His second room is the ________ office

A) teacher’s

B) teacher

C) teachers

D) teachers,

E) teachers

9. Did you ask for a _______leave?

A) two days,

B) two days

C) two day, s

D) two-days

E) two day

We called at _________yesterday.

A) my uncle

B) my uncle’s

C) my uncles,

D) a friend of my uncle

E) it is my uncle

I bought this coat at the _________ around the corner.

A) tailor

B) tailors

C) tailors,

D) tailor’s

E) tailored

To regain their _______ after an exhausting game, the players lain the grass.

A) force

B) power

C) health

D) money

E) energy

There are usually at least two _________of looking at every question.

A) means

B) views

C) direction

D) ways

E) opinion

The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n)________of courage and power.

A) symbol

B) example

C) sing

D) mark

E) point

They ___________of this weekend,s activity is going out with some good friends.

A) idea

B) opinion

C) mind

D) thought

E) thinking

16. _I do not think it is my ________ that the TV blew up.Ijust turned it on ,that,s all,-said the boy.

A) error

B) mistake

C) fault

D) duty

E) badly

The cakes are delicious. he would like to have __________ third one because__________. Second one is rather too small.

A) a ,a

B) the, the

C) a, the

D) the , a

E) _ ,the

I knew_______ John lennon, but not ________ famous one.

A) _ , a

B) a , _

C) the, a

D) _ ,_

E) a , the

The two girls were ________ the same age.

A) at

B) on

C) with

D) of

E) _

Many people agree that ________knowledge of English is a must in _______international trade today.

A) the , _

B) the , the

C) _ ,the

D) A, _

E) _, _

21. What happened?

-- They left in such ______hurry that they forgot to lock ______door.

A) a ,a

B) _ , the

C) _ , a

D) a , the

E) _ , _

I played_____ tennis with Mary yesterday evening.it was really _______ enjoyable game. We stopped playing only after ________sun had set.

A) _ , an , the

B) a ,a ,_

C) _ , a, the

D) the , _ , the

E) _ ,_ ,_

Summers in _________south of France are for ________most part dry and sunny.

A) _ , a

B) the , _

C) _ , _

D) the ,the

E) _ , the

The most important thing about cotton in history is _______part that it played in ________Industrial Revolution.

A) _ ,_

B) the , _

C) the , the

D) a , the

E) a , a

The warmth of ________ sweater will of course be determined by the sort of ________wool used.

A) the , the

B) the, _

C) _ , the

D) _ , _

E) a, the

I do not like talking on _______ telephone. I prefer writing ________letters.

A) A , the

B) the, _

C) the , the

D) a , _

E) _ , _

Most animals have little connection with _______animals of ________different kind unless they kill them for food.

A) the , a

B) _ , a

C) the , the

D) _ , the

E) _ , _



Henry was made ________captain of them.

A) _

B) the

C) a

D) an

E) by

I go to work very early, I do not usually have _______breakfast, but I always. Eat _________ good supper.

A) _ , a

B) _ ,_

C) the, _

D) _ , the

E) a , a

30. Mr. Smith, there’s a man at _________front door who says he has _______news for you of great importance.

A) the, _

B) the , the

C) _ , _

D) _ ,the

E) it, the

He was once thrown into _______prison for nothing.

A) a

B) _

C) the

D) an

E) by

32. What have you to say ______?

A) to yourself

B) for yourself

C) by yourself

D) between yourself

E) yourself

You will find as you read this book that you just can not keep some of these stories to ________.you will want to share them with a friend.

A) It self

B) himself

C) yourself

D) themselves

E) self

Few pleasures can equal _____ of a cool drink on a hot day.

A) some

B) any

C) those

D) that

E) these

35. ______of you run fastest in your class?

A) Who

B) Whom

C) What

D) Which

E) When

36. If this dictionary is not yours, _________can it is?

A) what else

B) who else

C) who was else

D) which else’s

E) who else’s

Helen was Much kinder To her younger child than she was to the others, _________ of course, made the others jealous.

A) with

B) which

C) that

D) it

E) what

All ________is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.

A) that is needed

B) what is needed

C) for our needs

D) the thing needed

E) needs

Wants the book may have it.

A) Anyone

B) Someone

C) Whoever

D) Those

E) Never

40. --Which of the three ways shall take to the village?

--_________way as you please.

A) Any Each

B) Every


D) Either

E) No

The medicine is on sale everywhere.

You can get it at__________ chemist, s.

A) any

B) each

C) some

D) certain

E) more

I have two boys but ________of them likes sweets.

A) both

B) either

C) none

D) neither

E) no

I have English classes__________ day, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

A) each other

B) this and other

C) every other

D) all other

E) never

44. There is ________cooking oil left the house. Would you go to the corner store and get ________?

A) little , any

B) a little ,some

C) little, some

D) a little, any

E) a , some