Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод субъектного инфинитивного оборота

1. There seems to be a Russian desire to utilize western project management techniques. 2. If the projects do not make money for whatever reason, then the projects are considered to be unsuccessful. 3. The application of government regulations throughout Russia and the regions seems to vary. 4. This does not appear to have been the case in Russia. 5. Even the Russian partners occasionally appear to have difficulty understanding the continually changing ways. 6. It appears to be assumed that the results will be achieved without question.


Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод субъектного инфинитивного оборота.

1. The opening of the conference is understood to have been fixed for the 15th December. 2. Many million tons of coal reserves are known to exist in that district.
3. Imports of copper into the United Kingdom in October were stated to be 22,441 tons. 4. The experiment, which is believed to have proved most successful, will be discussed at the conference. 5. She seemed to have been waiting a long time. 6. He seems to know everything on this subject. 7. The plan proved a great success. 8. I happened to leave my office early that day. 9. They are likely to take part in this work. 10. The fight for export markets is certain to grow grimmer and grimmer.

12. Замените сложные предложения простыми при помощи субъектного инфинитивного оборота и переведите на русский язык:

1. It was expected that the members of the committee would come to an agreement. 2. It is reported that the delegation has left London. 3. It is expected that many people will attend the meeting. 4. It is considered that this mine is the best in the district. 5. It seems that she knows French perfectly well. 6. It happened that he was at home at that time. 7. It proved that he was a very experienced worker. 8. It is very likely that the prices for these goods will go up again in England. 9. It is unlikely that the meeting will be postponed. 10. It is likely that the conference will be held in Moscow.


13. Прочтите и переведите текст:

Current Canadian Project Management

Experience in Russia

As Russia moves from a centrally controlled economy to a market economy, this transition period is one of uncertainty and some confusion. There is a requirement for the execution of many billions of dollars worth of projects in all sectors of the economy. Russian historic methods of project management were based on a strong centrally controlled planning system that no longer exists. There seems to be a Russian desire to utilize western project management techniques appropriately adapted to the Russian situation.

There has been a broad base of Canadian contact with Russia, quite a few Canadian companies venturing into the Russian market. Many of the companies are related to the energy business, specifically oil and gas. Some produce products which are used in North America and are now either supplying the product into Russia or working in a joint venture with Russian interests to produce that product in Russia for use in the Russian oil and gas industry.

A few companies are involved in actual production or exploration issues. In the specific case of oil wells, there has been involvement with improving the production of those facilities for the benefit of Russia. It must be kept in mind that these operations involving successful Canadian companies are all for the purpose of making money or profit. If the projects do not make money for whatever reason, then the projects are considered to be unsuccessful. Several companies that have ventured into the Russian marketplace have found it difficult to do business and they have in turn decided to discontinue major operations in Russia. However, the majority which have looked at the Russian market see that there is great potential and continue to pursue activities in Russia.

Key Concerns with the Russian Business Environment. The application of government regulations throughout Russia and the regions seems to vary and is not always consistent, this creates confusion as one thing North American companies enjoy in their own environment is relatively consistently applied rules and regulations. There may be inconsistencies from one part of a country to another and in the case of Canada from one province to another, but those inconsistencies are clearly understood. When working in a specific province in Canada, the regulations are equally applied to all companies whether they are Canadian or foreign companies. In any part of the Canadian market, one can reasonably quickly determine what regulations are applied and one knows that they will be evenly applied.

This does not appear to have been the case in Russia and because of this some Canadian companies have found it extremely frustrating and difficult to work in the Russian environment and to work with Russian partners. Even the Russian partners occasionally appear to have difficulty understanding the continually changing ways. Improvements have been made and are continuing to be made. It must be noted that at the beginning of any project involving investment, when uncertainties exist investment becomes very difficult to obtain. It can only be obtained if the investors are either convinced that with the high risks, the rewards will be very, very great, or that alternatively they can see a stable mechanism for the future of their invest­ment.

