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Sports and games in English speaking countries (Great Britain)

Sailing on the Sands

1. Find the end each sentence: 1- …, 2- …

Begging End
1.Britain's long coastline is well supplied A.when Dutch engineer Simon Stevin built a four-wheeled craft with a "Chinese lantern" sail.
2.Sand yacht­ing has been growing in popularity in the last couple of decades, but it is not, B.and statesman Prince Maurice of Nassau (1567—1625) to celebrate a military victory.
3.The earliest record of a sand yacht dates back to the second half of the 16th century, C.with vast sandy beaches which are good for sand yachting.
4.It carried ten people and was built on the order of Dutch general D.who was the first man to fly the English Channel.
5. However, there is little evidence of sand yachting as a sport until the early years of this century, one of the pioneers being Louis Bleriot, French engineer and pioneer aviator (1872—1936) many people might think, a recent innovation.
6. Every year more and more people are drawn to the sport. This sport combines the grace of sailing. F.a serious accident in any regatta in this country.
7. To handle a yacht at high speed requires skill. Al­though, as in all fast moving sports, there is an element of danger, there has never been G.with the speed of motor racing

2. Find the title of this text. What game is introduced in this text? Prove your idea.


This games are probably the most universal of all forms of entertainment, and their origin goes back for so many thousands of years that it is impossible to say exactly how, when or where they came into being. But it seems probable that Henry VII introduced to the English court in 1488 and thus made it a fashionable pastime.

The portrait of Elizabeth in the National Portrait Gallery, London, is believed to have been used as the model for one of the early Queens of Clubs. It is interesting to note, in this connection, that the "Kings" and "Queens” in British variant they are dressed in the costume of the period of Henry VII and Henry VIII.

From the 15th to the 17th centuries, English makers were trying hard to establish their trade against competition from abroad.

In December each year the Company of Makers of Playing holds its Livery Dinner. It is the tradition at the Livery Dinner for the members and their guests to receive special packs, the design of which is based on some important event of national or international interest which took place during the first six months of the year.

Not surprisingly, the Company possesses one of the finest collections of playing in existence. This is housed in the library of London's Guildhall, where may be viewed by interested visitors.

In the library of Leeds University, Yorkshire, are two of the rarest and most interesting packs ever issued in Britain.

It playing received a great force from the rise in fashion of the spas during the 18th century. It playing has always been a feature of life in the exclusive London clubs, especially at Crockford's, the most famous of all clubs.

P.S. Queens of Clubs – трефовая дама, London's Guildhall – ратуша, Spas – курорты с минеральными водами



The game of billiards has destroyed my naturally kind temper. Once, when I was an underpaid reporter in Virginia City, whenever I wished to play billiards I went out to look for an easy mark. One day a stranger came to the town and opened a billiard par­lour. I looked him over carelessly. When he proposed a game, I answered, "All right."

"Just knock the balls around a little so that I can get your gait," he said; and when I had done so, he remarked: "I'll be perfectly honest with you. I'll play you left-handed." I felt hurt, for he was cross-eyed, freckled, and had red hair, and I decided to teach him a lesson. He won first shot, ran out and took my half-dollar.

"If you can play like that with your left hand," I said, "I'd like to see you play with your right." "I cannot play at all," he said, "I'm left-handed."

Continue this text with the rules that are used in Ukraine.

Snooker-pool is a very popular game with both elderly and young people. It is a type of billiards played with 15 red balls having a value of one point each and six variously coloured balls, having a value of from two to seven points respectively, on which the striker may play only after putting a red ball into one of the side-pockets of the table.

Grass Skiing