Меня зовут – My name is Его зовут – His name is Её зовут – Her name is Тебя зовут – Your name is

My name is Sasha. Your name is Masha. His name Maxim. Her name is Polina. His name is Denis. Her name is Dasha. My name is Lera. Your name is Artem. His name is Bogdan. Her name is Sofiya.

*Упражнение 27–Exercise 27 Впиши недостающее слово His или Her

1………… name is Ann. 2………….. name is Boris. 3……………. name is Yaroslav. 4………… name is Kate. 5…………… name is Veronika. 6………….name is Yegor.

Упражнение 28Exercise 28 Читай слова и запомни, что в них Th читается [ ]

This that these those they them their father mother brother

Упражнение 29Exercise 29 Прочитай и переведи предложения.

This is a dog and that is a frog. This is a cat and that is a bat. This is a hare and that is a bare. This is my friend and that is my teacher. This is my mother and that is my father. This is my sister and that Is my brother.

Упражнение 30 Exercise 30 Запомни слова:

Boy – мальчик girl - девочка man – мужчина woman - женщина Family - семья Father –папа Mother – мама Sister – сестра Brother – брат Grandmother - бабушка Grandfather – дедушка Friend – друг Teacher - учитель
5 – five  

Упражнение 31 - Exercise 31 Прочитай, переведи.

1.This is my father. His name is Pavel. This is my mother. Her name is Lena. This is my sister. Her name is Lera. This is my brother. His name is Misha. I love my family! 2. My family. Hello! My name is Mark. I am 7. I am from the UK. I have got father. His name is Robert. I have got mother. Her name is Helen. I have got sister. Her name is Mary. I have got brother. His name is Willy. Love my family!

Упражнение 32 - Exercise 32 Впиши имена членов твоей семьи. Перепиши получившийся рассказ в тетрадь. I have got father. His name is …………………………… . I have got mother. Her name is ………………………………………. . I have got sister. Her name is ……………………………………… I have got brother. His name is ……………………………….. I love my family!

Тема 3: Let’s play!

Упражнение 33- Exercise 33 Read! Читай слова, в которых буквы “Sh - sh”читаются как звук [ - ш ] Sheep ship shop fish shell shelf shark shake

Упражнение 34 - Exercise 34 Read and learn! Прочитай и выучи!!!

Я - I I am Ты - You You are Он - He He is Она – She She is Оно - It It is Мы - We We are Вы - You You are Они - They They are big – большой small – маленький kind – добрый young – молодой nice – хороший, красивый happy – счастливый pupil - ученик parrot - попугай

Упражнение 35 - Exercise 35 Читай! Read !

A)1.I am a boy. I am Oleg. I am happy. I am a pupil. I am 8. I am from Ukraine. 2. He is a man. He is kind. He is Oleg. He is from the USA. 3.She is a girl. She is Oxana. She is 9. She is from Ukraine. 4.She is a woman. She is nice. She is Lin. She is from China 5.It is a dog. It is big. It is a parrot. It is small. 6.You are happy. We are young. They are kind.

B) Прочитай предложения, заменяя подчеркнутые слова словамиHe She It 1.Oscar is my friend. 2.Miss Parker is a teacher. 3.Wendy is a nice girl. 4.My cat is black. 5.The apple is red. 6.The parrot is blue and red. 7.Nelly is a small girl. 8.This man is young. 9.This woman is happy.

6 - six

Упражнение 36Exercise 36 Прочитай и переведи предложения. 1.I am not little. I am big. 2.I am not Pavel, I am Pete. 3.He is not Sam, he is Steve. 4.She is not 7, she is 8. 5.It is not an apple, it is an orange. 6.She is not a pupil, she is little. 7.They are not friends. 8.We are not small. 9. She is not my sister, she is my friend. 10.It is not my dog. 11. It is not my cat.

Упражнение 37Exercise 37 Прочитай и переведи предложения. Подчеркни предложения с частицей not 1.My name is Dasha. I am not a pupil. I am 6. I am from Ukraine. 2.This is my brother. He is not 10. He is 9. He is kind. He is not from the UK. 3.It is my cat. It is not big. It is small. It is nice. 4.They are not from the USA. They are from China. 5.We are friends. We are not 7. We are not pupils. 6.His name is not Artem. His name is Maxim. He is not 10. He is 9.

Упражнение 38Exercise 38 Впиши в слова пропущенные буквы. ( Ты найдёшь эти слова в упражнениях 30 и 34) Brot….er s….ster mo…..her fath…..r fri…..nd tea…….her sma…..l hap…..y pup…..l ni…..e bi…… you……g ki……..d

Упражнение 39- Exercise 39 Зачеркни лишнее слово . 1.I am is a boy. 2. He is am happy. 3.She are is a girl. 4. We am are young. 5.It is am a dog. 6.You is are a pupil. 7.They are am kind.

Упражнение 40- Exercise 40 Впиши слова am is are, прочитай и переведи предложения

1)1.I ………… a pupil. 2.You ………….. a pupil. 3.He ……….. a pupil. 4.She ………… a pupil. 5.We ……………pupils. 6.They……………… pupils. 7.It ……….. a parrot .

2)1.He ……… Pavel. 2.She ……….. Lisa. 3.I ………. Sasha. 4.He ……….from the USA. 5. She……….. from the UK. 6.We ……………. from Ukraine. 7. I ………from Ukraine.

3) 1. I ……….. 7. 2.She ……… 8. 3.He ……… 9. 4.It ……. 2.

4)1.We ……….. happy. 2.I …………… young. 3.She ……. nice. 4.They …………… kind. 5.He ……….. big. 6. It ……… small. 7.I ………… happy. 8.You ……….. kind. 9.He……. young. 10.It ………. a cat. 11.She …….. young. 12. We …………… big.