Key Strengths of the Russian People in Business. Virtually all of the Canadian participants have been very complimentary of some key strengths of the Russian people. One is the fact that in general Russians are very well educated, have a high literacy rate and a good basic, broad education before specialization. However, during the technical education processes some develop a very "academic" approach to the way they view issues and analyse them. Little emphasis is put on sound economic results but rather emphasis is placed on theory in planning with the predicted results based on theory. It appears to be assumed that the results will be achieved without question. This applies to Engineering as well as Social Sciences and is related to areas such as the scientific approach to project management.

Some of the perceived problems of working in Russia relate to the fact that in the fact the appropriate tools were not given to people to allow them to move ahead, to be creative, and to manage work in the most productive way. With the excellent knowledge base from which to start, given the appropriate management tools, this problem will be overcome.

We have learned in North America that if people are put into a work situation wherein they have strict boundaries as to what they can and cannot do, quite quickly initiative is curtailed and people will work strictly within those boundaries. This means that innovative methods and solutions are not tried. To obtain more progressive results, we have restructured much of our work into a pattern of setting goals to be met rather than providing detailed instructions on a day-to-day basis. Then individuals or groups (teams) are encouraged and allowed to determine appropriate methods for reaching those goals.

Transfer of Project Management Experience

Аs Russia moves from the old economic system to the future free market economic system in which the industries and businesses must be more attuned to their users’ or customers’ needs, there is a perceived need for western management techniques and specifi­cally for western methods of project management.

Although academic training is a viable method of imparting western knowledge and expertise, practical experience is a very necessary component. Many schooling programs are working with existing managers and utilizing specifically designed programs to impart knowledge and techniques. Most would agree that the ability to grasp the key issues is enhanced by "on-the-job" experience. Working with foreign project management personnel and being coached by them on real projects is a realistic method to assist Russian project managers to modify and grasp the management skills and techniques required.

Russia needs some external, practical help to quickly move beyond the past theoretical and traditional ways, but still use their individual thinking process. Demonstrations that the theoretical approach can be blended with some practical experience will allow Russians to acquire practical knowledge quickly and to gain experience without repeating the past errors of the west.


14. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What were Russian historic methods of project management based on?
2. What issues are Canadian companies that have ventured into the Russian marketplace involved in? 3. Why did some companies decide to discontinue major operations in Russia? 4. On what condition can investment be obtained when uncertainties exist? 5. What are key strengths of the Russian people? 6. What are shortcomings of the "academic" approach? 7. Why is initiative curtailed when people work within strict boundaries? 8. What viable methods of imparting western knowledge do you know? 9. Why does Russia need external practical help?

15. Перескажите текст по следующему плану:

1. Problems of Russia's transition to market economy.

2. Canadian involvement in Russian economy.

3. Key concerns with the Russian business environment.

4. Key strengths of the Russian people in business.

5. Transfer of project management experience.


16. Запомните следующие слова:

found – основывать oil-producing - нефтедобывающий

resident – житель educational establishments - учебные заведения

field – месторождение block of flats - многоквартир­ный жилой дом

discover – открывать


Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы:


Tyumen is the oldest city in Siberia, it was founded in 1586. Tyumen is the administrative centre of the Tyumen Region.

Tyumen stands on the banks of the river Таrа and has 350 000 residents.

In the fifties and sixties, oil and gas fields were discover­ed in Western Siberia and Tyumen has become the country’s main oil-producing region. Sometimes it is called "the Oil Capital of Siberia". Many million tons of oil are produced in the region. There are however many other industries in this region.

Tyumen is not simply a major industrial centre and transport junction, it is also the cultural capital of a large territory and it has five higher educational establishments including a university.

Tyumen is growing and improving at a rapid rate. Many new blocks of flats, schools, hospitals, cinemas and educational establishments have been built there.

1. When was Tyumen founded? 2. Where does it stand? 3. When did Tyumen become the country’s main oil-producing region? 4. Why is it called “the Oil Capital of Siberia”? 5. Is Tyumen simply a major industrial centre? 6. How many higher educational establishments are there in Tyumen? 7. Is Tyumen growing and improving at a rapid rate?


