Ex. VI. Find the examples of different tense and voice forms of the verbs in the above text. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

Ex. VII. Discuss whether the following sentences are true or false:

1. Marketing deals with transactions between people, groups and organizations.

2. Exchange involves at least two parties, most commonly a buyer and a seller.

3. The buyer usually gives up goods, services or ideas (what we define as products) in order to receive something of the same value.

4. The seller usually gives up money or promises to pay money in the future.

5. In bartering buyers may give up their labour or goods to be traded.

Ex. VIII. Work in groups. Work out answers to the following questions:

1. What makes a customer happy?

2. What are some of the things happy customers can do for a business? For example,

Happy customers come back.

Happy customers inform others.

Continue the list.

Ex. IX. Translate into English.

Пітер Друкер довгий час був одним із найбільш поважаних авторів книг з ділового менеджменту. Провідна ідея його праць складається в повідомленні, що єдиний головний намір бізнесу – це вдовольнити споживачів.

В своїх працях Пітер Друкер підкреслював важливість утримання споживача в центрі уваги менеджменту. З одного боку, він відмічав: ”Є тільки одне обґрунтоване визначення наміру бізнесу: створити споживача.” Споживач визначає, чи бізнес виживе та чи процвітатиме він.

Два головні уроки, підкреслені Друкером, сформували думку сучасних вчених з маркетингу:

1. Початковий обов‘язок будь-якого бізнесу встановити та задовольнити потреби споживачів. Кращі технології це тільки ті технології, які найкраще вдовольняють ці потреби.

2. Маркетинг – це особлива робота з її власними специфічними напрямками діяльності; отже від спеціалістів з маркетингу вимагається керувати цією роботою.

В той самий час, маркетинг повинен бути справою кожного в організації.

Grammar: Tense and Voice Review

Test your grammar

Ex. I. Choose the correct answer:

1. Yesterday on my way to school I met my friend, whom I ______ for more than three years.

A haven’t seen; B haven’t been seen; C hadn’t seen

2. I ______ of that for a long time.

A am thinking; B thought; C have been thinking

3. I ______ four years at the University.

A spent; B was spent; C am spending

4. We ______ never ______ to Canada.

A have been; B were gone; C are being

5. He said his mother ______ critically ill.

A has been; B was; C will be

6. I told him that our family ______ in a new flat soon.

A lives; B will live; C would live

7. These two countries have started another round of negotiations. They ______ them last Monday.

A have begun; B began; C were beginning

8. She ______ dinner when I came back home.

A cooks; B cooked; C was cooking

9. My sister said they ______the dictations twice a week.

A write; B wrote; C are writing

10. If the weather ______, he will go to the country.

A fine; B will be fine; C is fine

Ex. II. Supply the missing forms in the charts below. Use the word “learn” for the active and “write” for the passive:

Active Voice Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
Past he learned
Present He is learning he has been learning
Future he will have learned


Passive Voice Simple Continuous Perfect
Past it was written
Present it is being written
Future it will have been written

Ex. III. Find in the previous text examples of different tense and voice forms of the verb:

Present Simple Active: reflects, … .

Present Continuous: is learning, … .

Present Perfect Active: has changed, … .

Future Simple: will exceed, … .

Present Simple Passive: is written, … .

Ex. IV. Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

1.He get up early every morning but Sunday.

2.He don’t know how to get there.

3.Have you ever be to the United States of America?

4.I have just did it myself, believe me.

5.The weather was nice, the sun was shine.

6.He is doing his morning exercises every day.

7.He has seen the film two days ago.

8.She said she will help me with the exercise.

9.If I’ll have money, I’ll buy these shoes.

10. They played in the garden when it began to rain.

11. Be quiet, children, Mother sleeps.

Ex. V. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1.We ______ (present) the new company structure at next month’s meeting.

2.A wide range of plastics ______ (manufacture) by our company.

3.While we ______ (trial) the product, two members of the team ______ (resign).

4.A new quality control system ______ (introduce) last year.

5.I ______ already ______ (work) in marketing before I joined my present company.

