VI. Translate the following sentences into English observing the sequence of tenses and the rules of presenting reported speech. 2 страница

a) Winston, b) George, c) Christopher, d) Benjamin.

5. Who presides over the House of Commons?

a) Lord Mayor, b) Lord Chancellor, c) Prime Minister, d) Speaker.


I. Прочитайте и ответьте на вопросы.

A rich old businessman decided to make his will. He told his lawyer he would give 5 thousand pounds to each of his employees who had been working with him for 20 years or more. The lawyer was surprised at such generosity of the businessman. But the businessman said that he wasn’t going to be generous at all because none of his employees had worked for him longer than a year. He only wanted to produce a favourable impression on the public for he was sure it would look nice in the newspapers.


1. The old businessman wasn’t generous, was he?

2. Why did the businessman make such a will?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

Не promised to give five thousand pounds to each of his employees.


III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.


If you (1 – like) stories I (2 – tell) you a true story. It (3 – happen) to a friend of mine a year ago. While my friend George (4 – to read) in bed two thieves (5 – climb) into his kitchen. After they (6 – enter) the house, they (7 – go) into the dining room. It (8 – be) very dark, so they (9 – turn) on a torch (фонарь). Suddenly they (10– hear) a voice behind them. “What (11 – be) up?” someone (12 – call). The thieves (13 – drop) the torch and (14– run) away as fast as they (15 – can). George (16 – hear) the noise and (17– come) downstairs quickly. He (18– turn) on the light but couldn’t see anything. The thieves already (19 – go). But George’s parrot Henry (20 – be) still there. ‘What (21 – be) up?’ he (22 – call). “Nothing,” George (23 – say) and (24 – smile). “If something (25 – happen) I (26 – let) you (27 – know).” And George (28 – leave) the room.


The relations between dolphins and human beings long (1 – surprise) people. These relations (2 – last) for thousands of years. Pictures of dolphins (3 – use) to decorate the coins of ancient Greeks. Sailors (4 – consider) the presence of dolphins near ships to be good luck. Now dolphins (5 – train) and they (6– take) part in performances that both children and grown-ups (7 – like). When you (8 – spend) your holiday on the Black Sea coast you (9 – can) see dolphins (10 – play) near the shore. They usually (11 – come) early in the morning and before sunset. They (12 – consider) to be our friends. No one ever (13 – see) a dolphin attack human beings.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. My dream is to visit ... Sahara.

a) the, b) а, с) – , d) an.

2. The Second World War ... in 1939.

a) broke out, b) broke up, c) broke open, d) broke off.

3. This test consists ... a number of multiple-choice questions.

a) –, b) in, c) of, d) for.

4. She could ... open her eyes.

a) hard, b) hardly, c) badly, d) well.

5. Peter ... since he left school.

a) was working, b) works, c) has been working, d) will be working.

6. Jane is as ... as her elder sister.

a) tall, b) taller, c) the tallest, d) much taller.

7. Take your umbrella. It ... .

a) rain, b) rained, c) is raining, d) rains.

8. I knew him ... a considerate man.

a) was, b) is, c) to be, d) be.

9. He said they ... to buy flowers for her.

a) forgot, b) forget, c) have forgotten, d) had forgotten.

10 When I came they ... things.

a) pack, b) packed, c) were packing, d) were packed.

11. Mrs White ... Mary that she was going away.

a) said, b) told, c) talked, d) spoke.

12. This is ... very important news.

a) a, b) the, c) – , d) an.

13. They... yet.

a) didn’t arrive, b) haven’t arrived, c) don’t arrive, d) won’t arrive.

14. How old ... when you got married?

a) are you, b) will you be, c) were you, d) have you been.

15. I am not very good ... learning languages.

a) at, b) in, c) of, d) while.

16. I don’t know if she ... to the party.

a) comes, b) will come, c) had come, d) would come.

17. You ... work hard to pass the exam.

a) must, b) can, c) may, d) might.

18. Don’t worry. All your expenses ... .

a) will pay, b) will be paid, c) had been paid, d) are paying.

19. Is there ... strange in what she is saying?

a) some, b) anything, c) any, d) no.

20. This time she has ... mistakes in her test.

a) fewer, b) less, c) fewest, d) little.

V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Мне будет трудно переводить этот текст без словаря.

2. Мама сказала, что, когда придет, отпустит нас погулять.

3. Сколько стоит эта книга?

4. Какая река длиннее: Волга или Миссисипи?

