Correct statement to insert data

In what science information is- the content of the electrochemical nature of the signals transmitted along nerve fibers of the body

a) Neurophysiology

Property of information that is provided due to its transformation into an understandable form-

a) Adequacy

Low level DBMS functions

a) Simple data base scripts, which can be generated manually(e.g. read value from table, update element,etc.)

For the Relational Database Management Systems Edgar Frank Codd suggested and substantiated rule

a) System administrator

The key field is

a) This field whose value uniquely identifies a record in the table

Restriction on data stored in database tables is determined by

a) Constraints

Foreign key

a) A field (or collection of fields) in one table that uniquely identifies a row of another table

8. Architecture “File-Server” characterized by

a) Increase the level of data security

DCL stands for

a) Data Control Language

TCL stands for

a) Transactional Control Language

SQL instructions, performing cursor control


Low level functions DBMS

a) Data management in external memory

Command to change Database name

a) Alter database

Command to delete Database

a) Drop database

Command, that allows the user to manage the transaction of database


Operator SELECT FROM defines

a) SELECT a list of fields FROM the list of a table

Data type that is used for symbols

a) String

Operator of SQL lets us to delete current row from the table

a) Delete from A where A5=”Almaty”

Which is correct definition for Cluster

a) The steps of conceptual programming

Primary keys are usually used for

a) The organization of relating the tables

Author of Database relational model theory

a) Edgar F.Codd

Allows different applications and databases work together clear and consistent manner

a) Open Database Connectivity (Open Database Connectivity)

The most precise analogue of a relational database can be

a) Two-dimensional table

The structure of a relational database (DB) is completely determined by

a) A list of field names and an indication of the number of database records

TCL( Transactional Control Language) includes next commands

a) Commit, rollback

DCL(Data Control Language) includes next commands

a) Grant, revoke

27. What is the “the planned query” (a predefined query)

a) A query that must perform optimally

Which of the following is not included in the DBA function

a) assessment of prospects and the formation of the requirements based on the features of the software

29. The object generating the information and presenting it in the form of a message –it

a) Source of information

30. Universal device for automated execution of information processes-

a) Generator

24. The structure of a relational database (DB) is completely determined by

a) A list of field names and indication of the number of database records

Which of the following is not included in the DBA function

a) Assessment of the prospects and the formation of the requirements based on the features of the software


DBA is a person who

a) Directs or performs all activities related to maintaining a successful database environment. Responsibilities include designing, implementing, and maintaining the database system; establishing policies and procedures pertaining to the management, security, maintenance, and use database management system

DBMS is divided into

a) Centralized and distributed

Database record is

a) The smallest unit of information in a database

Database field is-

a) Column of the table containing the values of certain properties

Record I-M means

a) one -to-many relation

8. Record 1:1 means

a) One row in the main table corresponds to one row in a secondary table

DDL standsfor

a) DataDefinitionLanguage

DML standsfor

a) DataManipulationLanguage

Conceptual level -

a) Generalizing the idea database. This level describes what data is stored in the database and the connections between them

External level-

a) Presentation of data from a user perspective. This level describes user part of the database , part that applies to each device

Correct statement to insert data

a) INSERT INTO ‘my_table’ (‘id, ‘name’ ) VALUE (1, ‘ FirstName’)