(A talk between Bill Anderson, a lecturer at London University, and Peter Sedov, a Russian teacher, who is teaching Russian at London University.)

Bill Anderson: Peter, could you do me a favour?(1)

Peter Sedov: You’re welcome.

Bill: Could you name most popular modern Russian writters?

Peter: Well, you know, tastes differ. My favourite modern writers are Solzhenitsyn, Bondarev, Rasputin, Lipatov to name only a few.

Bill: Were any of their works translated into English?

Peter: I think so. I have Bondarev’s "Bank"(2) in English.

Bill: May I borrow it?

Peter: Yes, certainly. I’ll bring it tomorrow.

Bill: Thank you very much. Unfortunately I don’t know any of your modern writers.

Peter: I hope you’ll enjoy these novels.


A: Who are the most popular writers in Great Britain at present?

B: It’s a diffucult question. Tastes differ, you know. I’d say the most popular fiction writers are Graham Greene, Iris Murdoch, Agatha Christie, to name only a few.

A: As to Graham Greene, Iris Murdoch and Agatha Christie I’ve read some of their books in translation. They impressed me greatly. I especially liked Graham Greene’s novels "The Comedians" and "The Honorary Consul".(3) I wonder whether John Galsworthy, Bernard Shaw, Somerset Maugham and Arnold Bennett are as popular as they used to be. (4)

В: I don’t think so though many of their books are republished. Galsworthy is my favourite writer. He’s a classic. I hear most of Galsworthy’s novels were translated into Russian.

A: Oh, yes. I think I’ve read all the books that were translated.

B: I’m surprised at you, Russians. You seem to know English literature better than we do. (5)


Peter Rostov: Could you advise me an English novel to read?

John Brown: I’d advise you to read C.P Snow’s novel "The New Men". Though C.P. Snow wrote it over thirty years ago, the book has stood the test of time.

Rostov: What’s the subject-matter of the book?

Brown: As far as I understand it’s the problem of conscience, duties and responsibilities of scientists.

Rostov: Who are the main characters?

Brown: To my mind the two brothers — Lewis and Martin Eliot.

Rostov: When and where does the action take place?

Brown : During the Second World War and a year after. A group of British scientists worked on the atomic bomb in a small village, a few miles from Stratford-on- Avon*. Late in July 1945 they learned that the USA had tested an atomic bomb and that the American military were planning to drop an atomic bomb on a Japanese town.

Rostov: Excuse my interrupting you. Did the scientists try to do something?

Brown: Yes, they did. They signed a protest and took it to Washington.

Rostov: But the American military didn’t listen to the scientists as the events showed.

Brown: Unfortunately, they didn’t.

Rostov: What do you think the message of the novel is?

Brown: I think the writer wanted to draw the attention of the people to the danger of atomic bombs. To my mind the social value of the novel is undoubted. Look, I advise you to read the novel yourself and form your own opinion. When you finish it we’ll be able to discuss it. I could lend you the book, by the way.

Rostov: Thank you.


(Jane, an English student has just returned from a concert. She meets Mary, a Russian exchange postgraduate.)

Mary: Hello. How are you?

Jane: Fine, thanks. I’ve just been to Richter’s concert.

Mary: Did you enjoy the concert?

Jane: It was splendid.

Mary: What did he play?

Jane: Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov and ... Here, have a 1ook at the programme. I believe Richter is one of the most brilliant pianists of today.

Mary: Yes, he certainly is. By the way, the Chamber Orchestra "Moscow Virtuosos*" is on tour in Great Britain now. Would you care to attend their concert next Friday? I’ve got two tickets.

Jane: I’d love to. Thank you very much. I’ve read a review about the concert. It says they’re marvellous. I’m fond of music.


Graham Greene [ʹɡreɪəm ʹɡri:n] Грэм Грин

Iris Murdoch [ʹaɪərɪs ʹmə:dək] Айрис Мердок

John Galsworthy [ʹdʒɔn ʹɡɔ:lzwəðɪ] Джон Голсуорси

Somerset Maugham [ʹsɔməsət ʹmɔ:əm] Сомерсет Моэм

Arnold Bennett [ʹɑ:nld ʹbenət] Арнольд Беннет

C. P. Snow [ʹsi: ʹpi: ʹsnou] Чарльз Перси Сноу


(1) Could you do me a favour [ʹfeɪvə]? He могли бы вы сделать мне одолжение?

