Ex. 2. Prioritize the following according to how important these traits of character are for you

· persistent

· self-disciplined

· decisive



· enthusiastic

· inquisitive

· hard-working

· sociable


You may require some phrases to express your personal opinion. Study the Useful language box given on page 5.

Your partner may wish to challenge your opinion. He may need expressions from the Useful language box below.


Useful language: Challenge a fact or claim
  • It’s not (completely) true to say that …
  • Many people would disagree with the assertion/idea that …
  • It’s hard to believe that …
  • The fact that … doesn’t mean …
  • (Just) Because … it doesn’t necessarily follow that …
  • It may be true … but …

Ex. 3. Think about one or two personal goals you have for the future, e.g.

· the job or career you would like to have,

· a skill you would like to acquire,

· an activity you would like to be engaged in, etc.


You should say what is special about these goals and explain your reasons for choosing them. Make a mindplan if necessary.

Unit 2

Do you have the personality traits to be a successful scientist?


Ex. 1. Read the following article.

A typical view of a scientist is that of a person in a white coat, conducting experiments. The truth is thatscientists can be defined as people involved in the systematic and documented study of the phenomena that occur in nature but they are not limited to just physics, chemistry or biology. They can even indulge in studies related to the makeup of the earth and social scenarios where they study and try to understand the behaviour of a group of individuals of a particular species, sub-species or any other such classification. Thus, they can be classified into various categories based on the branch of science that they are involved in. Some of such categories are social scientists, astronomers, physicists, biologists, chemical engineers or chemists, agriculturists and earth scientists. There are many more branches of science which a person can become a specialist of. Some of the notable people from this field are people like Charles Darwin, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr.


Ex. 2. Work in pairs to answer the following questions in your own words.

a) What is a typical view of a scientist?

b) Does the personality of a scientist have a set definition? Why?

c) How would you describe a typical scientist?


Ex. 3. Find words in the article which mean the same as the following.

opinion engaged research
associated fields distinguished


Focus on speaking I

Ex. 1. Work in pairs. What tense and/or particular verb form would you be likely to use in replying to questions beginning:

a) What do scientists usually …

b) When did you last …

c) Do you enjoy …

d) How long have you …

e) Where would you …

f) How long ago …

g) How interested are you in …

h) When you finish your studies …


All your questions should be related to research. Complete each question in a suitable way and then ask and answer in pairs.