Choose the most suitable word for each space

Part A. Furniture and fittings.

1. Some rooms don’t have curtains at the windows, they have …… .

a) blinds b) carpets c) gates d) stores

2. I was so tired last night that I fell asleep the moment my head touched the ..

a) bed b) blanket c) cushion d) pillow

3. What a beautiful …..! It’s a pity we don’t have any flowers to put in it.

a) crystal b) cup c) glass d) vase

4. She closed the windows and drew the ….. before switching on the lights.

a) coverings b) curtains c) masks d) shades

5. When she cleaned the high windows, she always stood on a three-legged …

a) bench b) chest c) ladder d) stool

6. Please, wipe your feet on the door- ….. before you come in.

a) blanket b) mat c) carpet d) tile

Part B.Complete the following sentences.

1. I keep all my clothes in the bedroom in a big _ _ _ _ r _ _ _.

2. The silver _ _ _ t _ _ on the table were shining brightly because they reflected the flickering light of the _ _ n _ _ _ _.

3. It was a cold evening so I had a log fire going in the _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _.

4. The most important thing about a house or flat is that it should be h _ _ _ _ _.

5. My grandfather likes to sit in his favourite _ _ _ c _ _ _ _, smoking his _ _ p _.

6. In Cracow, in order to get Raiuno reception, it’s essential to have a proper a _ _ _ _ _.

7. Although we now have eight chairs, I’m afraid this will not be _ _ _ _ g _ and some of our guests will have to sit on that old _ _ t _ _ _.

8. I eventually found the scissors I’d lost behind the chest of _ _ _ w _ _ _.

9. Our house has central heating, so every room has a _ _ d _ _ _ _ _.

10. Doors that go round and round are called r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ doors.

11. It is very difficult nowadays to find cheap and comfortable a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _n in Cracow.

12. Everything in my kitchen is stored away in _ _ _ b _ _ _ _ _.

13. A door swings on its _ _ n _ _ _.

Part C. What do you have at home? Discuss it with your partner.

a bed a wardrobe a cupboard a desk a bookcase
some cushions a bedside cabinet a lamp a chair an armchair
a television a cassette player a carpet a window some posters
loud speakers a roll-away bed a chandelier a spyhole an ashtray
bathroom scales a shower unit slippers a rocking chair a fireplace


Part D. You have moved to a new flat. For the first six months you can only have 6 of the following:

sofa dining table carpets cooker dishwasher
desk washing machine food mixer TV bed
curtains saucepans fridge kettle mincer

Part E. Look at the following words. Which room does each item go in? Write the words in the correct places in the diagram.

Plate, sheet, video recorder, soap, armchair, sugar, coat rack, alarm clock, shampoo, knife, towel, sofa, pyjamas, coffee set, iron, dressing table, reading lamp, quilt, eiderdown, linen, wine glass, sink, toothpaste, jacuzzi, casserole, mincer, mixer, bathmat, sponge, ironing board, chest of drawers for shoes, dishwasher, washing machine, mop, spotlight, spyhole.




Discuss what you like about your house/ flat and what you don’t like about it.

What I like about my house is that… What I don’t like about my house is that…
· the rooms are very light · there is no lift


What things would you like to do to improve your room, flat or house?


Act out the conversation in a furniture shop between you and the sales assistant, as you try to decide what to buy for your new flat.


Moving in

A young couple is moving into a small apartment. Write the name of each piece of furniture in its correct position on the floor plan.



Imagine you are going to plan and decorate your lounge. You’ve decided to consult the interior designer. Make up a dialogue. Make use of his pieces of advice:


· Consider your plan

· Diagram everything on paper

· Decide if you are going to use any of your present furniture

· Plan the placement of lighting according to your furniture arrangement

· Plan your dining room. (Do you plan an open-up table? Is your family large or small? Do you plan parties?)

· List every item to be placed in the room

· Plan furniture and colours

· Think of heating system

Don’t do

· Don’t place too much furniture against the walls

· Don’t have too many things in the room

· Don’t have a floor-to-ceiling window on the north side, you’ll get cold

· Don’t choose more than three main colours

· Don’t be afraid to be different


Think of your favourite room. Draw a plan of it on a piece of paper. Write down why you like it and some adjectives to describe it.

My favourite room is… I like it because it is…

Show a partner your plan and talk about why you like the room.