5. Школа – на другой стороне улицы.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. For Christmas dinner the English usually have ....

a) chicken, b) roast beef, c) fish, d) turkey.

2. The Whispering Gallery is situated in ... .

a) Westminster Abbey, b) St. Paul’s Cathedral, c) Tower,

d) Hyde Park.

3. What is Eisteddfod?

a) a county, b) a dish, c) a festival, d) a dance.

4. Who wrote “Winnie-the-Pooh”?

a) L. Carroll, b) 0. Wilde, c)J.R. Tolkien, d) A. Milne.

5. What is custard?

a) cream, b) a pudding, c) a pie, d) a tart.


I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

A London girl was spending her holiday in the country for the first time. One day she complained to the farmer that the bull had been running after her. She was very much frightened because she had never seen bulls before. “Well,” said the farmer, “the bull was running after you because of the red blouse you were wearing.” – “Dear me,” said the girl, “of course, I understand that this blouse is awfully out of fashion. But I didn’t know the bull would notice it.”


1. The girl didn’t understand why the bull had been running after her, did she?

2. How did the farmer explain the bull’s behaviour?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

A London girl was spending her holiday in the country.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.


In the 18th century the Russian Government (1 – send) Vitus Bering to explore the lands behind Russia. One day Bering (2 – discover) the strait which (3 – separate) North America from Asia. It (4 – name) after the discoverer. On a later voyage Bering (5 – see) the mainland of North America. This discovery (6 – give) Russia its right to Alaska. Bering (7 – die) before he (8 – can) take the good news back to Russia. But Chirikov and some other men of Bering’s expedition (9 – come) back.

The Russians (10 – explore) the North American continent as far north as the Arctic Ocean. Others (11 – make) settlements or (12 – build) trading posts as far south as Northern California. Not long before G. Washington (13 – become) President of the US, the Russians (14 – make) a settlement in Alaska. For more than a hundred years trade (15 – carry) on between Russia and Alaska. During this time people from the US (16 – become) interested in this far northern territory. Some American ships (17 – sail) to the Arctic Ocean to fish. Others (18 – trade) with Russian settlements. In 1867 the USA (19 – buy) Alaska. It (20 – sell) for a little more than seven million dollars.

Alaska (21 – be) the largest of all the states of the USA. It (22 – be) rich in minerals. There (23 – be) large forests, many animals and much fish there.


Elephants can (1 – be) a danger to themselves. In one game park they (2 – grow) in number so fast that soon there (3 – be) too many of them. They (4 – destroy) everything as they (5 – look) for food and drink. Very soon they (6 – start) to ruin the countryside (7 – belong) to farmers outside the park. So a big hunt had to (8 – organize) to reduce their number.

Not long ago in Africa elephants (9 – live) in great numbers. Big-game hunters (10 – kill) many of them. Today elephants (11 – have) to live in game parks because people (12– want) more and more land. But the elephants (13 – be) not safe in these parks either. Hunters (14 – kill) them because they (15 – have) something very valuable: ivory. If some measures not (16 – take), our children and grandchildren (17 – can) to see elephants only in the Zoo.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. It’s so kind ... you to call me.

a) for, b) with, c) of, d) on.

2. If my advice ... , I’ll be happy.

a) help, b) helps, c) will help, d) have helped.

3. I have never seen ... interesting film.

a) so a, b) so an, c) such a, d) such an.

4. Her husband is twice as ... as she is.

a) old, b) older, c) elder, d) the oldest.

5. You ... to come here again.

a) must, b) may, c) should, d) have.

6. ... raining when you went out?

a) Was there, b) Was it, c) Is there, d) Is it.

7. The noise of the broken glass made me ... .

a) woke up, b) have woken up, c) to wake up, d) wake up.

8. Can you come on Monday evening? – Sorry, I’d love to but I ... volleyball.

a) was playing, b) played, c) am playing, d) have played.

9. Are you interested ... working for us?

a) at, b) in, c) of, d) for.

10. There wasn’t ... in the garden.

a) some people, b) anybody, c) any people, d) no people.

11. ... in my class knows him.

a) All, b) All pupils, c) All the pupils, d) Everyone.

12. His hands are dirty. He ... the car.

a) repaired, b) repairs, c) has been repairing, d) will repair.

13. By the time I came she ... a cake.

a) cooked, b) cooks, c) will cook, d) had cooked.

14. They ... us to do the room.

a) said, b) told, c) spoke, d) talked.