(2) "Bank" "Берег”

(3) "The Comedians" [kəʹmi:dɪənz] and "The Honorary Consul" [ʹɔnərərɪ ʹkɔnsl] "Комедианты" и "Почетный консул"

(4) as they used [ju:st] to be как были раньше (как бывало)

(5) You seem to know English literature better than we do. Кажется, вы знаете английскую литературу лучше нас.


Part two

Урок 2

Conversations: A. Asking the Way.

B. On a Bus.

C. Taking а Taxi.

D. Telephone Conversation.

Learn these words and word combinations

left n левая сторона; on the left слева, с левой стороны; on your left слева от вас; You’ll see a supermarket on your left.

to turn (to the) left поворачивать налево; Turn left at the school and you’ll see the bus-stop.

right [raɪt] n правая сторона; on the right справа, с правой стороны; on your right справа от вас; to turn (to the) right поворачивать направо

straight [streɪt] on adv прямо; Turn left at the supermarket and then go straight on.

far (farther, farthest) adv далеко, на большом расстоянии; Is it far? far from далеко от; Is Red Square far from here?

car-driver n водитель (автомобиля)

passer-by [ʹpɑ:səbaɪ] n (pl. passers-by) прохожий

way [weɪ] n 1. дорога, путь; I’ll ask the way. Я спрошу дорогу. Could you tell me the way to the nearest underground station? He могли бы вы сказать мне, как пройти к ближайшей станции метро? 2. дорожные знаки: "No Through Way" «Проезда (прохода) нет»; "Way Up" «Наверх»; "Way Down” «Вниз»

turn round v поворачивать назад

traffic-lights [ʹtræfɪk͵laɪts] n светофор.

distance [ʹdɪstəns] n расстояние; What distance is it to Kiev? It’s no distance at all. Это совсем близко.

stranger [ʹstreɪnʤə] n чужой, нездешний, незнакомец

policeman [pəʹli:smən] n полицейский, полисмен

conductor [kənʹdʌktə] n кондуктор автобуса (в Великобритании)

put down v высаживать; to put smb. down at a stop высадить кого-л. на остановке, сказать кому-л., что это его остановка; Did you ask the conductor to put you down at the department store?

get off v выходить (из автобуса, трамвая и т. п.); to get off at the next stop; You’ll have to get off at the next stop.

wrong [rɔŋ] а неправильный, ошибочный, ложный, не тот (который нужен); I’m afraid you’re wrong. Боюсь, что вы ошибаетесь. His answer is wrong. to go the wrong way идти не в ту сторону, не по той дороге; They went the wrong way.

change v пересаживаться, делать пересадку; to change (for a train) at a station; You’ll have to change at Trafalgar [trəʹfælɡə] Square for a 11 or a 12 bus. Вам нужно пересесть на Трафальгарской площади на автобус 11 или 12.

post-office [ʹpoust͵ɔfɪs] п почтовое отделение, почта

taxi [ʹtæksɪ] п такси; to take a taxiбрать (взять) такси; You are going to take a taxi, aren’t you? It’s a long distance.

promise [ʹprɔmɪs] v обещать; I promised to call him back.

do one’s best сделать все возможное; все, что в твоих силах; They are doing their best. Они делают все, что в их силах.

in time вовремя; You’re just in time. Вы пришли (приехали) как раз вовремя.

keep (kept) v зд. не возвращать, оставлять себе. You can keep the book. I do not need it.

appointment [əʹpɔɪntmənt] n (деловая) встреча, (деловое) свидание; to make (to have) an appointment договориться о встрече; Did you make an appointment with Mr Britton for ten o’clock? to keep (to break) an appointment прийти (не прийти) на свидание; I’m afraid I’ll have to break the appointment with Mr Smith.

possible [ʹpɔsəbl] а возможный; I’m sure he'll do everything possible to help you. Я уверен, он сделает все возможное, чтобы помочь вам. as soon as possible как можно скорее; Please come back as soon as possible.

urgent [ʹə:ʤənt] а срочный, неотложный, безотлагательный; The matter is urgent. Это срочное (неотложное, безотлагательное) дело.

perhaps [pəʹhæps] adv может быть, возможно; пожалуй; Perhaps he’ll lend you the book.

