For questions 41-75 read the sentences and decide which answer 1,2,3,4 or 5 best fits each space

For items 29-31 choose the best answer 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.


The core of the earth is a central mass __29__ of two distinct parts: a solid inner core and a liquid outer core. It is believed __30__ nearly twice as dense __31__ the mantle and, although it has only 16.2% of the earth's volume, it has 31.5% of the earth's mass. The conclusion that the outer core is liquid is based __ 32__ the fact that S waves, which will not pass __33__ a liquid, are not transmitted through the core. A solid inner core is suggested __34__ the high pressure and density which __35__ near the center of the earth. Presumably, the increase __36__ pressure at depth causes the core to __37__ from liquid to __38__ . The magnetic field further __39__ the assumption that __40__least part of the core is liquid.

29. 1.has consisted 2. consists 3. consist 4. consisting 5. is consisting
30. 1. being 2. been 3. to be 4. has been 5. be to
31. 1. like 2. so 3. of 4. such 5. as
32. 1. at 2. on 3. in 4. with 5. up
33. 1. in 2. to 3. through 4. cross 5. though
34. 1. by 2. in 3. to 4. at 5. with
35. 1. will exist 2. exist 3. exists 4. is existing 5. have existed
36. 1. of 2. at 3. with 4. in 5. over
37. 1. changing 2. be change 3. changed 4. has changed 5. change
38. 1. solidness 2. solid 3. solidy 4. solidification 5. solidifying
39. 1. supporting 2. support 3. supports 4. have supported 5. is supported
40. 1. at 2. by 3. on 4. under 5. to


For questions 41-75 read the sentences and decide which answer 1,2,3,4 or 5 best fits each space.