6.Three new applications ______ (test) since the beginning of the year.

7.I think I ______ (read) the proposal of the external consultant first.

8.We ______ (develop) quality toys here since 1983.

9.The company’s range of services ______ (expand) now.

10. In the mid-1970s a lot of research ______ (do) to develop better computer languages.

11. If companies ______ (grow) too quickly, they risk overheating.

12. If we ______ (pay) our workers well, it will be difficult to attract good workers.

Ex. VI Translate into English:

1.Я вивчаю англійську мову вже два роки. 2. Пітер студент, але під час канікул він працює барменом. 3. “Гамлет”, одна з найвеличніших трагедій, була написана Шекспіром. 4. Коли я був дитиною, ми жили в маленькому будинку біля моря. 5. Ми грали в теніс, коли почався дощ. 6. Коли я прийшов до дому, я виявив, що хтось проник в мою квартиру та вкрав мій персональний комп’ютер. 7. Лист, на який я чекав, не надійшов, тому, що він був надісланий на мою стару адресу. 8. Коли ви приходити до магазину, вам не обов‘язково щось купувати. Ви можете просто подивитися. 9. Завтра вранці я зустрічаюсь із лікарем. 10 Ми прожили в одному й тому ж будинку 25 років.

Grammar Revision: Use of Articles with Geographical Names

Definite article is used:

a) before oceans, seas, rivers: the Pacific Ocean, the Black Sea, the Thames;

b) with names of lakes if the word “lake” is not mentioned: Lake Ontario;

c) with names of mountain chains: the Alps; but not with mountain peaks: Ben Nevis, Everest;

d) with names of groups of islands: the British Isles;

e) with names of cardinal points: the North, the South, the West, the East; except for the expressions “from east to west”, “from north to south”.

No article is used:

a) before countries and towns: England, Great Britain, Ukraine, Kharkiv, London; but: the USA, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the Crimea, the Caucasus, the West Indies;

b) before streets and squares: Oxford Street, Trafalgar Square; exceptions: the High Street, the Strand.

Audition: The Seven Wonders of the World

Ex. I. Pre-listening task:

1. What are the seven wonders of the ancient world?

Choose among the following:

- Mayan Pyramids, - Parphenon,

- Pharos, lighthouse of Alexandria, - Hanging Gardens of Babylon,

- Machu Picchu, - Statue of Zeus at Olympia,

- Temple of Diana, - Colossus of Rhodes,

- Tomb of Mausolus, - Pyramids of Egypt

- Sistine Chapel, - Great Buddha

2. How many of them can you see today?

Ex. II. Look up the following words in your dictionary and write down the translation:

a wonder (n) beyond (prep) ivory (n)
to vanish (v) rumours (n) carvings (n)
to stretch (v) sampling (n) mind (n)

Ex. III. Insert the necessary articles (see Grammar Revision Notes):

1. In … second century B.C., … Greek poet Antipater listed … seven wonders of … world.

2. Greeks sailed in their small ships along … coast of … Mediterranean.

3. … Antipater was selecting from … small sampling of … buildings and creations of … rest of … world.

4. Today … tourists are eager to visit not only … Egyptian pyramids, they also visit such wonders as … Mayan pyramids in … Mexico and … Guatemala, … Machu Picchu in … Peru, … Great Buddha in … Nara, … Parthenon in … Athens, … Sistine Chapel in the … Vatican and others.

Ex. IV. Listen and check.

Ex. V. Listen to the tape recording again and answer the following questions:

1. Who made a list of these wonders?

2. When did he live?

3. How much of the world do you suppose Antipater knew about?

4. What other wonders have become famous since Antipater’s time?

5. Which of them have you visited? Which would you like to visit?

Ex. VI. Questions for discussion:

1. What other wonders would you add to the list? Describe them, telling their location and why they are wonders.

2. Do you agree that the human mind is the greatest wonder of the world? Why or why not?

Unit II

Part I.

Ex. I. Before reading the text answer the following questions:

1. Where is the Universal Product Code printed?

2. How can a data entry clerk read it?

3. What do the 5-digit codes identify?