perfect [ʹpə:fɪkt] а совершенный, прекрасный, идеальный, безупречный; The weather was perfect. It’s perfect. Прекрасно. (Идеально.)

the Ministry of Foreign Trade Министерство внешней торговли

hold the line не вешайте трубку (подождите у телефона)

available [əʹveɪləbl] a: Is Mr Brown available just now? Можно видеть сейчас г-на Брауна (поговорить сейчас с г-ном Брауном)?

put smb. through [θru:] to smb. v соединить кого-л. с кем-л. (по телефону)

believe [bɪʹli:v] v полагать, думать; I believe he’s already completed the novel.

show n выставка; the International Agricultural [͵æɡrɪʹkʌltʃərəl] Show Международная сельскохозяйственная выставка

official [əʹfɪʃl] а официальный; Is the news official? Это официальное сообщение?

opening [ʹoup(ə)nɪŋ] n открытие; Would you like to attend the official opening of the exhibition?

mind [maɪnd] v: if you don’t mind если вы не возражаете (не имеете ничего против)

send (sent) v посылать, отправлять; When did you send the letter?

complimentary [͵kɔmplɪʹmentrɪ] ticket пригласительный билет, контрамарка

A. Asking the Way

A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where South Street is, please?

B: Take the second(1) on the left and go straight on.

A: Is it far?

B: No, it’s only about five minutes walk.

A: Thank you.

B: Not at all.

A (car-driver to a passer-by): Excuse me, please. Could you tell me the way to the station?

B: Turn round and turn left at the traffic-lights.

A: Will it take me long?

B: No, it’s no distance at all.

A: Thank you.

B: That’s OK.

A: Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest underground station is?

B: I’m a stranger here. You’d better ask the policeman.

A (to the policeman): Excuse me, officer(2), could you tell me the way to the nearest underground station?

B: You’re going the wrong way. Go straight on and take the second on the right. You’ll see it on your left.

B. On a Bus

A (at the busstop): Is there a bus from here to the National Ganery(3)?

В: Yes, take a 12(4) and ask the conductor to put you down at Trafalgar Square.

A: Thank you.

B: That’s OK.

A: Does this bus go to the station?

B: No, you’ll have to get off at the bank and take a 12.

A: Can you tell me where to get off?

B: It’s the next stop but one(5).

A: Is this the right bus for the Town Hall?

B: No, you’re going the wrong way. You’ll have to change at the post-office and take a 192.

A: Thank you.

B: Not at all.

C. Taking a Taxi

A: Piccadilly(6), please. I have to be there by 10.30.

Taxi-driver: I can’t promise, but I’ll do my best ... You’re just in time. 70 p(7), p1ease.

A: Thanks a lot. Here’s 80 p. You can keep the change. (Here’s a pound. Give me 20 p change, please.)

D. Telephone Conversation

Secretary: Good morning. Mr Browning’s office.

Victorov: Good morning. Can I speak to Mr Browning, please? This is Victorov speaking.

Secretary: Mr Browning is out. Can I help you, Mr Victorov?

Victorov: I’d like to have an appointment with Mr Browning.

Secretary: When would you like to come?

Victorov: As soon as possible.

Secretary: I’m afraid there’s nothing tomorrow. Mr Browning is very busy just now. If it is urgent, perhaps we could find time tomorrow.

Victorov: No, it isn’t as urgent as that. It can wait until the day after tomorrow.

Secretary: What time could you come on Wednesday?

Victorov: As late as possible in the afternoon.

Secretary: Would 4.30 be all right?

Victorov: Yes, that’s perfect. Thank you. Goodbye.

Secretary: Goodbye, Mr Victorov.

Secretary: Good morning. British Embassy.

Petrov: Good morning. I’d like to speak to Mr Weston, please.

Secretary: Who’s calling, please?

Petrov: This is George Petrov from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Trade.

Secretary: Will you hold the line, please? I’ll see if Mr Weston is available ... I’m putting you through.

Mr Weston: Hello, Mr Petrov.

Petrov: Hello. I believe you know that the International Agricultural Show is to open next Wednesday, September 8th in Sokolniki Park. I wonder whether you would like to attend the official opening.

Mr Weston: Thank you very much for the invitation. Unfortunately I can’t accept it. I have another engagement. I think Mr Morton will be able to attend the opening if you don’t mind.