Упражнение 41- Exercise 41 1) Прочитай слова и запомни, что ckчитается как звук [k] cock clock rock back Nick neck black kick attack 2)Прочитай слова и вспомни, что они обозначают doll, ball, dog, cat, robot, car, train, plane, puzzle, teddy bear, mouse, clock, cock, pen, pencil, bag, book

7 – seven

Упражнение 42- Exercise 42 Прочитай и переведи предложения. Запомни: . «I like» значит «Мне нравится» 1.You are my friend and this is your teddy bear. 2.Your teddy bear is nice. 3.I like yourball and your robot! 4.Your train is big and nice. 5. I like your train. 6.Youare my brother and that is your friend. 7.What is yourname?

Упражнение 43 - Exercise 43 Read!-Читай!

What is your name? What is your name? Now tell me, please, What is your name? My name is Jane, My name is Jane, My name is Jane, That’s my name! Good morning, Mum, Good morning, Dad! Good morning you, my little pet! Good morning, dog, good morning , cat! Good morning, you, my Mum and Dad! I am a pupil, He is a pupil, She is a pupil , too! We are pupils, You are pupils, They are pupils , too!

*Упражнение 44- Exercise 44 Сложи предложения из слов и запиши их в тетрадь 1.am / I / happy. 2.He / a pupil / is. 3.my sister / She / is. 4.are /They /kind. 5.We / not pupils / are. 6.are /You /young. 7. Parrot / is / It.

Упражнение 45- Exercise 45 Соедини пары предложений

1)Я девочка. A) You are kind. 2) Ты добрый. B) They are young. 3) Она симпатичная. C) He is from Ukraine. 4) Мы ученики. D) I am a girl. 5) Они молодые. E) It is a parrot. 6) Он из Украины. F) She is nice. 7) Мне 8 лет. G) They are happy. 8) Это попугай. H) I am 8. 9) Они счастливые. I) We are pupils.

Упражнение 46- Exercise 46 Подчеркни в скобках правильное слово 1)This is Pavel. (He / She ) is my friend. 2.This is Masha. (She / He ) is a nice girl. 3.This is my father. (He /She) is a young man. 4.Boris is my brother. (He / She) is 8.

2) 1.He ( is / am ) Maxim. He ( is / are ) a boy. 2.She (am / is ) Olga. She ( is / am ) a girl. 3. I ( am / is ) a pupil. I ( am / is ) happy. 4.You ( is / are ) from Ukraine. 5.We ( am / are) from Ukraine. 6.They ( is / are) from the USA. 7.It ( am / is ) a nice cat. 8.He ( is / are) from the UK.

Упражнение 47 - Exercise 47 Прочитай слова, в которых буква U читается как звук [^]: Перепиши слова в тетрадь. Up duck under us cup but bus run sun cut put

8 - eight

Тема 4 : This is me!

Упражнение 48- Exercise 48 Прочитай слова, в которых буква U читается как звук [ju:]: Pupil tulip duty cute Sue

Упражнение 49- Exercise 49 Прочитай и переведи предложения. Запомни значение выделенных слов I like (мне нравится) I like to fly a kite, (запускать воздушного змея) I like to play with my doll, (играть со своей куклой) I like to skip, to play on the swing, (прыгать на скакалке и играть на качели) to ride a bike and play football. (ездить на велосипеде) I like to swimand play tennis, (плавать) to look at the yellow sun, (смотреть на желтое солнце) I like to rollerblade, to sing merry songs and run! (кататься на роликах, петь веселые песни и бегать) Упражнение 50-Exercise 50 Читай!Read ! My family my dog This is my father. My name is Dan. Your father your cat This is his mother. Your name is Ben. His mother his hat This is your sister. His name is Sam. Her sister her parrot This is her brother. Her name is Pam. Our friends our family I love my father.Their brother their teacher I love my mother.

Упражнение 51- Exercise 51Соедини пары предложений

1.This is your teacher. A) Её зовут Полина. 2.This is our family. B) У меня есть попугай. 3.I have got a friend. C) Это твой учитель. 4.His name is Boris. D) Это наша семья. 5.Her name is Polina. E) Его зовут Борис. 6.I have got a parrot. F) У меня есть друг.

Упражнение 52 –Exercise 52 Прочитай и выучи!!!

Мой - myтвой - yourего - hisеё - her наш –our ваш -your их – their

Упражнение 53 - Exercise 53 Пользуясь таблицей, построй и запиши предложения: 1.Это моя мама. 2.Это его брат. 3.Это её папа. 4.Это наш кот. 5.Это их учитель. 6.Это их семья.

This is my your his her our their father mother cat teacher family brother
9 - nine  

Упражнение 54 –Exercise 54 Прочитай и выучи!!!

Face - лицо Head - голова Hair - волосы Mouth - рот Ears - уши Eyes - глаза Nose - нос Body - тело Hands - руки Fingers - пальцы Legs - ноги Toes – пальцы на ногах Shoulders - плечи Long - длинный Short – короткий, низкий Tall - высокий Slim - стройный Fat - толстый

Упражнение 55 –Exercise 55 Прочитай и переведи предложения 1. I am tall and slim. I have got 2 eyes. I have got 2 ears. I have got a small nose and a mouth. I have got 2 hands and 2 legs. I have got 10 fingers and 10 toes. 2.This is me nose and these are my eyes . This is my mouth and these are my ears. This is my head. These are my hands and my legs. These are my fingers and these are my toes. 3.My friend Maxim is tall and slim. My friend Pat is short and fat.