Topics Proposed for Focused Discussion and Paragraph Writing

1. Bridging the generation gap (your own experience)

2. The role of the father in raising a daughter

3. Marriage: bond or bondage?

4. Are you family or career oriented?



1. The warmest memory of my childhood

2. Generation gap. Your own experience

3. Should children be always brought up by their own parents? (adoption, surrogate mothers)

4. The role of the mother in raising a son




I. Character and personality

1. Inside Out U-I. U.9 Attraction p.82-84 Speed dating V/R; wb p.49 V

2. Think First Certificate. U.8. p.96 Adjectives of personality V; p.97 L/R/S/W;

3. First Certificate Language Practice. People and Behaviour U.12 p.229 V

4. Headway I. Who are these people describing? T.15 p.33, 110 L

5. Right Word Wrong Word. p.208 ex.8 Descriptions, etc., p.241 ex.51 Character and reputation,

p.254 ex.65 Behaviour, p.276 ex.89 What sort of person are you? V

6. More than Words 1. U.15 p.148 Character and personality 1 R/S/V;

U.16 p.155 Character and personality 2 V/S/W; U.13 p.133 Feelings and moods R/S/W/V


II. Judging by appearance

1. Inside Out U-I. U.9 Attraction p.78-81 The perfect face,U.1 Images p.9-10 Image queen R/L/S

2. Think First Certificate. U.8 Judging by Appearance, p.94-95, 98-99 R/S/W;

U.9 Teenage Cults, p.106 New generations R/S

3. Avenues First Certificate. People, U.3 p.32 describing people’s appearance V

4. More than Words 1. U.2 p.57-62 Physical appearance and description V/S/W

5. Right Word Wrong Word. p.208 ex.7 Appearance, etc., of people and things V

6. I. Semyankiv, A. Shugai. Listening comprehension tasks. p.5 The Hobbit; Many Faces L


III. Clothes

1. English Vocabulary in Use pre-i and i. U.56 Clothes V/S

2. English Vocabulary in Use u-i and adv. U.47 Clothes V/S

3. First Certificate Language Practice. Clothes and Appearance U.4 p.198-201 V

4. Right Word Wrong Word. p.250 ex.61 Items of clothing, etc. V

5. More than Words 1. Clothing U.3 p.63-66,70; p.67-69 V/S/R

6. Inside Out U-I. You are what you wear T.5 p.11-12, 145 R/L/S

7. Patterns Plus. The Jeaning of America p.36-39 R/W



1. Patterns Plus. U.3 p.55 Description

2. Patterns Plus. U.6 p.187 Contrast and Comparison



1. Inside Out U-I. U.9 Cindy Jackson

2. Anger management


Grammar and Functions

• Adjective • Adverb

1. FCE 1. U.5 p.75

2. Grammarway 4. U.3 p.42

3. First Certificate Language Practice U.24

4. Azar. p.A2, A3, A5

5. Azar (new). p. A4, A5