Role play. Your friend persuades you to buy an advertised shampoo. You are hesitating


Text 7



Advertising, as a tool of marketing, is used to increase the sale of goods or services of an organization. Public relations uses advertising as a tool to help sell the policies and actions of an organization. Success in marketing is shown by increased income. Success in public relations, which indirectly affects the economic success of the organization, is shown by increased public regard for the organization.

There are five basic types of public relations advertising.

Image-building advertising is designed to convince the public that the organization is a good citizen and a desirable part of the community.

Financial advertising may be placed to meet SEC requirements or to convince investors that the company's management is sound and that the stock is a good investment.

Public service advertising supplies information that helps or assists the public in some way.

Advocacy advertising allows an organization to explain its stand on a particular issue and to try to change public opinion.

Announcement advertising focuses on distributing important news promptly so that the public has current information.

Advantages of Advertising

Advertising is paid and controlled mass communication. This means that the organ­ization completely bypasses the newsroom gatekeepers and places its messages, exact­ly as written and formatted, with the medium's advertising department. Thus a pri­mary reason for using advertising as a communications tool is that control of the mes­sage remains with the sender.

Some other advantages of advertising are its selectivity and the advertiser's control of the impact and timing.

Audience Selection

With advertising, you can reach a very specific audience. For example, commercials on stations can be fine-tuned to the audience with little regard for any other people. Advertisements in specialized publications can reach their readers with very little exposure to others. Different ideas can be conveyed to different groups, and efforts can be concentrated in the most important areas.

For any public relations program, certain groups or publics are more important than others. Reaching them may be imperative, while reaching others may be optional. To be sure of reaching your key publics, you can rely on advertising.

Disadvantages of Advertising

Although institutional advertising can be effective in getting key messages to specific audiences, there are some disadvantages.


Paid space is expensive. Ads in multiple media outlets, which are necessary for message penetration, can cost thousand of dollars in the trade press



and millions in the consumer press. The most extreme example is the annual Super Bowl football game, during which a 30-second television commercial costs about USD 900,000.

The high cost of buying space for advertising has led many companies to shift more of their marketing communications budgets to product publicity, direct mail, and telemarketing.



tool – средство, путь, орудие, инструмент

indirectly – косвенно

affect – оказывать воздействие, влиять

image-building advertising – формирование благоприятного имиджа; престижная реклама; пропагандистская реклама (реклама по созданию репутации организации)

financial advertising – финансовая реклама; реклама по привлечению спонсоров

public service advertising – реклама по распространению информации, могущей заинтересовать население в той или иной мере

announcement advertising – реклама по быстрому распространению важной информации в пользу фирмы

advocacy advertising – разъяснительно-пропагандистская реклама; реклама, помещаемая организациями о своей компании, продукции и т.д. в связи с критикой определенной части населения, например, экологов

be designed – быть предназначенным

convince – убеждать

sound – крепкий, здоровый, здравомыслящий

particular issue – отдельный вопрос

current – текущий, современный

bypass – обходить, объезжать, игнорировать

primary – первостепенный, главный, первый

impact – воздействие рекламы ( на аудиторию)

exposure – воздействие, контакт

convey – передавать

imperative – императивный, обязательный, настоятельный

optional – необязательный, произвольный

publics – группа аудитории

rely on – полагаться на; доверять

institutional – казенный, скучный, холодный

multiple – множественный, многократный, многочисленный

outlet – рынок сбыта, рыночный канал, канал реализации

penetration – проникновение

shift –передвинуть, сместить, сдвинуть, переместить

product publicity – пропаганда товара

direct mail – прямая почтовая рассылка рекламы, директ—мейл


Answer the questions.

1. How is advertising used in public relations?

2. In what way does the success in public relations affect the economic success of the organization?

3. What are the five types of public relations?

4. What is image-building advertising designed for?

5. What can you say about financial advertising?

6. What sort of information does public service advertising supply?

7. What is the purpose of advocacy advertising?

8. What does announcement advertising focus on?

Make up questions for these answers:

1. Advertising is paid and controlled mass communications.

2. A primary reason for using advertising as a communications tool is that control of the message remains with the sender.

3. Some other advantages of advertising are its selectivity and the advertiser’s control of the impact and timing.

4. Advertisements in specialized publications can reach their readers with very little exposure to others.

5. To be sure of reaching your key publics, you can rely on advertising.

Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following:

1. The member or type of people who regularly watch or listen to a particular program –

2. Happening once a year –

3. Particular, or detailed, or exact –

4. Something that is not favourable or that causes problems –

5. To enter something or pass through it, especially when this is difficult –


Text 8



If a product is often enough to show it and explain what it does. In that case ads have a center idea, suggested in the title/picture which is used to structure the writing. They are organized around an image or a key idea. Such words as “really new” “sensation” may be of help.


A product is described as better than rival products. The advertising language makes use of comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.

Advertisers also like language that uses “limit” adjectives, that suggests their product is of especially high quality.

Ex. Our coffeemakers are of unique/ of unsurpassed design.

NOTE: the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) controls advertising in Britain. There are 500 rules that give advertisers practical help on what they can or can not. Thus the ASA admits that words like “best” and “fine” have become so devalued that they can be used in advertising. For example, the best of the rest/best; simply the best, etc.


Key words/slogans or the name of the product are repeated many times so that to make you associate a particular product or service with its brand name. Sometimes the name of a product is put into a rhyme and sung repeatedly. It is called a “jingle”. That helps most people remember it easily.


Sometimes the ad shows a person in a white coat a doctor, a professor, a scientist),who tells you about the product and its benefits. More often the ad makes use of statistics, «scientific» words. There are references to how «natural» or «pure» the product is. For example. Health drink comprises 51 miracle ingredients. Our electric kettles are scientifically tested. New fitness program is developed by a group of international experts. Which words have a magic effect in Russian advertisements?


Advertising appeals to people’s feelings and emotions, such as femininity/manliness, sexuality, mother-love/father-love. Another common device is to write about the thing you are selling as if it were a person, attributing to its feelings, character. Here are some commonly used phrases: treat yourself to…/allow yourself…/pamper yourself with…/spoil yourself…,etc.


Ads show attractive people (friends, members of a family, etc.) using the product in some beautiful situations, having a wonderful time. This is especially suitable for the teenage market.

7. POPULAR PERSONALITY (endorsement).

A well-known person is invited to advertise a product (a singer, an actor, a famous sportsman).


Key – основной, ключевой

Rival – соперничать

Comparative – (грамм.) сравнительная степень

Superlative – (грамм.) превосходная степень

the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) – Управление по рекламным нормам (частная организация, контролирует стандарты рекламных объявлений с целью урегулирования их правдивости, легальности и приличия)

devalue – обесценивать

particular – особенный, особый

benefit – выгода, польза

attribute - свойство, характерная черта

treat – лечить

allow – разрешать, позволять

pamper - баловать

spoil – портить, баловать

suitable - подходящий