Переведите на русский язык в письменной форме абзацы 1, 2, и 7

5. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы:



1. What is the most important thing in marketing?

2. What are the main steps in marketing research?

3. What is marketing?

4. What operations does marketing include?



a. To find out who the customers are and what they want.

b. Defining the problem, collecting data, compiling data and analyzing the results.

c. The performance of business activities connected with the flow of goods from producers to consumers.

d. Transporting, storing, pricing and selling goods.


6. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:


1. Transporting means

2. Pricing is ....

3. Selling involves....


a) determining the best price;

b) helping consumers to discover their needs;

c) carrying goods from the place of their production to the place of their selling.


Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной временной форме.

1. Mr. and Mrs. Flint (to intend)___________to visit their son's school tomorrow. When they (to get) -----------there, they (to see) __________the headmaster first.

2. When I (to talk)_______________with my friend at the party last night I. (to ask) _______him where his cousin Freddy (to be) ________I (to tell) _________that he (to leave) ___________ for Leeds and (to come)____________ back in a month.

3. — You ever (to talk)_______________to your teacher about your grades, Jim? — Yes, I (to talk) _______________to her several times. In fact I (to talk) _______________to her about it after class yesterday when you (to wait) _______________ for me outside.


Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Jack comes from ... United Kingdom of ... Great Britain. That's ... official name of ... country, but there are ... other names for it. He lives in ... Highlands, which are in ... northern part of the country.

Jack is ... friend from ... school. In fact he is ... best friend I have from there.


Вставьте правильный предлог или послелог, где необходимо.


1. They arrived ... London ... the 14th ... April and left ... Oxford ... June. They will be back only ... a month.

2. What was the reason ... his absence?


Закончите диалог вопросами, подходящими по смыслу.

Diana is leaving the party at the Simpsons' house. She is talking to Mr. Simpson.

S: ___________________________________________________

D: Thank you. You needn't give me a lift.

S: __________________________._________________________

D: The bus will take me straight to my house.

S: ___________________________________________________

D: About an hour.


D: My son Terry will meet me at the bus-stop.

S: ______________________________________________________

D: No. Our house is just round the corner.



Вариант 7


1. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:


1. sole proprietorship a. управление

2. partnership b. доля потерь

3. shareofprofit c. партнерство с ограниченной юридической ответственностью

4. incometax d.партнерство

5. management e. недостатки

6. corporation f. налог на доходы

7. advantages g.льготы по налогообложению

8. taxadvantages (benefits) h. доля прибыли

9. disadvantages i. единоличное владение

10. share of loss j. преимущества

11. life insurance k.корпорация

12. limited partnership 1. страхованиежизни



2. Переведите на русский язык встречающиеся в тексте интернациональные слова:

form, formal, business, organization, position, title, president, documentation, corporation, economical, product, partner, service, industry, personal, professional, manager, state, financial, resources, sum, registration, specialist.


3. Прочитайте и озаглавьте текст:

1. There are three forms of organization of your business. These forms are the sole proprietorship, the partnership and the corporation. Which of these forms of organization you choose depends on such questions as the size of your business, whether you are the only owner of your business or you have partners.

2. Sole Proprietorship. A sole proprietorship is the simplest organizational form. There is one owner of the business, who usually takes the title of President. So he or she can make any decision without consulting anyone. Such kinds of business are in the service industries, such as repairing shops, restaurants, etc.

3. Partnership. A partnership means that there is more than one owner to carry out business. And each partner declares his or her share of profit or loss on the personal income tax return.

There is a special type of partnership, called a limited partnership, where the limited partner is not involved in the management of the firm.

4. This form of organization is useful in such professional fields as law, insurance, and some industries, for example, oil prospecting. But partnership has some disadvantages. Partnership business fails when one of the partners loses his interest or disagrees with the other.

5. Corporation. A corporation is a more formal way of organization. It is established for the purpose of making profit and operated by managers. Corporation involves registration with a state department of commerce. There are some advantages, such as being able to attract financial resources, and to attract talented specialists and managers due to high salaries. In general, this form is economically better for business when its profit reaches a great sum of money.