15. He doesn’t know this rule. Tom doesn’t know it... .

a) too, b) either, c) also, d) neither.

16. ... tea is grown in many parts of Asia.

a) The, b) - , c) A, d) An.

17. If he ... in Moscow, he’ll visit us.

a) is, b) will be, c) would be, d) were.

18. I don’t like apples; ... ?

a) you do, b) don’t you, c) you don’t, d) do you.

19. We all... mistakes when we are in a hurry.

a) do, b) make, c) did, d) made.

20. I haven’t been home ... yesterday.

a) for, b) since, c) after, d) before.

V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Ты не знаешь, где она живет?

2. – Ты сделала пятое упражнение? – Нет еще, я его сей­час делаю.

3. На столе была ваза с цветами и фрукты.

4. Статья была опубликована в “Москоу Таймc”.

5. Эту пьесу стоит посмотреть.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. What is the most ancient monument in Great Britain?

a) the Lower West Gate, b) Stonehenge, c) Hadrian’s Wall,

d) the Tower Gate.

2. What is M. Thatcher by profession?

a) an engineer, b) a doctor, c) a chemist, d) a teacher.

3. Who is the head of the government in the UK?

a) Prime Minister, b) Queen, c) Speaker, d) Chancellor.

4. Where is the Bank of England situated?

a) in the West End, b) in the East End, c) in the City, d) in the South.

5. What is English marmalade?

a) apple jam, b) orange jam, c) sweets, d) a cake


I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

Once Mark Twain was invited to the opera. All through the opera his friend’s wife was talking to her husband. She talked so much and so loudly that Mark Twain could hardly hear anything. After the performance she said to Mark Twain, “Dear Mark Twain, may I invite you to the opera again next Friday? The opera will be ‘Carmen’ you are sure to like it.” – “Thank you very much,” said Mark Twain, “that will be fine. I haven’t heard you in ‘Carmen’ yet.”


1. Why couldn’t Mark Twain enjoy the opera?

2. Was the lady going to sing in “Carmen”?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

All through the opera his friend’s wife was talking to her husband.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

Mr. Sherlock Holmes (1 – sit) one morning at the breakfast table in his room in Baker Street. His friend Dr Watson (2 – stand) near the window (3 – examine) a walking stick which a visitor (4 – leave) the day before. ‘To Dr Mortimer, from his friend,’ (5 – write) upon it, the date (6 – be) 1884. Sherlock Holmes suddenly (7 – turn) to Watson and (8 – say), “The owner of this stick (9 – have) a dog which (10 – be) larger than a terrier and smaller than a mastiff.” Watson (11 – surprise). He (12 – ask), “How you (13 – know)?”

“I (14 – examine) that stick carefully and (15 – notice) the marks of a dog’s teeth on it,” (16 – answer) Holmes. “They (17 – be) too broad for a terrier and not broad enough for a mastiff. I (18 – suppose) the dog often (19 – carry) the stick behind its master. I (20 – suppose) it (21 – be) a spaniel, in fact it (22 – be) a spaniel.”

Holmes (23 – leave) the breakfast table and (24 – stand) near the window as he (25 – say) this. Watson (26 – look) at him in surprise and (27 – ask) how he (28 – can) be so sure of that.

“ (29 – be) sure of it because I (30 – see) the dog at our door and I (31 – hear) the bell which its master (32 – ring). I (33 – wonder) why Dr Mortimer (34 – want) to see Mr Sherlock Holmes. Well, we soon (35 – know). (36 – come) in,” he (37 – add). There (38 – be) a knock at the door. The door (39 – open) and Dr Mortimer (40 – appear) in the doorway.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Who ... you English at school?

a) taught, b) is taught, c) was taught, d) have taught.

2. When ... you last... to the theatre?

a) did you go, b) have you gone, c) will you go, d) were you going.

3. This money ... not enough to buy the book.

a) is, b) are, c) has, d) have.

4. The newspapers ....

a) have brought, b) will bring, c) have been brought, d) was brought.

5. ... Tom ... Eric are good players.

a) as... as..., b) and... and..., c) both... and..., d) like... so... .

6. There are ... days in February than in other months.

a) more, b) less, c) few, d) fewer.

7. Martha is ... in English Literature.

a) interest, b) interesting, c) interested, d) interests.

8. I don’t know any American songs. – ... .

a) So do I, b) So am I, c) Neither do I, d) Neither am I.

