II. Give Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations

Unit I


Essential vocabulary

to make an appointment– назначить встречу

to cancel an appointment – отменить встречу

to keep an appointment vs to break an ~ – прийти на встречу / не прийти на встречу

job-hunting; job-hunter – поиск рабо­ты; человек, ищущий работу

employment / personnel / recruitment agency – агентство по трудоус­тройству

resume ['rezju:mei]; CV – резюме

vacancy – свободная должность, вакансия

position / post – должность

non-skilled position – должность, не требующая квалификации

to apply for a job – подавать заявле­ние на работу

application form; to fill in an ~ – анкета, заполняемая при устрой­стве на работу; заполнять анкету

applicant / candidate– кандидат на должность

to hire / employ – нанимать

employer vs employee – работода­тель / служащий

part-time job vs full time job – рабо­та на неполный рабочий день / работа на весь день

responsibilities / duties / obligations – обязанности

to be in charge of smth; to be re­sponsible for smth– быть ответственным за ч.-л.

to get a pay rise – получить повышение к зарплате

an attractive / competitive salary – конкурентоспособная зарплата

high / low-paid job – высоко /низко­оплачиваемая работа

to have necessary qualifications – обладать необходимыми навыками / умениями / квалификацией

educational and professional background – образование и опыт работы

to sign vs to terminate the employment contract – подписать / разорвать трудовое соглашение

a probation period – испытательный срок

benefits – льготы

insurance – страховка

to be on leave – быть в отпуске

to work shifts; to ~long hours / over- time – работать посменно; иметь ненормированный рабочий день

To dismiss smb for neglect of duty

– уволить к.-л. за невыполнение

to fire smb / to kick out / to sack

уволить к.-л. to become / to be made redundant / to be laid off – быть уволенным по сокращению штата to quit [kwit] – уйти с работы staff / personnel – штат, сотрудники to be on the staff – быть в штате head / chief / boss – начальник supervisor vs subordinate – руководитель, непосредственный начальник; подчиненный

to work under smb / to work under pressure – работать под чьим-то руководством

to be experienced, qualified, skilled– быть опытным, квалифициро­ванным

to promote smb – продвигать к.-л. по служебной лестнице

loafer / idler – бездельник

a job-advertisement – реклама вакансий

to advertise a job – давать объявление о вакансии

to meet / fit the requirements – соответствовать требованиям

to hold a position – занимать должность

Text A


I. Read the text and find answers to the following questions.


1. What institutions can help you to find information about new vacancies?

2. What kinds of employment agencies are there?

3. How is a resume written?

4. What is the difference between state and private employment agencies?

5. What is a CV?

6. What is the structure of job opportunities ads?

7. What does the command of « Fluent English» imply?

8. How can you prepare yourself for an interview?

9. What is the structure of employment agencies?

10. What are possible questions an interviewer is likely to ask?


You've decided to change careers. Or you are between jobs. Whatever the reason, you're looking for a new position. If you're job-hunting you can use the help of employment agencies. There are state employment agencies that don't receive fees for finding jobs for people. And there are also some private employment agencies, which receive a fee. Some state employment agencies see applicants without an appointment and they can spend just a few minutes, with each applicant because as a rule they deal with non-skilled positions. But in private agencies dealing with high-salaried jobs a counselor spends much more time with each applicant and he (or she) may be able to see only a few applicants a day.

You can also study the ads of job opportunities being published. Announcements of job opportunities can be read in different printed publications. But don't put much trust in ads in the yellow press. Solid companies place ads in prestigious expensive publications with a firm reputation. The structure of job opportunities ads is usually the same: the name of the com­pany and the position they need, the list of candidate's professional duties, the demands made of the candidate, and the system of compensation and benefits. Carefully read the demands made of the given position. The demand to know a foreign language is very important. In most cases there is a need for free command of the language — «Fluent English». Free command implies an ability freely to deal with a foreign manager, competently compile documents and speak on the phone. This demand may prove to be the most important.

When you've finally found an appropriate position, you'll have to go through the stressful experience of a job interview either in the agency or in the company. But if you prepare yourself properly, you can minimize the stress and at the same time greatly increase your chances of getting the position you want.

The preparation must be threefold; you'll have to do some research on the company you're going to be interviewed with; you must write an effective resume; and you have to rehearse. Yes, rehearse. Don't laugh: this is much more important than you may think. Remember that a job interview is stressful, and under stress a person automatically reverts to what he is used to doing. So you need to create a precedent for yourself, one you'll be able to fall back on if the need arises.

Think about some questions an interviewer is likely to ask: «What do you know about our company? What can you contribute to our company? How does your educational and pro­fessional background fit in with our needs? Why do you think you're the right person we need? What are your good and bad qualities?» and so on. You should answer each of these ques­tions straightforwardly, truthfully, positively with assurance but without bragging. Try to avoid strong negations such as «I don't know», «I don't want» etc, in other words try to be more flexible. If you don't have a ready answer now, formulate it and rehearse. If you have a tape recorder, tape yourself, listen to yourself, and critique yourself. But don't criticize – a very important distinction, don't say «What am I doing wrong?» ask rather, «What can I improve?»

The research on the company need not be in depth. Practically all the information is available on the Internet. Find out how long your target company has worked; what fields its activities cover, what countries its operations are in, who the competitors are.

And now read some pieces of advice for job-hunters:

· Let as many people as possible know that you're a job-hunter.

· Learn ahead of time about the company and its activities.

· Send your applications to as many companies as possible.

· Stress your qualification for the vacancy.

· Describe the experience you've gained which makes you the right person for the position.

· Talk and think more about the future than the past.

· Stress where possible your stability, responsible attitude and ability to mix with any people.

· Show your self-possession and self-control. Try to overcome nervousness.

· Stress your flexibility and readiness to learn.

· Don't discuss your previous experience which has no connection to the present situation.

· Don't hedge in answering questions.

· Don't avoid contacts which might be useful in finding a job.

II. Give Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations.

1) competitor

2) to contribute

3) the right person

4) high-salaried job

5) free command of English

6) good and bad qualities

7) available

8) to change careers

9) to receive a fee

10) to look for a job

11) firm reputation

12) employment agency

13) appropriate position

14) professional duties


a) сменить профессию

b) искать работу

c) агентство по найму персонала

d) получать вознаграждение

e) высокооплачиваемая работа

f) устойчивая репутация

g) должностные обязанности

h) свободное владение английским

i) подходящая должность

j) делать вклад во что-либо

k) хорошие и плохие качества

l) доступный

m) конкурент

n) тот самый человек