Составьте предложения, подбирая их части в разных колонках

The label   a served by blood cells   h belong to alkaloids.
One of the most important functions   b stuck on this bottle   i is quite reasonable.  
The interest   c found in citrus plants   j gave relief.  
Medicines   d known as caffeine, morphine, nicotine   k are called citric acids.  
The components e produced by Pharmaceutical factories   l is the ingestion of foreign particles.  
The healing ointment     f shown by people for vitamins   m are derived from natural substances.  
Organic acids g rubbed in every three hours   n indicated a drug for external use.

91. *Переведите предложения и определите функции Past Participle:


1. The translated paper is interesting.

2. The copy of the paper translated into English is in the journal.

3. Spoken English is difficult.

4. The paper written by the researcher is interesting.

5. The paper translated from Russian is of interest to physicians.

6. The method used helped to predict the disease.

7. When translated into Russian the paper proved to be of interest.

8. The method presented varied from ours.

9. Early clinical studies showed increased amounts of the enzyme.

10.All other mice tested produced antibodies.

11. In four (4) patients a liver scan performed revealed a defect.

12.The techniques applied in drying of plants are new.

13.Once established, the causes of the disease must be eliminated.

14.If used in conditions unrelated to the eye, this medication may cause cataract.

15.The recommendation, if carried out, will save many of those who would otherwise die.




Формы причастия настоящего времени (Present Participle)

  Indefinite Perfect
Active asking спрашивающий, спрашивая having asked спросив
Passive being asked будучи спрошен, спрашиваемый having been asked будучи спрошен

Синтаксические функции

Причастия настоящего времени (Present Participle)

Определение The examining doctor is in Room 15.
Часть определительного причастного оборота The doctor examining the patient is very experienced.
Обстоятельство времени или условия (When)examining the patient the doctor found some pathology.
Обстоятельство образа действия или сопутствующих обстоятельств The doctor was standing near the patient examining him carefully.

Определите, от каких глаголов образованы следующие причастия, и дайте все возможные варианты их перевода.





Having attended


Having been put

Being set

Having been operated

Having examined

Being questioned


Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление причастия (Present Participle) в различных формах и функциях.

1. The doctor examining the patient revealed moist rales in the lungs.

2. Examining the patient the doctor listened to his heart.

3. Being dangerous to life suppurative appendicitis must be treated in time.

4. The changing condition of the patient became worse yesterday.

5. Having attended all classes in Surgery the students of our group got acquainted with the ways of treating compound fractures.

6. The recovering patient N. will be discharged in a week.

7. Having been put a fresh dressing the patient was wheeled on a stretcher cart from the dressing room.

8. When being set a fractured bone the patient felt an unbearable pain.

9. Beingon a sick-leave the patient was following a strict bed regime.

10. Having been operated on for acute appendicitis a month before my sister still complained of tenderness on physical exertion.

11. Having examined the patient the surgeon noted swelling of the right lower extremity.

12. Being questioned on his post-operative condition the patient said he had no complaints.