9. Do you know ... man that lives next door?

a) –, b) a, c) an, d) the.

10. They ... to return next Monday.

a) are sure, b) was sure, c) are not sure, d) weren’t sure.

11. By the time we got to the party, most of the guests... .

a) left, b) have left, c) will leave, d) had left.

12. What are you going to do after you ... school?

a) finish, b) finished, c) will finish, d) will have finished.

13. The Dnieper is not ... long as the Volga.

a) such, b) so, c) that, d) – .

14. Must I do this work today? – No, you ....

a) mustn’t, b) can’t, c) may not, d) needn’t.

15. We shall wait until they....

a) come, b) don’t come, c) will come, d) won’t come.

16. ... of them know what it is.

a) Somebody, b) Nobody, c) Some, d) Any.

17. I have ... time, I can wait.

a) little, b) a little, с) few, d) a few.

18. The ... document worried me.

a) lost, b) losing, c) being lost, d) having lost.

19. They put off the party ... next Saturday.

a) on, b) for, c) in, d) at.

20. Who are these people? – ... our foreign guests.

a) It is, b) There is, c) There are, d) They are.

V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Эти сведения очень важные.

2. Куда вы едете на каникулы?

3. Мне придется перевести еще один текст.

4. Мы надеялись, что погода будет хорошая.

5. Как часто он ходит в спортзал?

VI. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. The Romans first invaded Britain in ... .

a) the 5th century AD, b) the 5th century ВС, с) the 1st century ВС, d) the 1st century AD.

2. Guy Fawkes is ....

a) a national hero of Britain, b) a poet, c) a famous historian,

d) the man that wanted to set fire to the House of Parliament.

3. The telephone was invented by ....

a) Isaac Newton, b) Alexander Bell, c) Michael Faraday, d)James Watt.

4. The midday meal in Britain is called ... .

a) breakfast, b) lunch, c) dinner, d) snack.

5. Which party was Margaret Thatcher the leader of?

a) Labour, b) Social-Democratic, c) Liberal, d) Conservative.


I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

Enrico Caruso, a famous Italian singer, often said, “No one is so well-known as he thinks.” He knew it by his own experience. Once he came to the United States to give concerts. One day he was driving to New York and his car broke down. It was near the farm and he asked the farmer to help him repair the car. When the car was repaired, Caruso paid the farmer for his work and gave him his photograph with his name on it. The farmer read the name on the photograph and cried out, “What a luck! I’ve never dreamed of receiving the greatest traveller Robinson Crusoe in my house!”


1. What did Caruso know by his own experience?

2. Who did the farmer take Caruso for?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

Once he came to the US to give concerts.


III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

When he (1 – be) twenty-three years old Paul Morel (2 – send) a landscape to the winter picture show at Nottingham Castle. His pictures already (3 – admire) greatly and (4 – talk) much about.

One morning the young postman (5 – come) just as Paul (6 – wash up) in the kitchen. Suddenly Paul (7 – hear) a loud cry that (8 – come) from the front door. He (9 – hurry) to the door and (10 – find) his mother with a letter in her hand that the postman (11 – hand) to her.

Mrs Morel (12 – cry): “Hurrah!”

Paul (13 – surprise) and (14 – shock). “Why, Mother!” he (15 – exclaim). “Hurrah, my boy! I (16 – know) you (17 – get) it!” He (18 – be) afraid for her– that small woman with grey hair who (19 – cry) so excitedly. The postman (20 – come) back, as he (21 – be) afraid something (22 – happen). Mrs Morel (23 – open) the door to him.

“His picture (24 – get) the first prize, Fred!” she (25 – cry).

“And it (26 – buy) by a Major Moreton!”

The young postman, whom they (27 – know) all their life (28 – be) glad he (29 – bring) such an important letter.

“The letter (30 – say) how much the picture (31 – sell) for?”

“It (32 – sell) for 20 guineas!”

Paul (33 – follow) his mother into the room. He (34 – be) sure she (35 – make) some mistake reading the letter and now he (36 – want) to read it. He slowly (37 – read) the letter over unable to believe that it (38 – be) true.

“Mother!” he (39 – exclaim).

“Didn’t I say we (40 – do) it, Paul!”

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. When she arrived we ... dinner.

a) have had, b) were having, c) are having, d) will have.

2. He ... school this year.

a) finished, b) was finished, c) has finished, d) is finished.

3. They ... by 5 o’clock.

a) returned, b) had returned, c) have returned, d) has returned.