Petrov: We’ll be glad to see Mr Morton. We’re sending a Complimentary Ticket for him. Goodbye.

Mr Weston: Goodbye.


(1) Take the second (разг. сокр. от the second turning второй поворот). Поверните на вторую улицу.

(2) Excuse me, officer [ʹɔfɪsə]. В Англии принято обращаться к полицейскому, употребляя слово officer (офицер).

(3) the National Gallery Национальная галерея (крупнейшее в Великобритании собрание картин, находится на площади Трафальгар-Сквер в Лондоне)

(4) take a 12 (twelve) (разг. сокр. от take a number 12). Обратите внимание на то, как произносятся номера автобусов до 100 — как количественные числительные: take a 22 (twenty two), a 97 (ninety seven); после 100 — take a 22 произносится каждая цифра: take a 182 (one-eight-two).

(5) It’s the next stop but one. Это вторая остановка (через одну остановку).

(6) Piccadilly (Circus) [͵pɪkəʹdɪlɪ ͵sə:kəs] Пиккадилли - Серкус, площадь Пиккадилли (в центральной части Лондона)

(7) 70 p (pence) 70 пенсов


Урок 4

Conversations: A. Suggestions about What a Person Should See.

B. Impressions of a Visit.

Learn these words and word combinations

suggestion [seʹʤestʃn] n предложение, совет

several [ʹsevrl] а несколько; I visited the British Museum several times.

be away [əʹweɪ] v не быть дома (в учреждении); быть в отъезде; How long will Mr Smith be away?

advice [ədʹvaɪs] n совет, советы; a piece of advice один совет; to ask smb.’s advice попросить у кого-л. совета. You’d better ask Peter’s advice; to give smb. (a piece of) advice дать кому-л. (один) совет; Не gave me а piece of good advice. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ; Обратите внимание на различие в написании и произношении глагола и существительного: to advise [ədʹvaɪz] - advice [ədʹvaɪs]

historian [hɪʹstɔ:rɪən] и историк

architectural [͵ɑ:kɪtektʃərl] а архитектурный

fascinating [ʹfæsɪneɪtɪŋ] а восхитительный, очаровательный, пленительный; Your new poem is fascinating.

call v называть; She is called Jane. Ее зовут Джейн. What do you call this? Как это называется?

Arab [ʹærəb] а арабский

get to know узнать; When you get to know them you’ll like them.

recommend [͵rekəʹmend] v рекомендовать, советовать; Can you recommend me a good novel? I would strongly recommend you to go there by air. Я бы очень посоветовал вам полететь туда на самолете.

way п путь, дорога; on one’s way по пути; On my way to college I met John. out of the way лежащий не по пути (в стороне); Unfortunately this tittle town is out of the way.

journey [ʹʤə:nɪ] n поездка; Have a good journey! Счастливого пути!

expect [ɪksʹpekt] v ожидать, ждать; We expected you yesterday.

at least по крайней мере, самое меньшее; You should also visit Pskov at least for a few hours.

birthplace [ʹbə:θp1eɪs] n место рождения

find [faɪnd] (found [faund]) out разузнать, выяснить; Please find out when he train starts.

appreciate [əʹpri:ʃɪeɪt] v ценить, быть признательным (за что- л.); I appreciate your kindness.

feel (felt, felt) v чувствовать, ощущать; How are you feeling today? to feel cold (happy, comtortable) ощущать холод (чувствовать себя счастливым, чувствовать себя хорошо (удобно); I feel very cold. Мне очень холодно.

conference [ʹkɔnfərəns] п конференция

the Far East Дальний Восток

geologist [ʤɪʹɔləʤɪst] п геолог

sponsor [ʹspɔnsə] v устраивать, организовывать; быть инициатором, спонсором

branch п отделение, филиал

full а полный, наполненный, преисполненный; You must be full of impressions. У вас, должно быть, масса впечатлений.

prospect [ʹprɔspekt] п (обыкн. pl.) перспектива, виды, планы на будущее; What are your prospects? Каковы ваши планы на будущее?

development [dɪʹveləpmənt] п развитие, рост, совершенствование

discussion [dɪsʹkʌʃn] п обсуждение, дискуссия; to have а discussion about smth. обсуждать, дискутировать что-л.; They had a discussion about the prospects for the development of Siberia.

