Ex. 5. Be ready to speak about the main ideas of the text in class

О.В. Абрамова, Е.Е. Курсанина, Е.Е. Петрова




Учебное пособие


УДК 80

ББК 81.2


Утверждено редакционно-издательским советом СПбГИЭУ в качестве учебного пособия по специальности 080102 «Мировая экономика»



Кафедра иностранных языков СПбPTA (зав. каф., канд. пед. наук, проф. П.Ю. Горляков)

Костерина О.Н., канд. филолог. наук, доцент кафедры лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации СПбГТУ

Крючкова Ю.В., канд. филолог. наук, доцент кафедры английского языка СПбГИЭУ



Абрамова О.В.

Иностранный язык (основной) «World Economy for Leisure»: учеб. пособие / О.B. Абрамова, Е.Е. Курсанина, Е.Е. Петрова. – СПб.: СПбГИЭУ, 2011. - 96 с.



Учебное пособие составлено с учетом особенностей самостоятельной работы студентов по английскому языку и содержит ключи для самоконтроля. В пособии детально рассмотрены два аспекта: чтение (просмотровое и изучающее) и работа над профессионально-ориентированной лексикой.

Пособие содержит публицистические тексты на английском языке по экономике, систему языковых и речевых упражнений для отработки и закрепления лексических единиц, словарь-минимум по представленным темам.

Предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 080102 «Мировая экономика», а также для всех интересующихся английским языком в области экономики.


УДК 80

ББК 81.2



Настоящее пособие предназначено для организации самостоятельной работы по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (основной)» специальности «Мировая экономика» и направлено на развитие умений и навыков двух видов чтения, просмотрового чтения и изучающего чтения, а также на расширение активного лексического запаса студентов.

Просмотровое чтение (skimming) имеет своей целью получение общего представления о теме и проблемах, рассматриваемых в тексте. Для развития навыков данного вида чтения в пособии предлагаются задания на выбор подходящего заголовка к тексту или параграфам, выделение основной темы, расстановка параграфов в нужном порядке. Изучающее чтение (scanning) нацелено на детальное изучение содержания текста и сопровождается заданиями на выбор правильного ответа из предложенного множества, справедливых / ложных утверждений, вопросами по содержанию и другими упражнениями.

Издание содержит публицистические тексты на английском языке, сгруппированные в шесть разделов. Каждый раздел посвящен актуальным вопросам современной экономики и предваряется небольшим глоссарием по теме, обязательным для изучения. Эти лексические единицы впоследствии отрабатываются в разнообразных языковых и речевых упражнениях. При подготовке к аудиторному занятию, посвященному обсуждению основных проблем, поднимаемых в тексте, студенту рекомендуется уделить пристальное внимание максимально широкому использованию данных единиц в своей речи.

Пособие снабжено ключами, что делает возможным его использование для самоконтроля в ходе самостоятельной работы.





Active vocabulary ……………………………………………...
Text I ……………………………………………......................
Text II …………………………………………….....................


UNIT II : FREE TRADE ………………………………...…
Active vocabulary ……………………………………………...
Text I ……………………………………………......................
Text II …………………………………………….....................


Active vocabulary ……………………………………………...
Text I ……………………………………………......................
Text II …………………………………………….....................


Active vocabulary ……………………………………………...
Text I ……………………………………………......................
Text II …………………………………………….....................


Active vocabulary ……………………………………………...
Text I ……………………………………………......................
Text II …………………………………………….....................


Active vocabulary ……………………………………………...
Text I ……………………………………………......................
Text II …………………………………………….....................


KEYS TO EXERCISES …………………………………….






