Make up a short story about D. Mendeleyev


Task II.

Read and translate the text«N. D. Zelinsky».

Chemistry –хімія

Scientist – науковець

To appoint –призначати

National recognition –національне визнання

To prepare – приготувати

Mask – маска

Organization –організація

Organic chemistry – органічна хімія

Several – декілька

Principal part –головна частина

To develop – розвивати

Development –розвиток

Outstanding – видатний

Highest - найвищий

N. D. Zelinsky

N.D. Zelinsky was born on February 6, 1861 in Tiraspol. He graduated from the University in Odessa in 11884. In 1885 he was sent abroad to have practice in research work. After returning he gave lectures in general chemistry at the same University.

In 1893 he came to Moscow. D. Mendeleyev found out about his arrival and the scientists met. Mendeleyev helped him, and Zelinsky was appointed a professor at Moscow University in the chair of analytical and organic chemistry. That year marked the beginning of Zelinsky’s various activities at Moscow University, where he worked to the very last days of his life.

One of the works carried out at that period brought his national recognition. Zelinsky was the first to prepare the activated charcoal and invent the Zelinsky universal charcoal gasmask.

In 1934 took an active part in the organization of the institute of Organic Chemistry.

Several principal parts in organic chemistry were found and developed by Zelinsky. He built a large school of his own and educated a real army of chemists. For his outstanding activities Zelinsky was awarded the highest orders. He died on July 31, 1953, at the age of 92.


Translate the second and the fourth paragraphs in written form.


Complete the sentences

1. N.D. Zelinsky was born ______________________________________.

2. He ____________________the University in Odessa.

3. _________________________about his arrival and scientists met.

4. Mendeleyev helped him and __________________________________


5. N.D. Zelinsky was the first to prepare the activated charcoal__________


6. Several principal parts in organic chemistry were___________________


7. For his outstanding activities N.D. Zelinsky was awarded ____________



Task III.

Read and translate the text«I.P. Pavlov».

Natural sciences –природничі науки

Physiologist – фізіолог

Blood pressure – кров’яний тиск

Digestive system- система травлення

Anaesthetics – анестезія, наркоз

Surgeon –хірург

To recover –одужувати

Medical science – медичні науки

I.P. Pavlov


Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was born on September 14, 1849 in Ryasan. When he was still a very little bay he helped his father on his farm. His father taught him to read books.

In 1870 Pavlov entered Petersburg University to study natural sciences. Soon he decided to become a physiologist himself.

During his work at the Academy Pavlov discovered several new facts about the blood pressure. In 1890 Pavlov began to lecture on physiology in the Military Academy. Many of Pavlov’s ideas were new to the students and he was a very popular lecturer.

Pavlov studied the work of the digestive system. He made many experiment on dogs. Pavlov never operated unless it was really necessary and he always used anaesthetics. He was very skilful surgeon and the dogs generally recovered very quickly.

After the Great October Revolution Pavlov was given a splendid new laboratory near Leningrad. Large sums of money were spent on this laboratory. Pavlov made great contribution to medical science.

Make up 10 questions to the text

1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________________

Translate the third and the fourth paragraphs in written form


Task IV.


1. Вставте дієслово to be у потрібній формі

1. There _________a pen and two pencils on the desk. 2. There ______ two pencils and a pen on the desk. 3. There __________ a lot of snow in the street. 4. There ________ bread on the table. 5. There ________ twelve chairs and a table in the room. 6. There _________ a table and twelve chairs in the room. 7. ________ there much water in the jug? 8. _______ there much or little money in the purse? 9. _________ there any chalk on the blackboard? 10. How many pages _______there in the book? 11.________ there much food in the fridge?


1.There _______ news from them. 2. There ________ a lot of vegetables in the market. 3. There ________ so little hair on his head that he looked much older. 4. There ________some money for you to spend. 5. The room seemed empty. There _________ hardly any furniture. 6. There __________ a lot of children’s summer clothes in our shop. 7.In the newspapers there _________ a lot of information about computers. 8. There ___________ good as well as useless advice. 9. There _______ little I can do to help you. 10. There ________ no means to perform the operation.


2. Вставте в речення there was/there wasn’t/was there?/ there were/ there weren’t/ were there?

1. I was hungry but _______ anything to eat.

2. __________ any letters for me yesterday?

3. __________ a football match on TV last night but I didn’t see it.

4. We stayed at a nice hotel. “Did you? ___________ a swimming pool?”

5. I found a wallet in the street but _______________ any money in it.

6. _____________ many people at the meeting? “ No, very few.”

7. The suitcase was empty. ____________ any clothes in it.

8. We didn’t visit the museum. ___________ enough time.

9. I’m sorry I’m late. _________________ a lot of traffic.

10. The radio wasn’t working because _____________ any batteries in it.


Самостійна робота №5

Тема: Опрацювання матеріалів: «Plant. Its Parts and Functions», «Medical Plants», «Plant Intoxication», «Порядок слів у простому розповідному, питальному реченні»

Навчальні цілі:


- тематичну лексику та термінологію;

- склад медичних рослин;

- назви лікарських рослин та їх лікарняні властивості;

- назви токсичних рослин


- прочитати та перекласти тематичні тексти;

- виконати лексичні вправи;

- виконати граматичні завдання;

- опрацювати граматичний матеріал «Порядок слів у простому розповідному реченні» Л.Верба «Граматика сучасної англійської мови» с.181-191, «Порядок слів у питальному реченні» Л.Верба «Граматика сучасної англійської мови» с.198-202.


Task I.

Read and translate the text«Plant. Its Parts and Functions».

Shoot – погін

Node – вузел

Harvest – врожай

Herbs – лікарські рослини

Grass - трава

Bud – брунька

Blade – пластина, листок

To maturate –дозрівати

Ripen – спілий

Root – коріння

Seeds – насіння

To collect - збирати

Taste – смак

Odour – аромат, запах