Objective : A position as apower engineer

Market slower vs. Last Year

During the last «short» week following the Russia Day holiday, the majority of liquid Russian stocks rose significantly, and the week closed with the RTS Index up 4,71 percent over the previous close. As of the end of last week, the RTS Index stood 2 percent lower than its close at the end of 2006.

The most positive impact the market got from the rise of Gazprom, Sberbank and LUKOIL shares. But compared with stock indices on other emerging markets, the RTS Index has been doing poorly since late 2006, with Ukraine and China continuing to lead the emerging markets.

Gazprom quotes climbed last week ahead of the approaching annual general meeting of the gas giant's shareholders. The jump came after its executives announced figures on the company's gas reserves, and disclosed long-term plans to boost production. After last week's rise of over 7 percent, however, Gazprom stock came close to serious resistance levels, and the company's quotes are expected to fluctuate within a continuation pattern early next week.

Market leader LUKOIL gave the RTS Index a boost by announcing that it would channel $1 billion (derived from its latest Eurobond issue) into refinancing its debt. The refinancing would smooth out the highest debt payments and lengthen the term for the company's debt repayment. In view of the upcoming publication of the company's financials and the annual general meeting of its shareholders (scheduled for June 28), LUKOIL stock will conceivably rise.

Oil transport giant Transneft led the market thanks to its preferred shares, which grew based on a statement by the company's Presdient

Semyon Vainshtok to the effect that Transneft and Transnefteprodukt might merge in mid-September. Apart from that, Transneft gained from its plan to cut costs on the construction of the Siberia-Pacific Ocean oil pipeline after opting for the most rational technical solutions for this project. Transneft's growth potential has not been exhausted, and its shares will mostly likely rise.

Unified Energy Systems kept fairly steady, having gained around 4 percent by the close of last week, thanks to the continued combination of technical positives and good corporate news. Players have been hoping to capitalize on the prices with which UES managers would buy out the power grid's shares from investors who disagree with the 'company's reorganization. The buyout price is 32.15 rubles per ordinary share and 29.44 rubles per preferred share. Players find it senseless to sell below the current prices.

U.S. consumer data released last week indicated falling inflation, thereby sustaining the growth of global indices and practically pushing most of them up to their yearly highs. Some of the U.S. stock market leaders were oil majors: giants Conoco and Exxon set new all-time highs.

Positive trends also prevailed on emerging markets, where most of the indices came close to their yearly 11.ighs, while the indices of Brazil, South Korea and Hong Kong set new all-time highs.

Against this background, we might see a moderate surge of the Russian market before the end of this quarter.




Снижение рыночного роста по сравнению с прошлым годом.

Во время прошлой «короткой» недели, следующей за праздником День России, большинство ликвидных российских акций значительно выросли, и неделя закрыта с индексом РТС до 4,71% по сравнению с предыдущим рядом. По состоянию на конец прошлой недели, индекс РТС стоял на 2 процента ниже, чем его значение в конце 2006 года.

Наиболее позитивное влияние на рынок оказал подъем акций Газпрома, Сбербанка и ЛУКОЙЛА. Но по сравнению с фондовыми индексами других развивающихся рынков, индекс РТС растет плохо с конца 2006 года, Украина и Китай продолжает занимать лидирующие позиции среди развивающихся рынков.

Котировки Газпрома поднялись на прошлой неделе в преддверии приближающегося годового общего собрания акционеров газового гиганта. Прыжок пришел после того, как ее руководитель объявил цифры по компании, запасы газа, и раскрыл долгосрочные планы по увеличению производства продукции. После того, как на прошлой неделе выросло более чем на 7 процентов, тем не менее, "Газпром" фондовой вплотную подошли к серьезным уровням сопротивления, и котировки компании как ожидается, будет колебаться в пределах предложенного рисунка в начале следующей недели.

Лидер рынка индекса РТС "ЛУКОЙЛ" дал толчок, объявив, что это будет направлен $1 млрд (производный от своего последнего выпуска еврооблигаций) на рефинансирование его долга. Рефинансирование сгладит высокие выплаты по долгам и удлинить срок для погашения задолженности. В преддверии публикации финансовых показателей компании, а годовое общее собрание акционеров (пройдет 28 июня), ОАО "ЛУКОЙЛ" акции будут предположительно расти.

Транспортный гигант нефти "Транснефть" лидировал на рынке благодаря его привилегированным акциям, которые выросли на основе заявления президента компании Семена Вайнштока о том, что Транснефть и Транснефтепродукт могут слиться в середине сентября. Кроме того, "Транснефть" получила от своего плана сократить расходы на строительство Сибирь-Тихий океан нефтепровода после выбора наиболее рациональные технические решения для этого проекта. "Транснефть" потенциал роста еще не исчерпан, и его акции будут скорее всего расти.