17. Прочтите диалог и выучите его:

A: Engineers engaged in the petroleum and natural gas industries encounter many problems that present both technological and economical aspects.

B: But why is it so?

A: You see, these industries have their own special methods and techniques, their own peculiar economy, a knowledge of which is encompassed in the training of the petroleum engineer-economist.

B: Don’t these industries find need of men trained in other fields of engineering in solving some of their more specialized problems?

A: Surely they do. Nevertheless the broader development and production phases of oil and gas industries are the primary field of the petroleum engineer-economist and the management of such enterprise should be entrusted to men trained in petroleum engineering economics.


18. Английский юмор:

“You were late this morning, Brown.”

“Yes, sir. I’m sorry. I overslept."

“Good gracious! Do you sleep at home as well?”

Notes: oversleep (overslept) - проспать

Good gracious! - Боже правый


Урок 16


Грамматика: 1. Повелительное наклонение

2. Употребление Present Indefinite в придаточных предложениях времени и условия

Текст: Applying for a job


1. Прочтите вслух следующие слова:

– highlight, emphasizing, marital, specialized, title, designed, insight, might, arrive, apply, provide

– information, phase, date, status, may, explanation, data, tailor, education, training, indicate, available, resume, association, sailing, detail

– various, area, aware, carefully

– number, covering, structure, summary, current, club, summer, subject

– suitability, different, begin, essentials, insurance, business, employer, dependent, include, position, extent, limited, activities, participate, indicate, responsibility, reverse, specific

job, advantage, objective, chronological, subject, engineering

– should, essential, social, insurance, option, version, section, specialized, recognition, professional, permission, special, machine, machinery

– include, call, competence, career, specific, extracurricular, course, indicate, background, chronological, current, community, acceptable, mechanical


2. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на ударение:

suitability [ ], experience [ ], advantage [ ], resume [ ], essentials [ ], address [ ], social [ ], insurance [ ], business [ ], career [ ], objective [ ], specific [ ], honours [ ], extracurricular [ ], courses [ ], relevant [ ], desire [ ],
responsibility [ ], emphasize [ ], advancement [ ], chronological [ ], current [ ], leisure [ ], association [ ], volunteer [ ], available [ ], references [ ], pneumatics [ ], design [ ].


3. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

apply (for) - подавать заявление, обращаться

job - работа

suitability - пригодность

highlight - освещать

previous - предыдущий

experience - опыт

phase - фаза, этап

employment - принятие (наем) на работу

advantage– преимущество

to your advantage - зд. вам на пользу

resume - резюме (краткая профессиональная биография)

emphasize - подчеркивать, выделять

area - область

competence – компетентность

standard practice - зд. обычная практика

personal data - личные данные

essentials - зд. необходимые данные

social insurance - социальное страхование

number – номер

phone number - номер телефона

present employer - нынешний работодатель

be aware - знать, сознавать

search - поиск

date of birth - дата рождения

marital status - семейное положение

dependent - иждивенец

option - зд. необязательный пункт

include – включать

brief - краткий

career - карьера, должность

objective - цель

career objective - желаемая должность

goal - цель

following - после

version - вариант

covering letter - сопроводительное письмо

tailor (to) - приспособить, подогнать (к)

specific - конкретный

position - должность

portion - часть

depend (on) - зависеть (от)

a great deal - зд. во многом

extent - зд. длительность

work history - трудовая биография

recent - недавний

graduate - выпускник

education - образование

achievement - достижение

honour - зд. отличие

note - отмечать

extracurricular - зд. общественный, внеаудиторный

activity - деятельность

expand (on) - рассказать подробно (о)

be relevant (to) - относиться (к)

specialized training - особая подготовка

participate - принимать участие

progress (to) - перейти (к)

part-time - почасовой (работа неполный день)

responsibility - обязанность

possess - иметь, обладать

background - зд. биография

job title - название должности

employer – работодатель, наниматель

employment - зд. поступление (наем) на работу

brief summary - краткое описание

duty - обязанность

emphasize - подчеркнуть, выделить

advancement - продвижение

recognition - признание

list - перечислить, список

reverse - обратный

order - порядок

section – часть

designed - предназначенный

insight - понимание

leisure – досуг

community - зд. общественный

volunteer - добровольный

reference – 1) рекомендация; 2) поручитель, дающий рекомендацию

acceptable practice - общепринятая практика

available - зд. предоставляется

upon request - по требованию

subject (to) - зд. подверженные

permission - разрешение

thus - таким образом

contain - содержать

essential fact - основной факт

ring (rang, rung) - звонить

call - звонить (вызывать по телефону)