“It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity”


Kofi Annan (Ghanaian diplomat, seventh secretary-general of the United Nations, 2001 Nobel Peace Prize)



Active Vocabulary

to acquire

приобретать, получать








порода, поколение, племя

to contend with

бороться с …

to converge

сходиться, сводить в одну точку


текущий, современный


определять, формулировать


разнообразие, многообразие

to effectuate

совершать, приводить в исполнение

to engage

вовлекать, заниматься





эпоха, летоисчисление

to exceed



облегчение, помощь

to gain

получать, приобретать


штаб-квартира, главный офис

to hire

нанимать на работу


доход, заработок



Multinational / Transnational





начало, вспышка


выход, результат

to precipitate

осаждаться, выпадать в осадок, ускорять







to refer




отзывчивость, чувствительность, ответная реакция


масштаб, шкала

to settle

урегулировать, поселиться, разрешить

to spread

распространяться, расширять


постоянный, стабильный


дочернее предприятие


субсидия, дотация


превосходный, высший

to sustain

поддерживать, выдерживать, подкреплять




в то время как,

пока, тогда как

Text I


Ex. 1. Skim the article below and choose the best heading for it:

a) Globalization and Trade.

b) Globalization in the World Today.

c) Pluses and Minuses of Globalization.

d) Fundamentals of Globalization as a Notion.

e) The History of Globalization.


The phenomenon of globalization and its history began in a primitive form when humans first settled into different areas of the world. For thousands of years, people—and, later, corporations—have been buying from and selling to each other in lands at great distances, such as through the famed Silk Road across Central Asia that connected China and Europe during the Middle Ages. Likewise, for centuries, people and corporations have invested in enterprises in other countries. In fact, many of the features of the current wave of globalization are similar to those prevailing before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. However, it has shown a rather steady and rapid progress in the recent times and has become internationally dynamic and, due to technological advancements, has increased in speed and scale, so that countries in all five continents have been affected and engaged.

Globalization is defined as a process which, based on international strategies, aims to expand business operations on a worldwide level and was precipitated by the facilitation of global communications due to technological advancements, and socioeconomic, political and environmental developments. The goal of globalization is to provide organizations a superior competitive position with lower operating costs, to gain greater numbers of products, services and consumers. This approach to competition is gained via diversificationof resources, the creation and development of new investment opportunities by opening up additional markets, and accessing new raw materials and resources. Diversification of resources is a business strategy that increases the variety of business products and services within various organizations. Diversification strengthens institutions by lowering organizational risk factors, spreading interests in different areas, taking advantage of market opportunities and acquiring companies both horizontal and vertical in nature.

The components of globalization include GDP (Gross Domestic Product), industrialization and the Human Development Index (HDI). The GDP is the market value of all finished goods and services produced within country’s borders in a year and serves as a measure of a country’s overall economic output. Industrialization is a process which, driven by technological innovation, effectuates social change and economic development by transforming a country into a modernized industrial, or developed, nation. The Human Development Index comprises three components: (a) population’s life expectancy in the country, (b) knowledge and education measured by the adult literacy and (c) income.


Ex. 2. Now read the article carefully and say whether the statements are true or false:

1) Globalization has a heterogeneous nature.

2) The roots of globalization don’t go further than to the appearance of market economy.

3) World War I stimulated the wave of globalization.

4) Globalization is the process that touches mostly developed countries.

5) The aim of globalization is to eliminate any competition on the market, gaining that through setting common business rules.


Ex. 3. Choose the best ending according to the information learnt from the text:

1) One of the aims of globalization is … a) … the same like those before World War I.
2) Diversification of resources is … b) … to transform the society into a developed nation.
3) Industrialization helps … c) … business expansion worldwide.
4) The globalization signs today are … d) … the result of technologies and communication.
5) Globalization is … e) … a strategy in business to enlarge the range of goods.


Ex. 4. Give the English equivalents from the text above for the following Russian phrases:

1) внутренний валовой продукт
2) воспользоваться преимуществом возможностей, которые предлагает рынок
3) ускориться и увеличиться в масштабе  
4) превосходная конкурентоспособность  
5) продолжительность жизни  
6) обусловленный технологическими инновациями  
7) рыночная стоимость всех товаров и услуг  
8) ускорены в связи с упрощением современных коммуникаций в мире
9) индекс развития человеческого потенциала  
10) служить мерой общего объема производства страны

Ex. 5. Be ready to speak about the main ideas of the text in class.

Vocabulary Study

Ex. 6. Match the verbs from the text with their synonyms:

1) prevail a) estimate
2) engage b) broaden
3) gain c) provide
4) expand d) dominate
5) measure e) acquire
    f) involve

Ex. 7. Match the opposites:

1) primitive a) passed  
2) steady b) unstable  
3) superior c) fragile  
4) current d) sophisticated  
5) dynamic e) inferior  
    f) static  

Ex. 8. Fill in the gaps:

1)Whilst the (c------) trend is that increasing numbers of people are using social networking sites such as Facebook, it is important that they use these sites wisely.

