III Make up a plan of the text. IV Translate the sentences in italics in a written form

IV Translate the sentences in italics in a written form.

V Questions for discussion:

1. What things should one take into consideration before choosing a garment?

2. What are the main figure types?

3. What is a hourglass figure like?

4. What is your advice for people with hourglass figure?

5. What would you recommend to wear with pear shaped figure?

6. Why is inverted triangle figure described as “the wedge”?

7. Why is this figure of the least difficulty?

8. Why is it important to know one’s figure type?



I Mind the following words and word-combinations:

1. to consume – споживати

2. to prevent – запобігати

3. duck type – парусина

4. skipped stitches – пропущений стібок

5. bent – кривий


II Listen to the text and be ready to answer the questions:

1. Why should one be properly ready before starting to sew?

2. What causes the wrong hanging of the garment?

III Listen to the text again. Decide if the statements are true or false.

1. Right preparation for sewing will consume your time.

2. Your sewing machine must be accurately threaded.

3. The choice of the needle doesn’t depend on the fabric.

4. A bent needle can damage the thread.

5. The grainline always runs parallel with the length of the fabric.




I Listen and remember the following words:

1. modesty – скромність, стриманість

2. jewelry – коштовність

3. to ward off – відбивати

4 evil – злий

5. to guard – боронити, захищати

6. hazard – ризик, небезпека

7. thorn – колючки

8. insect – комаха

9. adornment – прикраса


II Read and remember the following phrases:

1. a loose robe – сукня вільного силуету

2. foul-weather clothes – одяг на огидну погоду

3. a bullet-proof vest – бронежилет

4. sore feet – мокрі ноги

5. to heal over – одужувати

6. family ties – родинні зв’язки

7. space suit – костюм космонавта

Why People Wear Clothes

People in other times wore clothes that would probably seem strange today. Still, the reasons that they wore them were much the same as the reasons that people wear clothes today. People throughout history and across different cultures have always worn clothes for similar reasons.

Clothes are worn for protection and also for modesty. Sometimes they are worn merely for decoration, while other times they are worn because they are comfortable.

One of the most important reasons that people wear clothes is for protection. This means that clothes are worn to keep the person from harm and injury. Clothes can offer many kinds of protection. In some places, people have protection from the weather. Sometimes people believe that wearing an article of clothing or a special piece of jewelry will ward off an evil spirit or help keep them healthy. These clothes of psychological protection come from a person’s state of mind or emotions.

Clothes also protect people from heat. In some desert areas people wear loose robes. These robes keep the dry, hot air away from the body, which prevents the loss of body moisture. Raincoats and boots and other foul-weather clothes protect people from unusually bad weather. Hard hats protect workers who must work around construction. Bulletproof vests are worn by police to protect them while they work. The space suits that the astronauts wear in outer space are designed to guard them from space hazards, such as weightlessness and cold. Going for a walk in the woods, people dress to protect themselves from insects, thorns and sore feet.

Clothes can give the wearer psychological protection. This happens when people believe or think that items of clothing have special or magical properties.

In some cultures, special necklaces or other pieces of jewelry or clothes are worn for this kind of protection. People think they ward off evil, heal, or bring good luck to their wearers.

Clothes worn for modesty often carry the idea that an unclothed body is shameful.

What is considered modest changes with the time and place? A view of woman’s ankle in the nineteenth century was considered shocking, yet women often wore evening dresses that were cut quite low.

People of all cultures take an interest in adornment. When people adorn themselves they use things to decorate or beautify their bodies. They wear clothes to make themselves look better to others. People wear clothes to express their individuality and their creative sense.

Adornment can also be used to tell many things about its wearer. It can show wealth, rank, status, occupation, family ties and power. Nowadays there have been radical changes in dress. Many of these changes have been done to make clothes more comfortable and more practical. Comfort has become one of the major reasons that people dress the way they do today.


III Answer the questions:

1. Did ancient people wear clothes for similar reasons as modern ones?

2. What do people wear clothes for?

3. How do clothes protect people from the weather?

4. Do clothes protect only just from cold?

5. Why do people wear special professional clothes?

6. Do clothes have any magical properties?

7. Why do we decorate our clothes?

8. What can clothes say about the wearer?

9. What changes happened in clothing?


IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. The reasons for wearing clothes are…..