Board of Directors - совет директоров, правление

instrument - прибор

opening - зд. вакансия

software - программное обеспечение

programmer - программист

interview - собеседование, интервью

miss - упускать, пропускать

opportunity - возможность

interviewer - собеседник

what about - как насчет …

gas station (A.E.) - бензоколонка

Oh, come on - Да брось ты

supervisor -зд. начальник

attend (to) - заниматься

make up the time - отработать пропущенное время

that makes sense - это разумно

a bit = a little - немного

because of - из-за

worry - беспокоиться

explain – объяснить

previous experience - прежний опыт

stylistic subtleties - стилистические тонкости

error - ошибка

harm - вредить

feel at ease - чувствовать себя спокойно

make up one’s mind - решить(ся)

newcomer – приезжий

fascinating - зд. интереснейший

electronics engineer - инженер-электронщик

cab driver - водитель такси

lose heart - падать духом

dream (of) - мечтать (о)

professional background – зд. профессиональная подготовка

I happened to work … - я раньше работал …

personnel department - отдел кадров

high-level job - зд. квалифицированная работа

major company - крупная компания

ignore - игнорировать, зд. не рассматривать

reason - причина

job hunter - человек, ищущий работу

stress - подчеркивать

count - учитывать, зд. иметь значение

no doubt – несомненно

advanced knowledge - зд. выдающиеся знания

objective - цель

position – должность

strengths - зд. сильные стороны

Manhattan Electronics - «Манхэттан Электроникс» (компания)

give more space - уделить больше места

leave (left, left) out - опускать, не упоминать

right kind of a person - подходящий человек

pass by - зд. проигнорировать

lack - недостаток

obstacle - препятствие

realize - осознать, понять

particular position - определенная должность

appointment - деловая встреча

apply for a job - подавать документы по поводу работы

look for a job - искать работу

look for a specialist - искать специалиста

suitability to the job - пригодность к работе

job search (hunting) - поиск работы

job hunter - человек, ищущий работу

job as an electronic engineer - работа в качестве инженера-электронщика

high-level job - квалифицированная работа

job in (your) special field - работа по (вашей) специальности

good professional background - хорошая профессиональная подготовка

work experience - трудовой стаж (опыт)

professional experience - опыт (стаж) работы по специальности

American experience - опыт работы в Америке

particular position - конкретная должность

write a resume - написать резюме

area of competence - область компетенции

number of dependants - число иждивенцев

date of employment - дата поступления на работу

part-time employment (job) - почасовая работа

list of positions - перечень должностей

list of references - перечень поручителей

Do you have a job? - У вас есть работа?

What kind of position do you want? - Какую должность вы хотите?

What abilities qualify you for the job? - Какие данные определяют вашу пригодность к этой работе?

Stress your strengths and experiences - Подчеркните свои сильные стороны и опыт работы

Leave out other information - Опустите другую информацию

Explain your previous experience - Расскажите о прежней работе

Ask for the personnel department - Спросите отдел кадров

You should see the interviewer - Вам следует пойти на собеседование

Who will be my direct supervisor? - Кто будет моим непосредственным начальником?

Is it a well-paid job? - Работа хорошо оплачивается?