Единая энергетическая система держится достаточно прочно, получив около 4% к закрытию прошлой недели, благодаря постоянной комбинации технического позитива и хороших корпоративных новостей. Игроки надеются заработать на ценах, с которыми ЕЭС будет выкупать электросетевые акции со стороны инвесторов, несогласных с реорганизацией компании. Выкупная цена 32.15 руб. за одну обыкновенную акцию и 29.44 рубля за привилегированную акцию. Игроки находят это бессмысленным продать ниже текущей цены.

В США на прошлой неделе вышли данные указывающие на падение инфляции, тем самым поддерживая рост мировых индексов и практически подталкивая большинство из них до своих годовых максимумов. Некоторые лидеры американского фондового рынка были крупные и средние нефтяные компании: гиганты «Коноко» и « Эксон» установили новые исторические максимумы.

Положительные тенденции также преобладал на развивающихся рынках, где большинство индексов подошли вплотную к их годовым максимумам, а индексы Бразилии, Южной Кореи и Гонконга установили новые исторические максимумы.

На этом фоне мы можем увидеть умеренный рост цен на российском рынке до конца этого квартала.




The headline of the article Market slower vs. Last Year. The author of the article is Yevgeny Tyapkin. It is published in newspaper «Moscow News». The article is devoted to the fluctuations of the stock market. The article is devoted to stock market fluctuations. The main idea of the article is that despite the slowdown in market growth in relation to 2006, there has been a positive growth trend of the stock market this year. I found this article interesting because it describes how different circumstances can affect the reaction of the stock market and share price growth.



Evgeny S. Lapin

9A Gagarin Prospect line 8., Ap. 72

Zlatoust, Russia, 456200

Tel. (+7) 922-735-84-27

e-mail: navigator.94@mail.ru

Objective : A position as apower engineer.

Summary:1 years of experience as a power engineer. Experience in electrical installations up to 1000 V, Microsoft Office, MathCAD.

Experience :

2013-2014Electrician, «ChelyabEnergo», Chelyabinsk, Russia.

Education :

2013-present Student South Ural State University, Zlatoust, Russia.

Personal:Date of birth: 14 December 1994

Marital status: single

References:Аvailable upon request.


Evgeny Lapin

9A Gagarin Prospect line 8., Ap. 72

Zlatoust, Russia, 456200

Tel. (+7) 922-735-84-27

June 22, 2015

American Power Conversion

1025 West Kingston

Boston, Massachusetts 06520



Dear Mr. Neil :

I was interested in the position of engineer, which you place on the website www.rabota.ru. Attached You will find my resume for your review.

By understanding the requirements to candidates, I decided that my experience and education meet the stated expectations. Since my current job has no career prospects, I would prefer to be used in an expanding organization like yours. My professional experience has given me extensive knowledge in the field of electricity. I hope that my knowledge and the desire to improve them can be quite beneficial for Your company. I don't have much experience in drafting technical documentation and would like to develop their skills in this area.

If you have any interested in my application, you can contact me by phone (+7) 922-735-84-27 or via e-mail navigator.94@mail.ru. I should be ready to answer all Your questions and provide relevant testimonials.

Yours sincerely,

Evgeny Lapin


82 Lenina street., Ap.112Ufa, 450001Russian Federation

May 25, 2015


Siemens AG

455 Kupfergraben

Berlin, 01150


Dear Mr. Joe,

Thank you for your letter of May 9 quoting prices and delivery terms for transformer GEAFOL. We are satisfied that quoted terms are acceptable and would like to thank you for the 15% quantity discount you allowed us.

We are pleased to place the following order with you 50 transformers GEAFOL.

As agreed, payment to be made by cheque. We hope that you can meet our delivery deadline of August 25, 2015.

Sincerely yours,

Andrey Sulimov

Deputy Director for procurement


82 Lenina street., Ap.112Ufa, 450001Russian Federation

August 30, 2015


Siemens AG

455 Kupfergraben

Berlin, 01150



Ref: Our Order No.1001 of 25th May, 2015

Dear Mr. Joe,

Unfortunately, we have not received the transformer GEAFOL, which we have ordered of 25th May, 2015. We would be grateful if you could deliver these as soon as possible. Unless I receive the goods by the end of this week, I will have no choice but to cancel my order. We would appreciate a prompt reply.

