To gain victory became a major achievement that gave credits not only to the athlete but to his city as well

План работы

На зимнюю сессию

Для студентов ОЗО I курса

Факультета физического воспитания

(10 часов)

Кол-во часов Лексический материал Грамматический материал
Our University Tenses of the Verb. Active Voice
My Studies at the University The Use of the Article
The Republic of Belarus Noun. The Category of Case and Number
Sport in Belarus Adjective, Adverb.
Famous Belarusian Sportsmen Degrees of Comparison


1. Нестерчук, Г.В. Английский язык для cтудентов-заочников / Г.В. Нестерчук, Л.М. Калилец. – Минск: 2002.

2. Практическая грамматика английского языка для среднего и продвинутого уровней. Под ред. Л.М. Лещёвой. Часть І. – Минск: Акад. упр. при Президенте Респ. Беларусь, 2004.

3. Практическая грамматика английского языка для среднего и продвинутого уровней. Под ред. Л.М. Лещёвой. Часть ІІ. – Минск: Акад. упр. при Президенте Респ. Беларусь, 2004.

4. Нестерчук, Г.В. Английский язык для cтудентов-заочников / Г.В. Нестерчук, Л.М. Калилец. – Минск: 2002.



На летнюю сессию

Для студентов ОЗО I курса

Факультета физического воспитания

Грамматика для самостоятельного изучения:

· Времена английского глагола (активный залог)

· Имя существительное

· Имя прилагательное, наречие

· Артикль (определенный, неопределенный, нулевой)




Выполнить грамматические упражнения по темам.


Supply the plural form for the singular nouns listed below.

1) criterion 2) hero 3) day 4) mouth 5) horse 6) deer 7) datum 8) wife 9) mother-in-law 10) potato  

Translate into English the phrases using the possessive case where possible.

11) мать друга 12) нос корабля 13) окно комнаты 14) ножка стола   15) квартира друга 16) смерть героя  


1. Give the comparative and superlative forms for the following adjectives:

1) tender 2) good 3) noble 4) complete 5) happy 6) heavy 7) big 8) fine 9) private

Complete the sentences using patterns indicating inequality.

10) (bronzed) The skin was …a Tahiti native’s.

11) (nice) You are … many people think.

12) (hot) Today the sun is … it was yesterday.

13) (proud) The mother is … her daughter.

14) ((musical) John is … as his sister.


Choose the most suitable word in brackets.

1) (The/–) problem for (the /–) today’s students is how to survive financially.

2) Let me introduce Sally Parker, (a/the) niece of Mr Briggs.

3) Please do not turn on (a/the) water-heater in (a/the) bathroom.

4) Jane has been laid up with (–/the) pneumonia for (a/–) fortnight.

5) I have (a/–) terrible cold and am staying in (the/–) bed today.

6) I earn $5 (an/the) hour as (a/–) supermarket cashier on (the/–) Saturdays.

7) (The/–) charge for (an/–) excess luggage is $10 (a/the) kilo.

8) (A/the) train would be best; it leaves every hour.

9) Since they built the bridge no one uses (a/the) ferry any more.

10) Next year you'll be able to go by hovercraft; they're starting a new service. It'll be much quicker than (a/the) boat.


Identify the tense form of the verbs in the following sentences as in the model. Start with the second sentence.

Model: 1)left– Past Ind., had talked – Past Perf.

1) He left after he had talked to the manager.

2) She drinks tea in the morning.

3) The children were sleeping when he came home.

4) If you are tired I'll bring you some coffee.

5) Tomorrow at this time we'll be flying to Italy.

6) Will you have translated the text by 6 o'clock?

7) I have been waiting for you since morning.

8) When will you return?

9) By tomorrow morning he will have been writing the report for 3 months.

10) Have you had dinner?


Переведите текст, составив словарь незнакомых слов. Письменно переведите выделенный отрывок и ответьте на вопросы:


For centuries, the Olympic Games were considered the most important and prestigious celebration of all Panhellenic festivals. Combining the different mythological, historical and archaeological strings, it seems probable to assume that already by the late 8th century BC Olympia became a site that attracted a lot of visitors from different areas of Greece.

The emergence of city-states in the Greek world was paralleled by an ex­pansion of organized athletic activities. Greeks organized special festivals in order to hold athletic events: these ranged from small-scale contests to national-wide games. Among the lat­ter, the Olympic and Pythian festivals were in the top rank, attracting people from almost all Greek cities. Hostili­ties were suspended during the Olym­pic festival which added glory to the games and ensured its fame through­out the Greek world. Every city-state was ambitious to claim as many Olym­pic victors as it could and this resulted in issuing several laws to encourage athletism.

To gain victory became a major achievement that gave credits not only to the athlete but to his city as well.

The main con­cern of those competing, however, was not to develop one specific physical ability at the expense of others, but to succeed with a balanced development of all physical and moral values.

Then, it was the moral reward that made the victory worthy of all efforts and physical pain. Victory was the high­est honor for a mortal to attain; for his fame became immortal thanks to the gods who preferred him and helped him to win. The favor of the gods and the wide recognition the victor gained for his city was the highest prize that made the obsessive passion of Greeks for contest ("agon") worthy of all efforts.

Lastly, it was the challenge for the Greek world to promote cooperation and exhibit political unity.




Any Greek could participate in the Panhellenic Olympics. The geographic range of par­ticipants stretched from Sicily to the Black Sea. According to Olympic rules, slaves and barbaroi, non-Greeks, could not compete at the games. In addi­tion, any man who had commit­ted a crime or stolen from a temple was barred from participation. Married women could not enter the Olympic stadium or attend the games, although young girls were welcomed. According to Pausanias, punishment for a woman attending the Olympic was to be thrown off mount Typaeum. One woman, Kallipateira, defied the rule by disguising herself as a trainer so she could watch her son compete. She had trained him following her husband's death. Kallipateira was so elated when her son won that she jumped over the barrier that enclosed the trainers' area and lost her clothing. Her identity revealed, Kallipateira faced certain death. Hap­pily, because her father, three brothers, nephew, and son were Olympic victors, the officials pardoned her in honor of her victorious family.

The athletes themselves were bound by more specific rule of participation and conduct. Every athlete participating in the game had to arrive in Elis at least one month prior to the start of the games and remain in Elis to train under the watchful eye of the Elean judges until the games began. Unlike in the modem games, in which Olympic trials determine who competes in Olympic competition, ancient games served as a weeding-out period in which the judges se­lected who would and would not participate, based on each aspirant's level of training. During this period, the judges also divided athletes into age groups.