace and organize the processes in a living organism and change hereditary properties by introducing artificially created carriers of hereditary characters. The combination of biological or micro biological processes with those of direct chemical synthesis helps obtain new substances or microorganisms. This also will provide humanity with unlimited sources of food, medicines, fodder, many types of highly valuable raw materials, etc. We are sure that there will be many new discoveries in chemistry. They will create new opportunities in the future of mankind. Vocabulary notes 1. To be aware of – знати, усвідомлювати 2. Rates of growth – темпи зростання 3. Hereditary properties – спадкові властивості   Завдання 2. Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту. 1. What is the characteristic feature of the ancient chemistry?
а) синоніми
principle assistance
present day influence
radically today
effect whole
entire main
help fundamentally

б) антоніми

seldom long ago
minimum often
future to include
independent impossible
to exclude indirect
direct dependant
possible maximum.


Завдання 6. Підберіть слова, щоб утворити словосполучення:

transport technology
technological functions

production is accounted for by the fact that many new technological methods are based on the chemical transformation of matter, the use of catalysis, synthetic materials and other achievements of chemistry and chemical industry. Those methods as a rule promote the growth of output and improve its quality, allow a more intensive use of equipment and cut costs on material and labour. Everybody knows that chemistry is an extremely useful thing. We are aware of the fact that none of the key industries can develop without chemistry. This applies to machine-building, rocketry, agriculture; light and building industries, medicine, national defence, etc. There are other sciences such as biochemistry, molecular biology, geochemistry and astrochemistry which have been considerably affected by the progress of chemistry. We all realize that the successes of contemporary chemistry have been amazingly great. Take, for instance, the chemistry of polymers. Scientists who are working jointly with the chemical branches of industry have created excellent polymers as far as durability and thermal stability are concerned. In our everyday life we are using beautiful fabrics and materials which can now be made “to order” out of polymers obtained from natural gas, coal, shale, wood or oil. They are much more durable, cheaper and of considerably better quality. Polymer substances are used in making bolts, screws, bodies for motor cars and motor boats, skis, tanks, belts, springs, bearings, blood vessels and joints, and a lot of other quite improbable things. We also know that almost all detergents, fertilizers, lubricants, fuels, antifreezes, pesticides, cosmetics, solid-state devices, energy- converters (magnets, lasers) and thousands of other products are constructed wholly or in part of
computer mechanism
physiological process
working control
minimum enterprise
automatic assistance



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In the course of his historic development man gradually learned to use the forces of nature and created our civilization. He managed to change the earth beyond recognition: inhabited vast expanses of wilderness, constructed roads, plants and irrigated deserts. Man is also the creator of the innumerable spiritual treasures of mankind: the wonderful works of art, literature and science. All this became possible thanks to man's labour, his ability to learn, to understand and explain different phenomena of the material world.

In this progressive advance of man a particularly significant role belongs to energy.

First man learned to use the energy of fire. Many thousand years passed before man learned to use the energy of wind, water and steam, and later – electricity. For producing electricity man discovered and began to use different energy resources: coal, oil,

1. The smallest, unit, element, the atom, a chemical, according to, of, science, modern, is. 2. Scientist, of, established, in, the 19th century, theory, atomic, of, matter, structure, the. 3. Great, our, achievements, scientist, in, various, of, have, branches, and, science, technology. 4. The atoms, the same, amount, weigh, not, all.   Завдання7. Доповніть речення згідно зі змістом тексту. 1. In recent years tremendous advances have been made in ______. 2. If each atom in an orange measured one inch in diameter, the orange would be______. 3. Billions of atoms together make______. 4. From the way atoms act, scientists have been able to compare their______ 5. Hydrogen, the gas in toy balloons, ______.   UNIT 13 Завдання 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст. CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL INDUSTRY IN MODRN LIFE Everybody knows that chemistry with its today’s possibilities is a young science. But its history began several thousand years ago. A great number of facts which are still useful in modern chemistry are discovered in ancient Greece, Rome and especially Egypt. But that knowledge was purely practical. They could not explain many things prepared medicines from plants but could not tell what elements they consists of. Today, chemistry is revolutionizing the material conditions of life of contemporary society. Its impact on the development of
gas, peat, shale, hydropower and nuclear energy. Not so long ago man invented and put into service the steam engine and steam locomotives. Then he attached the steam engine to looms and to various wheels and so work began to speed up. The steam engine worked a revolution in the mode of production. The discovery and use of electricity brought about the industrial revolution. A multitude of machines – mechanical, steam and electrical – began to do man's most difficult and complex work. But man's brain still had to control the machines doing the work. He had to start them, guide them and stop them. He had to judge their work and correct errors. His eyes, ears and sense of touch had to do the observing, and his brain interpreted their information. Then people invented machines and electronic computers which freed the worker not only of the performance of all production operations but even of control. The machine made a great contribution to the spread of information and the advance of learning. The machine system made it possible to include science in production on a large scale. But let us not forget that it was a long and a hard way. It took the steam engine more than a century to develop its tremendous capacity to the full. The industrial revolution, brought about by the discovery and use of electricity, took some 50 – 60 years to run its course. The second half of the 20th century begins an entirely new era – the era of the scientific and technological revolution. It is due to complex mechanization and full automation. The discovery of the chain reaction of nuclear fission and the reaction of thermonuclear fusion promises mankind a practically unlimited source of energy. Now scientists began to study and use

словосполучення до наступних українських слів.
1.Розвиток - a) energy b)development
c) physics d)advance
2. Галузь - a)branch b) technology
c)balloon d)matter
3. Дослідження - a)electron b)light
c)research d)structure
4. Речовина - a)state b) substance
c) science d)element
5. Знання - a)particle b)application
b)knowledge d)method


Завдання 5. Дайте вірні визначення наступним словам.

1. Energy a) smallest unit of an element that can take part in a chemical change;
2. Atom b) capacity to do things and get things done;
3. Structure c) way in which something is put together, organized;
4. Compose d) any air-like substance;
5. Gas e) to make up;


Завдання 6. Складіть речення з запропонованих слів.