Independent work of students - 50 minutes. 2. What kinds of requests do you know?


1. What is request?

2. What kinds of requests do you know?

3. What’s the difference between filtration and request?

4. What kinds of requests are used?

5. How request for sampling is created?

6. Is it possible to specify conditions at creation of request?

7. What is form?

8. Enumerate kinds of data forms.

9. What’s the purpose of forms?

10. What is auto form?

11. How is form with help of Master created?

12. How is it possible to change existing form?

13. How to change peculiarities of fields form?

14. What is report?

15. Name masters of reports.


Theme #9. Network engineering. Internet. Bases of HTML language. Creation of Web-pages

Objective: To learn to create images on Web-page and also education of students’ practical skills for development of Web-pages.

Learning tasks: Formation of abilities and skills for creation of HTML-document, paste of graphic objects in HTML-document.

Organizational part: - 5 minutes

Roll call of students and looking into causes of absence of students, unpreparedness to lessons, check up of lecture notes.

The number of formed competences:practical skills.

Basic questions of the theme: - 45 minutes

1. Bases of HTML-document.

2. Text formatting.

3. Use of HTML-lists. Lists of definitions.

4. Color gamut of HTML-document.

5. Images in HTML-document.

6. Tables.


Break - 10 minutes

Methods of teaching and tuition: informational technologies of education.

Methods of control of competences formed on the lesson:

ü Solution of situational tasks (student has to perform individual task for receiving certain skills for solution of routine problems);


Independent work of students - 50 minutes

Mastering of practical skills: Solution of routine and situational problems.


Create document on Web-page named Student.html, which will contain full name.

Demonstration example:

Break - 10 minutes


1. What possibilities of World Wide Web service can you use?

2. What’s the format of Web-documents? What’s the difference between them and ordinary text documents?

3. What is browser? What’s its function?

4. How is Internet page made?

5. What is hypertext language?

6. How to create MS Internet Explorer Web-page?

7. How to save document in Internet Explorer?

8. Structure of HTML-document.

9. Which tags are included while execution of HTML-document headline?

10. Name the rules of execution of text information.

11. Name the rules of execution of lists.

12. Name the rules of execution of images.

13. Name the rules of execution of tables.


Theme #10. Web-pages formatting


Objective:To learn to create frames and forms, hyperlinks, filters on Web-page and also to learn practical skills for Web-pages development.

Learning tasks: Formation of abilities and skills on creation of forms, hypertext links, horizontal lines, filters applying to text and image, frames.

Organizational part: - 5 minutes

Roll call of students and looking into causes of absence of students, unpreparedness to lessons, check up of lecture notes.


The number of formed competences:practical skills.

Basic questions of the theme: - 45 minutes


1. Creation of frames and forms.

2. Concept of frame.

3. Hypertext links. Creation of ordinary hyperlink.

4. Graphical file in the role of link. Links and color.

5. Horizontal lines.

6. Filters. Filters, applied to text.


Break - 10 minutes

Methods of teaching and tuition: informational technologies of teaching.

Methods of control of competences formed on the lesson:

ü Testing is carried out in a computer form (student has to answer the “test” questions containing minimum knowledge and skills that are basic definitions, theoretical questions of the given theme). Oral quiz (student must be ready for discussion of the given theme, questions mentioned in methodical directions).


ü Check of results of practical works on PC (student has to perform individual task for development of certain skills in solution of routine problems);