Memorize the following legal terms and their interpretations

A solicitor, 2 a barrister, 3 a legal case, 4. a criminal case, 5. to prosecute, 6. a prosecutor, 8. a defendant, 9. a plaintiff, 10. to plead.

A solicitor is a member of the legal profession qualified to deal with conveyancing, the drawing up of wills, and other legal matters. A solicitor may also instruct barristers and represent clients in some courts.

A barrister is a lawyer entitled to practice as an advocate, particularly in the higher courts.

A lawsuitis a case in a court of law which concerns a dispute between two people or organizations.

  A legal case is a dispute between opposing parties resolved by a court, or by some equivalent legal process. A legal case may be either civil or criminal. There is a defendant and an accuser.

A criminal case, in common law jurisdictions, begins when a person suspected of a crime is indicted by a grand jury or otherwise charged with the offense by a government official called a prosecutor or district attorney.

To prosecutev. 1) in criminal law, to charge a person with a crime and thereafter pursue the case (вести дело) through trial on behalf of the government. This is normally the function of the District Attorney (called States Attorney or city prosecutor in some places) and the United States Attorney in federal criminal cases. A state Attorney General may prosecute in crimes of statewide importance, and the United States Attorney General, through the Solicitor General, may prosecute for crimes involving matters of national significance. 2) to conduct any legal action by a lawyer on behalf of a client, including both civil and criminal cases, but most commonly referring to prosecution for crimes.

A prosecutor isone who prosecutes another for a crime in the name of the government.

A defendant is the party sued in a civil lawsuit or the party charged with a crime in a criminal prosecution. In some types of cases (such as divorce) a defendant may be called a respondent.

A plaintiff is the party who initiates a lawsuit by filing a complaint with the clerk of the court against the defendant(s) demanding damages, performance and/or court determination of rights.

To plead in civil lawsuits and petitions is the filing of any document (pleading) including complaints, petitions, declarations, motions, and memoranda of points and authorities. 2) in criminal law it is the entry of plea of a defendant (заявление защиты) in response to each charge of criminal conduct.

Unit 1A Legal Profession

1. right of audience - право выступать в суде

2. to practise ['præktɪs] / carry out / apply а) применять, осуществлять на практике, практиковать, заниматься профессионально (чем-л.)

3. to practise law — заниматься адвокатской практикой, практиковаться, упражняться; тренироваться Syn: train , coach - обучать, тренировать

4. legal practice - юридическая

5. advocacy - адвокатская деятельность, адвокатура, защита

6. training ['treɪnɪŋ] 1) воспитание 2) обучение

7. partnership ['pɑːtnəʃɪp] 1) сотрудничество working partnership — тесное сотрудничество, совместное действие 2) компания, товарищество

8. to plead a case [a cause] — защищать дело ;

9. to act for - 1) выполнять функции другого лица 2) представлять кого-л.

10. to represent - 1) представлять, быть представителем 2) сообщать, заявлять, давать сведения о фактах; создавать у другой стороны определённое представление о фактическом положении вещей

11. to specialize ['speʃ(ə)laɪz] - 1) специализироваться (в чём-л. / на чём-л.)

12. client - клиент (у адвоката, нотариуса, банка) lawyer's clients — клиенты адвоката

13. to be in dispute - находиться в состоянии конфликта с

14. a party to a court case – cторона в судебном деле

15. to owe money to someone – быть должным деньги кому-либо

16. legal costs- судебные издержки

17. a procedure - процедура, порядок осуществления действия

18. to prosecute (for) - преследовать в судебном или уголовном порядке.

19. to pay a fee - платить (гонорар, чаевые, взносы)

20. claim – 1) требование; право требования; претензия; заявление права; правопритязание; рекламация; иск; 2) требовать; заявлять претензию; притязать; заявлять право; искать (в суде), утверждать возбуждать иск о возмещении убытков

21. to issue a claim / to file a claim – подать иск

22. to serve a claim –вручить заявление

23. to find in favour of – решить в пользу

24. to hear a case – слушать дело

25. to give a judgment – вынести решение

26. to make an order – издать приказ / распоряжение

27. a bailiff - бейлиф, судебный пристав, заместитель шерифа, попечитель