4. I wonder when we ... their letter.

a) receive, b) have received, c) will receive, d) are receiving.

5. ... you do me a favour?

a) can, b) may, c) should, d) need.

6. He ... spend more time in the open air.

a) has, b) need, c) should, d) ought.

7. Tom works ... at his English.

a) hard, b) hardly, c) well, d) badly.

8. My car ... repairing.

a) must, b) must be, c) needs, d) hasn’t.

9. Have you seen the film ... ?

a) already, b) ever, c) yet, d) just.

10. Ann enjoys ... to classical music.

a) to listen, b) listening, c) being listened, d) having listened.

11. What did you... ?

a) speak, b) talk, c) say, d) tell.

12. He spent his childhood in ... Scotland.

a) a, b) an, c) the, d) – .

13. John is twice as ... as his sister.

a) old, b) older, c) oldest, d) the oldest.

14. She did ... she had been told.

a) like, b) as, c) how, d) as well as.

15. Her grandmother is ... 70.

a) near, b) nearly, c) close, d) closely.

16. ... snowing at night.

a) It is, b) It was, c) There is, d) There was.

17. I haven’t done ... wrong.

a) something, b) anything, c) nothing, d) no.

18. He heard somebody ....

a) talking, b) talked, c) to talk, d) being talked.

19. Mother ... to return on Sunday.

a) expects, b) expected, c) has expected, d) is expected.

20. He ... two foreign languages in childhood.

a) taught, b) has taught, c) is taught, d) was taught.

V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Она уже закончила школу, да?

2. Интересно, на каких еще иностранных языках он говорит.

3. Мои часы на 5 минут спешат.

4. Это произошло много лет назад.

5. Мы знали, что он сдержит обещание, если ничего не слу­чится.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. The Irish Sea is ... .

a) to the west of England, b) to the east of England,

c) to the north of England, d) to the south of England.

2. The official language of Canada is ....

a) English, b) French, c) English and French, d) English and Spanish.

3. The capital of the US is ... .

a) New York, b) Washington, c) Boston, d) Philadelphia.

4. On the whole the climate of Great Britain is ... .

a) dry, b) frosty, c) mild, d) tropical.

5. Elisabeth II lives in ... .

a) No 10, Downing Street, b) the Tower of London,

c) Buckingham Palace, d) Westminster Palace.


I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

At a school examination the teacher handed out the question papers to all the children, looked at her watch and said that they were to finish their work in an hour. The children read the question papers and started writing the answers. At ten o’clock the teacher collected the papers and saw that one of the children hadn’t written anything and was still reading his question paper. “Is any question troubling you?” the teacher asked. “Not at all,” he answered, “it’s the answers that are troubling me.”


1. What time did the written examination begin?

2. Why didn’t the pupil write anything?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

At ten o’clock the teacher collected the papers.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

Isaac Newton so much (1 – interest) in different problems that he (2 – become) quite absent-minded. One day a gentleman (3 – come) to see him, but he (4 – tell) that Sir Isaac Newton (5 – be) busy in his study and that nobody (6 – allow) to disturb him.

As it (7 – be) dinner time, the visitor (8 – sit) down in the dinning room (9– wait) for the scientist. The servant (10 – come) in and (11 – place) on the table a (12 – boil) chicken under a cover. An hour (13 – pass) but Newton not (14 – appear). The gentleman (15 – feel) hungry, (16 – eat) the chicken, and (17 – cover) up the skeleton. He (18 – ask) the servant to prepare another one for his master.

Before the second chicken (19 – cook), however, the scientist (20 – enter) the room and (21 – apologize) for his delay. Then he (22 – add), ‘As I (23 – feel) rather tired and hungry, I (24 – hope) you (25 – excuse) me a little longer, while I (26 – take) my dinner, and then I (27 – be) at your service. ’With these words he (28 – lift) the cover, and without emotion (29 – turn) round to the gentleman and (30 – say), “See how strange scientists (31 – be) I quite (32 – forget) that 1 (33 – dine) already.”

At this moment the servant (34 – bring) in the other chicken. The visitor (35 – explain) how matters (36 – stand). After he (37 – laugh) heartily, the hungry scientist (38 – sit) down and (39 – eat) his dinner.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. I want to tell you ... interesting.

a) some, b) something, c) somebody, d) somewhere.

2. ... postman comes every morning

a) –, b) a, c) an, d) the.