lively [ʹlaɪvlɪ] а оживленный; a lively discussion оживленное обсуждение

fruitful [ʹfru:tfl] а плодотворный; Their discussion was lively and fruitful.

happen [ʹhæpn] v 1. случаться, происходить; to happen to smb. случаться с кем-л.; What happened to him? 2. оказываться случайно; He happened to be there. Он случайно оказался там.

participant [pɑ:ʹtɪsɪpənt] n участник; a participant in a conference (a meeting, etc.) участник конференции (встречи и т.п.)

taiga [ʹtaɪɡɑ:] п тайга

hydroelectric [ʹhaɪdro(u) ɪʹlektrɪk] station гидроэлектростанция

friendly [ʹfrendlɪ] а дружеский, дружески расположенный; дружелюбный; to be friendly with smb. быть в дружеских отношениях с кем-л.; Is John friendly with Peter?

hospitable [ʹhɔspɪtəbl] а гостеприимный, радушный

including [ɪnʹklu:dɪŋ] prep включая, в том числе

the present state of affairs [əʹfɛəz] современное положение

find [faɪnd] (found [faund]) v считать, находить; How do you find him? Как вы его находите?

peace [pi:s] n мир

discuss [dɪsʹkʌs] v обсуждать; Let’s discuss the question.

forum [ʹfɔ:rəm] n форум

A. Suggestions about What a Person Should See

At a reception in the Russian Embassy Mr Mitchell, a British journalist, meets George Danilov, a Russian journalist. They have met several times before.

Mr Mitchell: Hello, George.

George Danilov: Good evening. How are you?

M: I’m fine, thank you. And what about you?

D: Fine, thanks.

M: Haven’t seen you for ages(1). Have you been away?

D: Yes. I’ve just returned from my holiday.

M: Where did you go for your holiday?

D: Yes. My wife and I made a tour of Central Asia.

M: How very interesting! I was just going to ask your advice about a visit there. You see(2), my wife is a historian. For many years she’s been planning a trip to Samarkand and Bukhara. Have you ever been to these cities?

D: Yes, certainly. The architectural monuments of these two cities are fascinating. In the past Arab poets called Samarkand "the Eden of the ancient East(3)". I think your wife should try to see these cities.

M: I wonder how long the trip will take her.

D: If she wants to really get to know Samarkand and Bukhara it’ll take her about a couple of weeks. I would strongly recommend your wife to see some modern cities, too.

M: That sounds interesting. I’ll speak to her about it. Thanks a lot. Your advice was most helpful(4).

D: It’s a pleasure.

Nicholai Stepanov, a teacher of Russian, has been staying in London for a few months. Next Saturday morning he is leaving for Edinburgh. Last Tuesday Nicholai saw Bernard Law, a London University lecturer and asked his advice.

Nicholai Stepanov: Bernard, could you do me a favour(5)?

Bernard Law: I’ll be glad to if I can.

S: Next Saturday morning I’m going to Edinburgh by car. What would you advise me to see on my way there?

L: Well, it’s going to be a long journey. When are you expected in Edinburgh?

S: Next Monday afternoon.

L: You should try to see Oxford though it’s a little out of the way. I suggest you should also spend at least а few hours in Coventry and see the Cathedral.

S: Is Robert Burns’s birthplace far from Edinburgh?

L: I’m sorry to say I’ve never been there. You see Burns isn’t as popular in England as (he is) in Scotland and abroad. I’m sure you’ll easily find it out in Edinburgh.

S: I really appreciate your help. Thank you very much.

L: It’s a pleasure.

B. Impressions of a Visit

Jim Brown: Hello, Henry.

Henry Sloan: Hello. How are you feeling?

Jim: I’m OK, thank you. And what about you?

Henry: I’m well, thanks. Have you been away? I phoned you several times but there was no answer.

Jim: Yes, I’ve just returned from a conference in Khabarovsk.

Henry: Where’s that? In Africa?

Jim: Oh, no. It’s in the Far East.

Henry: How very interesting! What were you doing there?

Jim: I attended the UNESCO(6) conference of geologists. It was sponsored by our branch.

Henry: You must be full of impressions.

Jim: Yes, indeed. That was a very interesting conference. Russian colleagues told us about the prospects for the development of the Far East. The discussion was lively and fruitful.

Henry: Did you happen to visit any other places in the Far East?

