Мои достижения или чем я горжусь

Если брать в расчет мой последний рабочий опыт, я горжусь тем, что мне бытро удалось влиться в команду и быстро вникнуть в суть работы. Могу похвататься тем, что мне удавалось на отлично проводить конкурсные туры. Мой главный партнер сказал мне однажды, что он полностью может на меня положиться, что я очень ответственный и серьезный в работе человек. Поэтому несмотря на то, что мой коллега работает по этой программе поорядка 4х лет, я ни чуть не уступала ему в своем профессионализме, а иногда даже сама давала советы, как лучше сделать тот или иной процесс. Такое я бы даже сказала было постоянно.

Также горжусь случаем на работе, когда однажды мне удалось уговорить директора одной школы-интерната для детей с огр.физ.возможностями провести у них презентацию о нашей программе, так наша программа даёт возможности поучавстовать и таким детям. Так вот мы приехали на встречю с родителями и ребятами и провели для них презентацию, подробно рассказали про программу, про то, как меняется в лучшую сторону жизнь у таких ребят, так у нас были на это доказательства, живый примеры.

“Tell me about yourself.”

“I am a graduate of the prestigious Russian people’s friendship university. I have a degree in puplic administration. Diring my university’s years I had several practices in public organisations. After graduation I found the project job in nonprofit american organisation, in particular, I was working for school student’s exchange program. I’ve gained extensive experience in all aspects of recruiting process, it included preparation and conducting competitions in different cities.

I really enjoyed working there, but I’m looking for new challenges with a larger company, and I strongly feel that I can play a role to your company’s continued success.

I’d like to broaden my horizons and find new ways to utilize my skills. I feel that your company will give me that opportunity and allow me to contribute in different ways. (I’d liketo increase my contributions and value to the company through my new responsibilities. )I’m sure it would be a mutually beneficial (advantegeous)arrangement.

I feel that my experience and persistence would allow me to be a valuable member of your team, and my personal goals complement your company’s objective of continuous improvement


The position offers the responsibilities, challenges and opportunities I’m looking for. Specifically, I’m very interested in working in this Department of professional qualification. I feel I could help your team with those goals.


"What is your greatest strength?”

I'm good at organizational skills, prioritization



About stress

I know the importance of being flexible and am good at adapting to changing situations and shifting priorities. But if I do start to feel stressed, I’ll take a break to get a little exercise and clear my head. Then, if necessary, I’ll do what I can to reduce the cause of that stress, such as discussing it with my colleagues


“What is the toughest problem you've had to face, and how did you overcome it?”


“Do you work better alone or as part of a team?”

I enjoy working in a team atmosphere but am also perfectly comfortable working on my own. In my previous jobs I’ve always done both.

I enjoy sharing ideas, helping others, and learning from my teammates


"What motivates you?"

Simply doing a job well is very motivating for me. It gives me a sense of satisfaction to know I’ve done my best in everything I do. I take pride in my work, and in overcoming challenges.


“Why are you the best person for this job?”

You need a person who can work effectively with diverse backgrounds, helping them to become more productive and efficient. I am confident that I can make some improvements for all the students and your organization


Constructive criticism is something I greatly value. I’m always eager to accept advice from people; I feel it’s one of the best ways to learn and I am grateful to receive it.



"I've always wanted to work for your company [or in this industry], and I'm willing to take a lower-level position to get that opportunity."

• "It will allow me to use my skills and expand my experience in a new field."

• "The salary is not my top priority.


Hard-working, dedicated, loyal, communicative, organized, diligent, energetic, likable, creative, flexible, friendly, effective, reliable, detail-oriented, attentive, patient, efficient.


"Do you interact well with people?"

“Yes. I'm very friendly and enjoy being around people. I get along well with all kinds of people with all types of personalities.”


"What type of people do you find difficult to get along with?"

Of course some people are more pleasant to be around than others, but I’ve worked with all kinds of personalities and never had any problems with anyone. I think that’s a very important trait for someone who must interact with a lot of people, as would be required in this position.”


"What did you dislike most about your last job?"

“I honestly can’t think of anything about my last job that I disliked. If they had more career advancement opportunities, I would have remained with them.”


"What did you like most about your last job?"

“I really enjoyed the team atmosphere at my last job. Everyone worked together and it was a very positive environment.


"Where do you see yourself in five years?” or “What are your career goals?"

I understand that career advancement is based on hard work and achieving company goals. I see myself


“Are you considering other offers at this time?”

“I have been interviewing with other employers, but my goal is to work for you and your company. I feel that I’m a great fit for your organization and I would love the opportunity to help your team to reach its goals. There’s no other company I would rather work for.”


Sample Questions to Ask the Interviewer:


• How long have you been working for this company?

• What do you enjoy most about working here?

• How long has this position been vacant?

• To whom would I report?

• With whom would I be working most closely?

• What projects and assignments would I be working on first?


• What are the current challenges facing the department?

• What do you consider to be the company's biggest strengths?

• What are the most challenging aspects of the position?

• Could you describe the opportunities for training and professional development?

• Would I receive any formal training?


Always, always, always ask these questions:

“What are the next steps? When do you expect to make a decision?”