3. Mike is a careless driver, he drives ... than you.

a) good, b) better, c) bad, d) worse.

4. Look ... the window. Is it raining outside?

a) at, b) to, c) out of, d) through.

5. You ... leave earlier today if you want.

a) may, b) must, c) have to, d) should.

6. Sam had to take his exam one more time, ... he?

a) had, b) hadn’t, c) did, d) didn’t.

7. In the sitting room there ... a table, four chairs, a TV set and a sofa.

a) is, b) are, c) has, d) have.

8. How many ... pages must I translate?

a) yet, b) still, c) more, d) other.

9. I watch the news ... on TV at 9 o’clock regularly.

a) showing, b) shown, c) showed, d) having shown.

10. He didn’t expect ... such a question.

a) to ask, b) asking, c) to be asked, d) being asked.

11. She ... in the library the whole evening yesterday.

a) works, b) is working, c) has worked, d) was working.

12. We shall go to the country if the weather ... fine.

a) is, b) was, c) will be, d) has been.

13. I hope they ... my telegram by tomorrow morning.

a) receive, b) will receive, c) have received, d) will have received.

14. She ... before Mother came back.

a) left, b) has left, c) had left, d) was left.

15. He ... to tell the truth.

a) asked, b) asks, c) was asking, d) was asked.

16. Where ... you ... this weekend?

a) have ... spent, b) did ... spend, c) was ... spent, d) is ... spent.

17. I wonder what time ... now.

a) it is, b) it was, c) it has been, d) is it.

18. John said he never ... the film before.

a) saw, b) has seen, c) had seen, d) has been seen.

19. She ... wonderful today.

a) looks, b) is looked, c) was looking, d) looked.

20. What would you do if you ... me?

a) are, b) were, c) have been, d) will be.

V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Они живут совсем близко.

2. Мы узнали, что они женаты уже три года.

3. Эти туфли немного отличаются от моих.

4. После лекции было много вопросов.

5. – Я возьму рыбу на второе. – Я тоже.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. The London Royal Opera House is called ... .

a) Covent Garden, b) the National Theatre, c) ‘Old Vie’ Theatre,

d) the Barbican.

2. The traditional English drink is ... .

a) coffee, b) tea, c) cocoa, d) milk.

3. The symbol of the US is ... .

a) Union Jack, b) Uncle Sam, c) Big Ben, d) Pall Mall.

4. The Colorado is ... .

a) in Africa, b) in North America, c) in South America,

d) in Brazil.

5. New England is ... .

a) a separate country, b) part of Great Britain, c) part of the US,

d) an island.


I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

The school teacher of History was having the last class of the school year. At the end he spoke about the final examination in history. He said that each pupil should devote all the remaining time preparing for the final examination. “The examination papers are being typed now,” he said. “Are there any questions concerning the exam?” There was a long silence and then one of the pupils stood up and asked, “Who is typing the examination cards?”


1. What examination did the teacher speak about?

2. Why did the pupil want to know who the typist was?

II. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутому члену предложения.

The examination papers are being typed now.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

Jack Jones (1 – leave) his office at б p.m. He (2 – have) a very busy day. He (3 – walk) home and in a few minutes (4 – reach) the street where he (5 – live) for mаnу years. What he (6 – see) as he (7 – come) round the comer (8 – make) him very angry. A man just (9 – get) out of a car (10 – park) right in front of the gate of Mr Jones’ house. There (11 – be) the ‘No Parking’ notice that he (12– put) in the front garden. Mr Jones (13 – get) angry, he (14– change) into the clothes he always (15– wear) when (16 – work) in the garden and (17– go) out.

The houses farther down the street (18 – have) no cars (19 – park) outside them. This (20 – be) because a few weeks earlier ‘Police Notice – No Parking’ in clear white letters (21 – fix) up. Suddenly an idea (22 – start) to form in his mind.

A little while later he (23 – take) his wife out to see what he (24 – do). To her surprise she (25 – find) that the little black and white “No Parking” notice (26 – take down) and in its place (27 – be) a new board (28 – paint) bright blue with white letters on it which (29– say) “Polite Notice– No Parking.” Since that time Jones never (30 – trouble) with cars (31 – park) outside the gate of his house again. It (32 – be) a funny thing, but true, that people usually (33 – read) what they (34 – expect) to see. Hardly anyone (35 – notice) that it (36 – be) a “polite notice” and not a “police notice” that (37 – write) in his front garden.