Jim: Yes. The participants made a fantastic tour of the Far East. We visited the Kolyma, taiga, a hydroelectric station. Yakutsk, Chukotka and Sakhalin.

Henry: Did you meet many Russian people?

Jim: Quite a few! Among them scientists, workers and students. I must say the people were friendly and hospitable.

Henry: What did you talk with them about?

Jim: A lot of things including the present state of affairs in the world. I have the impression that all the Russian people want peace. I found that peace is discussed everywhere nowadays, at international forums and over a cup of tea(7) at home.


Samarkand [ʹsæmərkænd] г. Самарканд

Bukhara [buʹkɑ:rə] г. Бухара

Coventry [ʹkɔvəntrɪ] г. Ковентри

Khabarovsk [hʌʹbɑ:rəfsk] г. Хабаровск

Kolyma [kʌʹlɪmə] p. Колыма

Yakutsk [jeʹku:tsk] г. Якутск

Chukotka [ʧuʹkɔ:tkə] п-ов Чукотка


(1) Haven’t (I haven’t) seen you for ages. He видел вас тысячу лет. (Давно не видел вас.)

(2) You see ... Понимаете ли ... (Видите ли ...)

(3) the Eden of the ancient East Эдем (рай) Древнего Востока

(4) Your advice was most helpful. Ваш совет был очень полезен. (Благодарю вас за совет.)

(5) Could you do me a favour [ʹfeɪvə]? He могли бы вы сделать мне одолжение?

(6) the UNESCO [ju:ʹneskou] = the United Nations Educational [͵edjuʹkeɪʃnl], Scientific [͵saɪənʹtɪfɪk] and Cultural Organization [͵ɔ:ɡənaɪʹzeɪʃn] ЮНЕСКО, Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры

(7) over a cup of tea за чашкой чая



Урок 6

Conversations: A. A Visit to the "Young Pioneers" Stadium.

B. Sport in British Schools.

C. At the Doctor’s.

Learn these words and word combinations

pioneer [͵paɪəʹnɪə] п пионер

stadium [ʹstəɪdɪəm] n стадион; Spartak Stadium стадион "Спартак"

lounge [launʤ] n вестибюль, гостиная (в отеле и т. п.)

sleep п сон; I had a good night sleep

sleep (slept) v спать; I don’t want to sleep now.

start v. to start with doing smth. Let’s start with visiting the British Museum; to start smth. with smth.; He often starts his lesson with questions.

teenager [ʹti:neɪʤə] n подросток; юноша или девушка

objection [əbʹʤekʃn] n возражение

train v тренировать(ся) ; My brother trains quite a time every day.

sports events [ɪʹvents] спортивные соревнования

sports club спортивный клуб (спортивное общество)

function [ʹfʌŋkʃn] v функционировать, действовать; работать.

admit [ədʹmɪt] v принимать; допускать; впускать; to admit to school (college, club) принять в школу (в колледж, в клуб); I wonder who is admitted to colleges in this country.

support [səʹpɔ:t] n помогать (материально), обеспечивать; Schools are supported by the state in our country.

trade union профсоюз

fee n взнос; club fee членский взнос

free of charge бесплатно

coach v спорт. тренировать(ся), готовить(ся) к состязаниям; Coaching is free of charge here.

only [ʹounlɪ] а единственный; Is this the only sports club for teenagers?

basketball [ʹbɑ:skɪtbɔ:l] n баскетбол

pretty [ʹprɪtɪ] adv разг. довольно, достаточно; в значительной степени; George plays tennis pretty well.

relaxation [͵ri:lækʹseɪʃn] n отдых; передышка; развлечение; Playing tennis is the best kind of relaxation for me.

stop v останавливать(ся); He stopped near the entrance to the exhibition. to stop to talk (to read, ete.) остановиться, чтобы поговорить (прочитать и т.п.); Не stopped to watch the boys play basketball.

volleyball [ʹvɔlɪbɔ:l] n волейбол

compete [kəmʹpi:t] v состязаться, соревноваться, участвовать в соревновании

hack and field events соревнования по легкой атлетике

kind п вид, сорт, разновидность; What kind of person is he? Что он за человек? What kinds of sports do you have in your schools? Какими видами спорта занимаются в ваших школах?

various [ʹvɛərɪəs] а различный, разный; It can be done in various ways. Это может быть сделано по-разному.