2) The recent research has shown a marked increase in (l-------) among the local population.

3) Our business partners see that he is unwilling to be (e------) in a constructive dialogue about tackling this complicated situation.

4) China has been increasing its involvement across Latin America to feed a growing need for (r--)materials and commodities.

5) Citizens of countries that have visa (f-----------) accords with the EU will also pay only 35€.

Ex. 9. Match the following idiomatic expressions with their meanings:

1) nothing venture, nothing gain. a) very greatly
2) gain ground b) unfair treatment of terms
3) beyond measure c) to extend one’s power or influence
4) when the dust has settled d) to begin to have more support; to make progress
5) spread one’s net e) it is necessary to take risks in order to achieve something
6) a raw deal f) when the present uncertainty or unpleasant situation is over

Text II


Ex. 1. Skim the texts (a, b) and formulate the main idea of them in one sentence. Choose one of these beginnings:

The following abstract gives the idea of … /or

The text below presents the information about … /or

The main message of the text is to show …


a)A Multinational Corporation (MNC) or Enterprise (MNE), is a corporation or an enterprise that manages production or delivers services in more than one country. It can also be referred to as an international corporation. The International Labor Organization (ILO) has defined an MNC as a corporation that has its management headquarters in one country, known as the home country, and operates in several other countries, known as host countries. Some multinational corporations are very big, with budgets that exceed some nations' GDPs. Multinational corporations can have a powerful influence on local economies, and even the world economy, and play an important role in international relations and globalization.

A Transnational Corporation (TNC) differs from a traditional MNC in that it does not identify itself with one national home. Whilst traditional MNCs are national companies with foreign subsidiaries, TNCs spread out their operations in many countries sustaining high levels of local responsiveness. An example of a TNC is Nestlé who employ senior executives from many countries and try to make decisions from a global perspective rather than from one centralized headquarters. However, the terms TNC and MNC are often used interchangeably.

Enabled by Internet based communication tools, a new breed of multinational companies is growing in numbers. These multinationals start operating in different countries at the very early stages. These companies are being called micro-multinationals. What differentiates micro-multinationals from the large MNCs is the fact that they are small businesses. Some of these micro-multinationals, particularly software development companies, have been hiring employees in multiple countries from the beginning of the Internet era. But more and more micro-multinationals are actively starting to market their products and services in various countries. Internet tools like Google, Yahoo, MSN, EBay and Amazon make it easier for the micro-multinationals to reach potential customers in other countries.

b) In today's business environment, top managers in the international company are faced a challenge that may be described as "the managing of mixed marriages." There are several of these so-called mixed marriages to contend with: the mixed economies involving government either through subsidy or nationalization; the interdependent economies of the industrial nations strongly affected by variances in trade patterns and exchange rates; the conflicting political interests that affect trade and monetary policies; and of course, widely varying social customs and contrasting cultures. All of these elements converge within the international corporation aspiring to conduct a global business.

Conducting business on a global scale requires the dedicated attention of management at all levels. Even the plant floor supervisor and his or her workers must focus on operations from a worldwide perspective, if for no other reason than to understand the forces that influence the markets for their products and the security of their jobs. However, global business particularly challenges the key executives who, in an increasingly complex environment, are required to satisfy demands that exceed the knowledge and experience of the traditional corporate manager.



Ex. 2. Scan the texts and answer the following questions:

1) How big is the list of all planned expenses and revenues of some multinationals?

2) How many countries should a multinational operate in to be called such?

3) What is the difference between a multinational corporation and a transnational one?

4) What was the prerequisite to the appearance and growth of micro-multinationals?

5) What kind of “mixed marriage” is considered in text B?

6) What should every manager of a multinational concentrate on?

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences according to the texts:

1) A multinational manages its business in __________________.
2) The home country of a multinational houses ________________.
3) Host countries are used by multinationals for _______________.
4) The main sphere for micro-multinationals is ________________.
5) Doing business globally requires _________________________.
6) Global business challenges in particular __________________.