41. The mountain systems… continental drift. 1. is separating 2. separate 3. separated 4. are separated 5. are separating
42. Prehistoric man….the water from springs, rivers and lakes. 1. have used 2. was being used 3. uses 4. used 5. is using
43. Observation ….already… that part of the mountains are built of thick rocks. 1. had….. shown 2. has …..shown 3. showed 4. shows 5. is showing
44. The geologists ………. maps for 2 years when I met them in the expedition. 1. had made 2. were making 3. will make 4. had been making 5. had make
45. I think the scientists ……..with the most sophisticated instruments in 20 years. 1. will work 2. is going to work 3. would work 4. are working 5. will have worked
46. When I phoned he …….. the causes of earthquakes.   1. studied 2. had been studying 3. is studying 4. was going to study 5. was studying
47. Last month this time I ……..exams on physics .   1. were going to take 2. was taking 3. am taking 4. took 5. used to take
48. By 1750 M.Lomonosov ……a catalogue of the Mineralogical Museum of the Academy of Sciences. 1. compiled 2. had been compiled 3. would have compiled 4. had compiled 5. compile
49. He …….study volcanoes but he is more interested in glaciers now. 1. used to 2. was used to 3. is used to 4. has used to 5. has been used to
50. - What are you planning for next year? - I …………. in the expedition to Alaska. 1. taking part 2. am going to take part 3. will be taking part 4. take 5. took
51. Unless metamorphic rocks……... carefully, geologists can not be sure of their origin. 1. will be studied 2. was studied 3. are studied 4. study 5. is studied
52. If convection currents rose beneath the continent, the continent ……… . 1. would split 2. splits 3. will be split 4. split 5. will split
53. Don’t disturb me at 10 o’clock! I.…over my graduation paper then.   1. will work 2. shall be worked 3. will have worked 4. work 5. shall be working
54. You …. a test if you had attended the lectures.   1. had passed 2. will pass 3. would pass 4. would have passed 5. will have passed
55. A mountain belt………naturally by great horizontal forces.   1. deformed 2. is deformed 3. will be deformed 4. were deformed 5. had been deformed
56. The classification of igneous rocks …… is given in this report is based on texture and composition of minerals.   1. who 2. where 3. whose 4. when 5. which
57. He asked me if my investigations ……successful the previous field period. 1. was 2. is 3. would be 4. had been 5. will be
58. He said that he …….. hard the whole month to pass the exams.   1. had been working 2. had worked 3. was working 4. worked 5. used to work
59. - What did he ask you? - He asked me where ……. .   1. was I going 2. I am going 3. I went 4. I was going 5. I will go
60. Granite is considered to be of a granular texture. 1. Гранит считается зернистой структурой. 2. Известно, что гранит зернист. 3. Считается, что гранит имеет зернистую структуру. 4. Считалось, что гранит имеет зернистое строение. 5. Предполагается, что гранит состоит из гранул.
61. This rock composed entirely of transparent crystals is known to have been studying by them for 3 years. 1. Все знали, что эта порода, состоящая полностью из прозрачных кристаллов, изучается 3 года. 2. Известно, что порода, состоящая из прозрачных кристаллов, изучается ими уже 3 года. 3. Было известно, что эта состоящая полностью из прозрачных кристаллов порода изучалась ими 3 года назад. 4. Известно, что эта порода, состоящая полностью из прозрачных кристаллов, изучается ими уже 3 года. 5. Эта порода, состоящая полностью из прозрачных кристаллов, изучается нами уже 3 года.
62. The fauna of the British Isles is similar to that of north-western Europe. 1. Растительный мир Британии и Европы различен. 2. Фауна на Британских островах была похожа на фауну юго-западной Европы. 3. Фауна Британских островов подобна фауне северо-западной Европы. 4. Фауна Британии похожа на ту, которая обитала в Европе. 5. На Британских островах и в северной Европе очень похожий растительный мир.
63. The older are the formations, the harder they are generally to study. 1. Древние образования трудно изучать. 2. Чем древнее формации, тем, в целом, сложнее их изучать. 3. Древние формации, в общем, едва ли можно изучить. 4. Образования древние, изучение, в целом, сложное. 5. Более древние формации являются причиной трудностей при изучении.
64. It is the process of deposition that produces the sedimentary rocks. 1. Процесс переотложения осадков порождает осадочные горные породы. 2. Именно процесс накопления производит к образованию осадков. 3. Процесс перемещения ведет к образованию осадочных пород. 4. Это процесс, который является причиной отложения осадочных пород. 5. Именно процесс отложения ведет к образованию осадочных горных пород.
65. ”Geology of Finland”was the first to publish our article. 1. Журнал Геология Финляндии впервые опубликовал нашу статью. 2. В журнале Геология Финляндии нашу статью напечатали первой. 3. Первый номер журнала Геология Финляндии опубликовал нашу статью. 4. Журнал Геология Финляндии первым опубликовал нашу статью. 5. Журнал Геология Финляндии первым опубликовал нашу первую статью.
66. One of the chief constituents of the air is ……oxygen. 1. a 2. the 3. - 4. this 5. an
67. ……. these two theories is acceptable today. 1. Either 2. Neither of 3. None 4. No 5. Some
68. The structure of the Alps is even …….than that of the Canadian Rockies. 1. much complicated 2. more complicated 3. the most complicated 4. complicatest 5. complicated
69. ........craters on the moon are of impact nature . 1. Most 2. A little 3. Much 4. Little 5. No
70. Many silica-rich magmas cool ….. considerable depths. 1. out 2. on 3. in 4. for 5. at
71. …..addition, peridotite is similar …..texture and composition …..many stony meteorites. 1. to, in , to 2. to , in , in 3. out of 4. in, in , to 5. at, with, to
72. This plan is not ….., it’s ……….. 1. mine, your 2. mine, yours 3. my, yours 4. mines, your 5. my, your
73. There are certain surface features … geological processes. 1. modify 2. modifying 3. modified 4. to modify 5. are modifying
74. He was busy ………the mineralogical exhibition. 1. organize 2. organized 3. organizing 4. being organized 5. would organize
75. Hot mantle material ………change its position due to temperature variations. 1. should have 2. may 3. were able to 4. must 5. had to