4. Подберите из правой колонки правильный перевод английских слов и словосочетаний:

1) employer 2) phases of employment 3) previous experience 4) personal data 5) area of competence 6) marital status 7) number of dependents 8) social insurance 9) specific position 10) objective 11) goal 12) covering letter 13) highlight achievements and honours 14) note extracurricular activities 15) work experience 16) community volunteer work 17) reference 18) get permission 1) область компетенции 2) число иждивенцев 3) работодатель 4) осветите (опишите) достижения и отличия 5) цель 6) конкретная должность 7) сопроводительное письмо 8) отметьте общественную (внеаудиторную) деятельность 9) поручитель 10) общественная добровольная работа 11) опыт работы 12) получить разрешение 13) социальное страхование 14) этапы найма на работу 15) семейное положение 16) предыдущий опыт 17) личные данные


5. Переведите на русский язык следующие сочетания слов без словаря:

job; job search; apply for a job; suitability to a job; highlight; previous experience; employment; phases of employment; em­ployer; resume; area of competence; personal data; home phone number; business phone number; date of birth; marital status; number of dependents; covering letter; specific position; apply for a position; work history; recent graduate; limited business experience; training; part-time employment; background in the work; work experience; job title; date of employment; summary of duties; list of positions; reverse chronological order; current employer; activities; community volunteer work; reference; get a permission; essential facts.


6. Определите значение интернациональных слов:

information, phase, competence, a standard practice, personal data, address, social insurance number, business, recommend, date of birth, marital status, career objective, version, section, specificposition, structure, the next portion, work history, limitedbusiness experience, extracurricular activities, courses, specializedtraining, progress, a job title, chronological order, clubs, professional associations, sports and hobbies, essential facts, personaldetails, a mechanical engineer, designengineer, automatic and special machines,instrumental system, pneumatics, machinery.

7. Определите по суффиксам, какой частью речи являются следующие слова, и переведите их на русский язык:

inform – information – informative – informer; suit – suitable – suitability; employ – employer – employee – employment; person – personal – personally – personality; insure – insurance – insurer – insurable; recent – recently; achieve – achievement; recognize – recognition; chronology – chronological; act – active – activity; final – finally; accept – acceptable – acceptability – acceptance; permit – permission – permissive – permissible; refer – reference.


8. Запомните:

Повелительное наклонение (The Imperative Mood)

Повелительное наклонение выражает побуждение к действию (приказание или просьбу), относящееся ко второму лицу. Глагол в повелительном наклонении по форме совпадает с инфинитивом без частицы to и с Present Indefinite, кроме 3-го лица единственного числа (to write - Write! - I, we, you, they write). Это грамматические омонимы. В отличие от русского в английском языке в повелительном наклонении формы единственного и множественного числа не различаются; независимо от того, обращено ли приказание к одному лицу или к нескольким, форма глагола будет одинакова (ср. с русским: ед. ч. - пиши, мн. ч. - пишите). Когда побуждение к действию относится к 3-му лицу единственного или множественного числа (пусть он пишет, пусть они пишут), употребляется сочетание глагола letс инфинитивом смыслового глагола, причем между let и инфинитивом стоит существительное в общем падеже или местоимение в объектном падеже:

Let the boy repeat it.

Let him speak!

Let the children rest.

Let him pass.

Глагол to let позволять имеет здесь очень ослабленное значение и поэтому не переводится. Побуждение к действию в таких случаях передается другими словами: Пусть мальчик повторит это. Дай ему пройти.

Это же сочетание (let + инфинитив) употребляется и с первым лицом множественного числа для выражения призыва к совместному действию.

Let us go there. Пойдемте туда.

Let us help them. Давайте поможем им.


Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод глаголов в повелительном наклонении:

1. Now ask your question! Go ahead! 2. Relax! There is no hurry. Take your time. 3. If you want to be happy, be. 4. Come in, please. 5. Sit down, please. 6. Show me your passport, please. 7. Please don’t make so much noise. 8. Don’t be late, please. 9. Let’s wait a while longer. 10. Let’s not be late. 11. Everybody sit down, please. 12. Please sit down, everyone. 13. You men come with me. 14. Let’s all be here at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning. 15. Come in, will you? 16. Don’t make so much noise, will you? 17. Let’s wait a while longer, shall we?