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Самостійна робота №6

Word list:

crop area — посівна площа crop-growing agriculture — землеробство crops improvement — апробація посівів economic efficiency — економічна ефективність field work — польові роботи pure — чистий reproduction — відтворення scientific research institute — нау ково-дослідний інститут seed farming насінництво soil tillage — обробіток ґрунту to compile — складати to rejuvenate — омолоджувати

1. Перекладіть наступний текст, випишіть а) де може працювати ; б) чим може займатися агроном:


Our future profession

When the student of the agronomist faculty graduates from the agricultural university, he’ll work as an agronomist. The agronomist with the higher education and with an educational bachelor level can work at any agricultural enterprise. He can deal with the seed farming, plant protection, feed production, hops and flax production, etc. Besides the agronomist can work at the scientific research institutes and at the educational establishments.

The agronomist must solve the chief problem of agriculture. It contains the reproduction of the soil fertility and the soil protection. The chief problem of agriculture also includes high yields of the ecologically pure production. It means a new system of the plant production in the certain climatic and economic conditions. The bachelor must organize the crop-growing agriculture. It should be based on the complex mechanization with the use of the scientific and technological achievements. Besides the agronomist must consult the farmers. The agronomist - bachelor must know the principal directions of the scientific and technological progress in agronomy. He should correctly plan the range of plants and the soil tillage. The bachelor must know the biological peculiarities of the agricultural crops and their varieties. He must know the main norms of fertilizing. The agronomist must have a good command of the agricultural economy, management and marketing. The future specialist should be able to use the crop area in a proper way. The agrono­mist must correctly use fertilizers. The future specialist should compile the cultivation schemes. The bachelor has to rejuvenate the varieties of different agricultural crops. It’s also necessary to approve crops. The field work efficiency must be controlled. The bachelor must use new scientific achievements in the everyday activity. The agronomist must determine the economic efficiency of the agricultural production.

1. Дайте відповіді на запитання:

1. What can the bachelor deal with?

2. Where can the agronomist work?

3. What does the chief problem of agriculture contain?

4. What should the crop-growing agriculture be based on?

5. What must the agronomist know?


Заповніть пропуски: to use, to organize, to know

1.The agronomist ... the chief problem of agriculture. 2. The bachelor ... the crop-growing agriculture. 3. The future specialist ... the main norms of fertilizing. 4. The agronomist ...new scientific achievements in the everyday activity.

2. Підготуйте розповідь про професію агронома.


Самостійна робота №7

Перекладіть наступний текст

Agricultural Engineering

Agricultural engineering means the application of engineering knowledge to agriculture. The agricultural engineer must understand that there are basic differences between agriculture and other industries. The biological factor is an important one in engineering applications, and the engineer must know well the basic principles and practices of agriculture.

Changes in cultural practices often need to make a machine adaptable or to increase its effectiveness. Processing equipment may also need changes to harvest crops mechanically, for the quality of yield of a crop may sometimes be reduced by the use of an improper machine.

Most field operations are seasonable in nature often with only a short period of time in which to do the job. Therefore field machinery in many cases has a low annual duty. It must be able to work in rain and in snow as well. It must operate over any kind of land. Farm machines must also be designed to handle wide variations in crop and soil conditions.

As it is known, electric power has become the main source of energy in agricultural production and its sphere of application is ever increasing. All kinds of equipment for handling milk, such as milking machines, milk coolers, water heaters and others are also operated by electricity.

The great effects of various types of radiation on seeds, plants, insects and animals have been studied and are well known today. Those are but a few examples of electric power application on the farm which a modern agricultural engineer must work with.