Put verbs into Past Perfect tense

1. The pupils talked about the film they _________(watch) .

2. I was late for work because I (miss) _________ the bus.

3. We lived in the house that my father_________ (build) .

4. We admired the picture that Lucy __________(paint) .

5. They watered the trees that they (plant)___________ .

6. The teacher corrected the tests that the pupils (write)____________ .

7. I received a good mark in my test because I (practise) _________on ego4u.

8. The mail order house did not send me the shirt that I (order)____________ .

9. I had to clean the floor because my cats (knock) _______ over the flower pots.

10. My friend was in hospital because she (slip) __________ on a banana skin.

11. In the shopping centre, I met a friend who I (see / not) __________ for ages.

12. The thief could walk right into the house because you (lock / not)__________ the door.

13. We lost the match because we (practise / not)___________ the days before.

14. At school, Jim quickly copied the homework that he (do / not) ___________ .

15. We ate at a restaurant last night because I (buy / not)___________ anything for dinner.

16. When we came back, it was cold in the house because Alice (close / not) __________ the windows.

17. All day long, Phil was angry with me just because I (greet / not) ______________ him first.

18. When I met Jane at eleven o’clock, she (have / not) ________ breakfast yet.

19. I couldn’t go to the cinema with my friends last night because I (finish / not) __________ my homework yet.

20. Fred answered my question although I (ask / not) _____________ him.

21. (what / Bob / do) _________________ that he was kept in after school?

22. (you / eat)__________________ anything before you went to the theatre?

23. (he / live)_________________ in London before he moved to Glasgow?

24. (she / find)_________________ a new job by that time?

25. (they / book) ______________ a room before they went to Dublin?

26. (how often / you / ring)____________ the bell before he answered the door?

27. (why / they / have)________________ dinner before they came to the party?

28. (Carly / wash)__________________ the dishes when her mum came home?

29. (you / read)_________________ the contract before you signed it?

30. (who / live) _____________________in the house before we moved in?

Put the following verbs into Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1. After Fred ____ (to spend) his holiday in Italy he_____ (to want) to learn Italian.

2. Jill ______ (to phone) Dad at work before she ______ (to leave) for her trip.

3. Susan ______ (to turn on) the radio after she _____ (to wash) the dishes.

4. When she _______ (to arrive) the match already _____ (to start).

5. After the man______ (to come) home he______ (to feed) the cat.

6. Before he ______ (to sing) a song he ______ (to play) the guitar.

7. She ______ (to watch) a video after the children ______(to go) to bed.

8. After Eric _______(to make) breakfast he ______(to phone) his friend.

9. I ________ (to be) very tired because I _______ (to study) too much.

10. They _________ (to ride) their bikes before they _______ (to meet) their friends.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Войдя в комнату, я увидел Анну там, где ее оставил.

2. Я заметил, что кто-то оставил зонтик на крыльце.

3. Он не прочел и полкниги, когда заявил, что она ему не понравилась.

4. Когда гости ушли, она вошла в комнату и выключила свет.

5. Она сидела на диване и думала, почему еще не пришло письмо от отца.

6. Прошло некоторое время, прежде чем они поняли, что ему нечего было сказать.

7. Он опять вернулся в Париж, где жил с родителями в детстве.

8. Когда все ушли, я осторожно закрыл дверь.

9. Было гораздо холоднее, чем она предполагала.

10. Они закончили паковать вещи к тому времени, как ее сестра вернулась домой.

Choose the proper option.

1. Poirot ______ her if Mrs. Ascher ______ any peculiar letters without a proper signature.

a) had asked, had received

b) asked, received

c) had asked, received

d) asked, had received

2. I thought that Mrs. Fowler ______ us everything.

a) told

b) had told

c) was told

3. But Poirot said that she ______ more than she ______ us.

a) knew

b) was knowing

c) had known

4. The letter ______ just before I ______ back.

a) came, arrived

b) had come, arrived

c) came, had arrived

d) had come, had arrived

5. Miss Higley said that Elizabeth ______ friendly in working hours, but the girls ______ much of her out of them.

a) was, didn’t see

b) had been, hadn’t seen

c) had been, didn’t see

d) was, hadn’t seen

6. She said that Betty ______ anything about her plans and she ______ her in the café that evening.

a) didn’t say, didn’t see

b) hadn’t said, didn’t see

c) didn’t say, hadn’t seen

d) hadn’t said, hadn’t seen

7. Hardly ______ she ______ these words when a beautiful young lady ______ in the room.

a) did ... say, appeared

b) had ... said, appeared

c) did ... say, had appeared

d) had ... said, had appeared

8. I ______ that once he ______ a well-known specialist in his field.

a) knew, had been

b) knew, was

c) had known, had been

d) had known, was

9. He ______ in the house he ______ for himself near the Devon coast.

a) lived, built

b) had lived, built

c) had lived, had built

d) lived, had built

10. Susan ______ her parents the news only after she and Mike ______ married.

a) had told, had got

b) had told, got

c) told, had got

d) told, got

11. The telephone on his table ______ and he ______ it up.

a) had rung, had picked

b) had rung, picked

c) rang, had picked

d) rang, picked

12. He ______ the bill and ______.

a) paid, left

b) had paid, left

c) had paid, had left

d) paid, had left

13. She ______ a stronger person now than she ______ a few months ago.

a) had been, was

b) was, had been

14. She ______ on her coat and ______ for a walk.

a) had put, went

b) put, went

c) put, had gone

d) had put, had gone

15. Hardly ______ raining when a rainbow ______ in the sky.

a) had it stopped, appeared

b) did it stop, appeared

c) had it stopped, had appeared

d) did it stop, had appeared

16. I was late because I ______ in a jam.

a) stick

b) had stick

c) had stuck

17. We went out after it ______ raining.

a) had been stopped

b) had stopped

c) stopped

18. I thanked him for what he ______ for me.

a) did

b) had done

19. The house he ______ was of a modern design.

a) was built

b) built

c) had built

20. My mother was worried because I ______ in touch with her for a long time.

a) haven’t been

b) hadn’t been

c) wasn’t

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Future Simple


Обозначает регулярное действие или единичный факт в будущем.

Future Simple образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола shall (для 1-го лица единственного и множественного числа), will (для остальных лиц) и инфинитива без частицы to.

В современном английском языке имеется тенденция к употреблению вспомогательного глагола «will» для всех лиц. Однако при вопросе к первому лицу используется только глагол «shall».

They will do it tomorrow.

He will come next week.

I shall (will) see him the day after tomorrow.

В вопросительных предложениях вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

Will they do it tomorrow?

Will he come next week?

Shall I wait here?

Shall I help you?

What shall I do?

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола. В разговорной речи употребляются сокращенные формы вспомогательных глаголов: shan’t, won’t.

They will not (won’t) finish their work tomorrow.

I shall not (shan’t) tell him about it tomorrow.

I will not (won’t) tell him about it tomorrow.

Future Simple обозначает действия, которые являются будущими по отношению к моменту речи и употребляются с обстоятельствами времени: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week (month, year, Sunday), in a day (in two days …), some day/time, some other day/time.

I hope she will come tomorrow.

В придаточных предложениях условия и времени после союзов if, unless, when, after, before, as soon as, while, till, until, будущее время заменяется настоящим.

We will go to the country if the weather is fine.

Мы поедем за город, если погода будет хорошая.

As soon as I come home I will call you.

Как только я приду домой, я позвоню тебе.

You won’t know English until you begin to work hard.

Вы не будете знать английского языка, пока не начнете много работать.


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