offer [ʹɔfə] v предлагать (помощь, что-л.); Не offered me his help. He offered to help me.

opportunity [͵ɔpə'tju:nɪtɪ] n возможность, (удобный) случай; I didn’t get (he opportunity to speak to him. У меня не было (я не имел) возможности поговорить с ним.

team games командные игры

cricket [ʹkrɪkɪt] п крикет

rugger [ʹrʌɡə] п разг. от rugby регби

soccer [ʹsɔkə] п футбол

rounders [ʹraundəz] п английская лапта

baseball [ʹbeɪsbɔ:l] п бейсбол

athletics [æθʹletɪks] п легкая атлетика

athletic [æθʹletɪk] а атлетический;

athletic sports легкая атлетика

facility [fəʹsɪlɪtɪ] п (обычно pl.) условия; There are excellent facilities for athletics here.

attention n: to pay attention to smth. обращать внимание на что-л.; We pay a great deal of attention to the development of sport.

training n тренировка

body [ʹbɔdɪ] n тело

character [ʹkærəktə] n характер

record [ʹrekɔ:d] n рекорд; to establish [ɪsʹtæblɪʃ] a record for smth. установить рекорд в чем- л.; Не established the record for the 100 m run. Он установил рекорд в беге на 100 метров.

sportsman [ʹspɔ:tsmən] п спортсмен

nation [ʹneɪʃn] п 1. нация; 2. страна.

physician [fɪʹzɪʃn] n врач (терапевт); at the physician’s у врача

form п медицинская карта

What’s the trouble [ʹtrʌbl]? Что случилось?

feverish [ʹfi:vərɪʃ] а лихорадочный; The child feels feverish. У ребенка жар (ребенка лихорадит).

throat [θrout] п горло, гортань, глотка; зев;

sore [sɔ:] throat воспаленное горло, ангина; I have a sore throat. У меня болит горло.

slip off v снимать

blouse [blauz] n блузка

chest п грудная клетка, грудь; to listen to one’s chest послушать (легкие и сердце)

breathe [brɪ:ð] v дышать; to breathe in вдохнуть; "Please breathe in," said the doctor.

to breathe out выдохнуть

cough [kɔf] v кашлять; Have you been coughing much? take one’s temperature мерить (измерять) температуру; Will you take your temperature, please?

thermometer [θəʹmomɪtə] n термометр

tongue [tʌŋ] n язык a bit n небольшое количество, немного, чуть-чуть

sneeze [sni:z] v чихать; "I’ve been coughing and sneezing a lot these two days," said Jane.

examine [ɪɡʹzæmɪn] v мед. осматривать, обследовать; выслушивать; "I’ll have to examine you," said the doctor.

mouth [mauθ] n рот

wide adv широко; Open your mouth wide. Откройте пошире рот.

cold n простуда, грипп; to have (to have got) a cold простудиться, болеть гриппом

course [kɔ:s] мед. курс; to give a course of antibiotics [ʹæntɪbaɪʹɔtɪks] прописать (проводить) курс лечения антибиотиками

capsule [ʹkæpsju:l] п капсула; облатка

prescription [prɪsʹkrɪpʃn] рецепт; Did the doctor give him a prescription?

surgeon [ʹsə:ʤn] n хирург; at the surgeon’s у хирурга; to go to the surgeon’s пойти к хирургу

surgery [ʹsə:ʤərɪ] n кабинет или приемная врача

What’s wrong with you? Что с вами (что случилось)?

fracture [ʹfræktʃə] n перелом; разрыв; трещина

run (ran, run) v бежать, бегать; He ran as hard as he could.

ball n мяч

slip v поскользнуться

fall down (fell, fallen) v падать

pain n боль; to have (to feel) a pain чувствовать боль; I have a pain in my left hand.

get up v вставать, подниматься

careful [ʹkɛəfl] а осторожный, осмотрительный; You should be careful when you cross the street. One cannot be too careful. Осторожность не помешает.

examination [ɪɡ͵zæmɪʹneɪʃn] досмотр, освидетельствование, обследование;

X-ray ['eksreɪ] examination рентгенологическое исследование

X-ray room рентгеновский кабинет

X-ray picture рентгеновский снимок

X-ray v делать рентгеновский снимок

drive (drove, driven [ʹdrɪvn]) v подвозить, отвозить кого-л., куда-л.; Will you drive me homo, please?