2. Clothes are worn for…….

3. People believe that…..

4. …..help protect from…….

5. There are some kinds of…..clothes such as space suits, bullet-proof vests.

6. In some cultures people wear…….


V Find the English equivalents to the words:

Прикраса, дивний, захист, травма, спека, відкритий космос, неодягнений, соромливий, відрізати


VI Make up sentences with the terms:

Reason, protection, to prevent, to dress, special properties, to carry the idea, shocking, adornment, comfortable


VII Give definitions to the words:

Protection, decoration, jewelry, property, individuality, creative


VIII Translate the sentences into English:

1. Люди почали носити одяг для практичних цілей.

2. Одяг захищає оголене тіло від холоду та спеки.

3. Люди вважали, що деякі види одягу та прикрас можуть відганяти злих духів.

4. Існує спеціальний одяг, який може врятувати людині життя.

5. Гарний одяг допомагає виразити індивідуальність, показати творчу натуру людини.

6. Одяг набув багатьох змін: сором’язливий одяг 19 сторіччя став звичайним зараз.

7. Види та стилі одягу відрізняються залежно від культур.

8. Прикраси не тільки додають особливого вигляду, але й мають магічні властивості.

9. Сучасні люди намагаються зробити одяг більш практичним та комфортним.

10. Одяг – це одна з найважливіших та прекрасніших речей, створених людьми.


IX Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

To wear clothes, for some reasons, protection, weather, professional clothes, decoration, jewelry, to express the nature, to make changes



I Read and remember:

1. ability – здатність

2. to dye – фарбувати

3. to penetrate – проникати

4. tie-dyeing – метод фарбування, коли тканина зв’язана

5. batiking – батікування (метод фарбування)

6. dipped – занурений

7. to soak – промокати, всмоктувати

8. silk-screening – трафарет

9. stenciling – нанесення фарби по трафарету

10. frequently – часто

II Read the text and define the main idea of it:

Clothing As Art

Art is the product of the human ability to create something new that has a form and beauty.

Art in clothing is expressed in several ways. It is how a person wears clothes – what pieces are worn together, what colours are put together. It can also be how clothes are designed and sewn and decorated.

In all cultures, art is expressed through clothes. This is why clothes differ from culture to culture. People who are especially good at creating clothes often become clothes and fabric designers. One important and obvious way to express creativity through clothes is to colour them. One of the first ways that people coloured clothes was by dyeing and printing them. Dyeing is a method of giving a colour to fabrics, yarns, or fibres. The substances used to do this are called dyes. They penetrate, or go through, fabric or yarns to change its colour. Printing is a process of introducing one or more colours or neutrals into a solid-coloured fabric.

Two old printing methods that are still popular today are tie-dyeing and batiking.

Tie-dyeing the fabric is tightly connected with producing a desired pattern or print. Then the fabric is dipped in dye. The kind of design that is achieved with tie-dyeing depends largely on how the fabric is tied. Tying fabrics around stones or marbles creates circles. If the fabric is folded or pleated and then tied, the design appears in rows. Sometimes the fabric is stitched and the threads are tightened or drawn up to create the pattern. Wax thread is often used to tie fabric for tie-dyeing. It holds back the dye and makes a cleaner design.

Many items of traditional Japanese and Nigerian clothes are tie-dyed.

Batiking is done with hot wax and dyes. The hot wax is applied to the fabric. As with the wax thread, the dye will not soak into a waxed area. The fabric is there dipped in dyes. Several different dyes can be used in batiking. Some of the wax can be removed so the dyes can be absorbed by new areas of fabric. The wax is removed by applying heat, which melts it.

Batik printing was perfected by the Japanese, a group of people who live in Indonesia. Like tie-dye patterns, batik patterns can also be created by machines. Some machine batik patterns are as creative and interesting as hand batik patterns.

Silk screening is very much like stencilling: a colouring passes through a design on a screen and prints onto the fabric. The screen was originally made of silk, which explains now the process of silk-screening got its name.

The most modern method of printing on the fabric is photo printing. It is frequently used by textile manufactures to create large quantities of printed fabrics.

As machines have taken over more and more of mass manufacturing of fabrics, there has been a renewed interest in hand-made and hand-coloured fabrics. Today, many skilled artists are still involved in long hours of making beautiful fabrics and clothes by hand.