Sincerely yours,

Andrey Sulimov

Deputy Director for procurement

Berlin, Deutschland

June 15, 2015


Siemens AG, Berlin, Deutschland, hereinafter referred to as «the Seller», on the one part, and Electrical grid company of Bashkortostan., Ufa, Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as «the Buyer», on the other part, have concluded the present Contract as follows:

1. Subject of the Contract 1.1 The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought the transformer GEAFOL as listed in Appendix 1 being an integral part of this Contract. 2. Prices and Total Value of the Contract 2.1 The Total Contract Value is as follows: Transformer GEAFOL + documentation $50000

Discount (15%) $7500

Total Contract Value $42500

2.2 The prices are understood to be CIF Ufa including cost of packing, marking, loading on board a freighter, stowing and fastening, and the cost of the materials used for this purpose.

2.3 The prices are firm for the duration of the Contract and shall not be subject to any revision except on account of any mutually agreed changes or modifications to equipment specification or quantities listed in Appendix 1 to this Contract.


3. Time of Delivery

3.1 The equipment specified in Appendix 1 of the present Contract is to be delivered within two (2) months from the date of check is issued to the Seller, specified in Clause 4.1 of this Contract.

3.2 The delivery date is understood to be the date of the clean Bill of Lading issued in the name of the Buyer, destination Ufa, Russian Federation.


4. Terms of Payment

4.1 Within thirty (30) days from the date of signing this Contract, the Buyer should write a check to the Seller, for hundred per cent (100%) of the total contract value. The check is to be valid for three (3) months.

4.2 Payment from this check at the rate of hundred per cent (100%) of the total contract value is to be effected in US dollars.


5. Technical Documentation

5.1 Within five (5) days from the delivery date the Seller shall send two (2) sets of the technical documents as listed in Appendix 2 the address of the Buyer.


6. Guarantee of the Quality of the Equipment

6.1 The guarantee period is twelve (12) months from the date of the start-up of the equipment, that is reflected in an appropriate Act signed by the representatives of the Parties to the present Contract, but not more that eighteen (18) months from the date of delivery of the equipment.

6.2 If the equipment proves to be defective or faulty during the guarantee period, the Seller has at its expense at the choice of both Parties either to remedy the defects or to replace the faulty equipment with new equipment of good quality which is to be delivered without delay to the airport of delivery.


7. Packing

7.1 The equipment is to be shipped in export packing suitable for the type of equipment delivered. Packing should also be suitable for transshipment in transit and reasonable long storage of the equipment.

7.2 The Seller is responsible to the Buyer for any damage to the equipment resulting from inadequate packing of the equipment.


8. Marking

8.1 All the containers are to be marked on three (3) sides. Each container should bear the following markings made in indelible paint:

Contract No.

Seller: Siemens AG (Address)

Buyer: Electrical grid company of Bashkortostan. (Address)

Airport of Destination: Ufa

Container No.:

Gross weight: ____kg

Net weight: ____kg


9. Shipping Instructions and Notifications

9.1 Within twenty-four (24) hours after shipment, the Seller is to inform the Buyer by fax regarding the date of shipment, the Bill of Lading number, number of containers, their weight.


10. Insurance

10.1 The Seller is to take care of and cover expenses for insurance of the equipment under the Contract from the moment of its dispatch up to the moment of its arrival at the airport of Ufa.


11. Force Majeure

11.1 The Parties are released from responsibility for partial or complete non-execution of their liabilities under the Contract should this non-execution be caused by the force majeure circumstances including, but not limited to: fire, flood, earthquake, and if these circumstances have had a direct damaging effect on the execution of the present Contract.

11.2 The Party which is unable to fulfil its obligations under this Contract is to inform the other Party within ten (10) days from the beginning of force majeure circumstances.


12. Arbitration

12.1 The Seller and the Buyer will take all possible measures to settle amicable any disputes or differences which may arise out of the present Contract or in connection with it.

12.2 If the Parties do not come to an agreement, all the disputes and differences are to be submitted for Arbitration in Stockholm, Sweden.


13. Other Terms

13.1 Any changes, amendments or supplements to the terms and conditions of this Contract shall be valid only if set forth in a written document duly signed by authorized representatives of both Parties to the present Contract.

13.2 The Contract becomes effective and comes into full force from the date of signing.


14. Legal Addresses of the Parties

Seller: Siemens AG 455 Kupfergraben Berlin, 01150 Deutschland   Joe Kaeser General Director Buyer: Electrical grid company of Bashkortostan 82 Lenina street., Ap.112Ufa, 450001Russian Federation Andrey Sulimov Deputy Director for procurement