II. Соотнесите видовременную форму страдательного залога в первой колонке с соответствующим названием во второй колонке

  1. is invested   a) Present Continuous Active
2. is being invested b) Present Simple Active
3. was invested c) Past Simple Active
4. has been invested d) Future Simple Active
5. will invest e) Present Perfect Active
6. have invested f) Present Continuous Passive
7. is investing g) Future Simple Passive
8. will be invested 9. invested 10. invest h) Present Perfect Passive i) Present Simple Passive j) Past Simple Passive

III. Выберите правильный вариант перевода сказуемых в предложениях.


1. London Stock Exchange was founded in 1801.

a. основала b. была основана c. основывается


2. A balance sheet is prepared by every business at the end of the account year.

a. готовит b. готовится c. был подготовлен


3. All banking operations are performed within certain periods.

a. выполняются b. выполняет c. выполнит


4. The financial report will be written at the end of the month.

a. написан b. пишется c. будет написан


5. The new investments were stimulated by the government.

a. стимулировал b. стимулировались c. стимулируются

IV. Определите правильную форму глагола в страдательном залоге.


1. Financial records of our firm (to examine) by the auditor last month.

a. was examined b. were examined c. examined

2. Accounting systems for individuals and establishments (to organize) by accountants.

a. organize b. is organized c. are organized

3. New accounting standards (to use) by private and governmental entities next year.

a. will be used b. were used c. are used


4. Basic accounting (to require) for any college business degree.

a. was required b. is required c. will be required


5. Inflation increase (to influence) by the seasonal rise in some food items three months ago.

a. was influenced b. influenced c. were influenced

V. Выберите правильную видовременную форму глагола-сказуемого в Active или Passive Simple.


1. Economics, as a social science, (to study) the production, distribution, and consumption of resources.

a. study b. studies c. is studied


2. When you (to compare) the company to others in its industry, make sure you use the same parameters.

a. are comparing b. compared c. compares


3. Last year the government (to buy) shares in various companies considered crucial for its national interests.

a. buys b. bought c. will buy


4. Monetary policy usually (to focus) on keeping inflation low, stable and predictable.

a. is focused b. was focused c. will be focused      


5. Assets (to buy) to increase the value of a firm or benefit the firm's operations.

a. buy b. is bought c. are bought      

VI. Определите правильный вспомогательный глагол в предложениях.


1. … you know which currencies you need for your travel?

a. are b. have c. do


2. Why … the cash flow of this firm come from many sources?

a. do b. does c. is


3. When … this company pay its last dividend?

a. do b. does c. did


4. Accounting information … used to prepare financial statements.

a. is b. does c. did


5. The double-entry bookkeeping system … invented by Luca Pacioli during the Italian Renaissance.

a. is b. was c. will be

VII . Определите функцию причастия I.


1. Using credit cards instead of cash we sometimes don't feel like we spend real money, and that’s a negative effect.

a. определение b. обстоятельство c. часть сказуемого


2. If you are applying for opening an account with the title of your company name you must have to provide the bank with your company registration.

a. определение b. обстоятельство c. часть сказуемого  

3. Investing in any of the financial instruments like bonds, stocks, mutual funds, or commodities like gold, silver, we can earn over the long period of time.

a. определение b. обстоятельство c. часть сказуемого


4. A qualified professional accountant working in conjunction with your banker can be a valuable asset to you in growing your business profitably.

a. определение b. обстоятельство c. часть сказуемого


5. The auditor is preparing the audit report now.