& Reading


My favourite room is our kitchen. Perhaps the kitchen is the most important room in many houses, but it is particularly so in our house because it’s not only where we cook and eat but it’s also the main meeting place for family and friends. I have so many happy memories of times spent there: special occasions such as homecomings or cooking Christmas dinner; troubled times, which lead to comforting cups of tea in the middle of the night; ordinary daily events such as making breakfast on dark, cold winter mornings for sleepy children before sending them off to school, then sitting down to read the newspaper with a steaming cup of coffee. Whenever we have a party, people gravitate with their drinks to the kitchen. It always ends up the fullest and the noisiest room in the house.

So what does this special room look like? It’s quite big, but not huge. It’s big enough to have a good-sized rectangular table in the centre, which is the focal point of the room. There is a large window above the sink, which looks out onto the apple trees in the garden. The cooker is at one end, and above it is a wooden pulley, which is old-fashioned but very useful for drying clothes in wet weather. At the other end is a wall with a large notice-board, which tells the story of our lives, past, present and future, in words and pictures: a school photo of Megan and Kate, a postcard from Auntie Nancy in Australia, the menu from the take-away Chinese restaurant, a wedding invitation for next Saturday. All our world is there for everyone to read!

The front door is seldom used in our house, only by strangers. All our friends use the back door, which means they come straight into the kitchen and join in whatever is happening there. The kettle goes on immediately and then we all sit round the table, drinking tea and putting the world to rights! Without doubt some of the happiest times of my life have been spent on our kitchen.

Exercise 20

Are you well aware of prepositions? Complete the sentences with the prepositions from the box.

at behind by in front of inside off

out of over through under on


1. ”Could I use your phone?” “Yes, it’s over there ________ the window.”

2. I think that picture would look better __________ the fireplace.

3. How did those black marks get __________ the ceiling?

4. I’ve just found your address book. It was _________ your chair.

5. Could you tell the children to get their toys ________ my bed and come _______ my bedroom?

6. When we redecorated the living room we found a cracked wall _________ the plaster.

7. It’s colder _______ this house than outside.

8. The windows are so dirty you can’t see ________ them.

9. If everybody sits down ________ the table, we can start eating.

10. That boy spends at least six hours a day _________ the TV.

Exercise 21

Translate these passages into English:

I. Як весільний дарунок Анна отримала будинок з давніми французькими меблями, зручними диванами, м’якими кріслами, з величезним письмовим столом в бібліотеці. Верхній поверх прикрашали вишукані давні шведські та датські меблі вісімнадцятого століття.

II. Наречена миттєво переїхала до будинку коханого. Це був величний будинок з велетенськими колонами і широкою під’їзною доріжкою. Він знаходився серед сотні акрів зеленого моря плодючої землі, частина якої була відведена під мисливське господарство, а в численних водоймищах водилося багато риби. За особняком зеленів великий парк.

III. Внутрішнє багатство вражало своєю розкішшю. Хол був облицьований мармуровими плитами, а стіни – пофарбовані. В різних місцях стояли покриті мармуром столи з позолоченими ніжками та стільці з червоного дерева.

IV. У вітальні на долівці лежав величезний вовняний зі східним візерунком килим, зі стелі звисали дві кришталеві люстри. Простора вітальня могла розмістити сорок гостей одразу; поряд знаходилась кімната для паління.

V. На другому поверсі було багато спальних кімнат, в кожній з яких було по одному давньому каміну. Третій поверх був призначений для слуг.

VI. Вілла була побудована із каменю. Із вікон вітальні та їдальні відкривалась панорама острова. Легкі мереживні сходи вели нагору, де розміщувались чотири спальні кімнати. Меблі були підібрані бездоганно. Звичайні дерев’яні столи, лави та м’які крісла. На вікнах висіли оздоблені китицями білі шовкові занавіски.

VII. У ванній кімнаті та спальні лежали вовняні килимки, виконані у традиційному рослинному візерунку. Що найбільше вражало, так це різноманітність картин на стінах.

VIII. Але найбільше всього в будинку Елізабет подобалась кімната у вежі з черепичним дахом. Сюди з другого поверху можна було дістатись сходами. Це був батьків кабінет. Посередині кімнати стояв величезний робочий стіл з кріслами навпроти. Двостулкові двері виходили на маленький балкон, що звисав над безоднею.

(С. Шелдон)

It is interesting to know



1. Before you read, get the general idea by looking at the title and subheadings. You can also read the first paragraph. This is called previewing a text.

2. Always try to connect the things you already know with the things you are reading.


& Reading

Do you know much about this topic? Read to see if you learn anything new. Put a check (4) in the margin next to the things you already know and a cross mark (8) next to the information that is new.