Complete the sentences by filling in the correct word that fits a statement (gap fill). Choose the appropriate words from the word bank given below


A. rust B. reclaimed C. impurities D. natural

E. grading F. contaminants G. demolition H. moist

I. drinkable J. limestone K. crushed L. identical


1. With the limited supply of …… materials, concrete recycling has gained much importance.

2. Studies have revealed that concrete is the most commonly used product after …… water.

3. The chloride ions in recycled crushed aggregate may react with reinforced steel to form …… .

4. The quality of recycled concrete is …… , or superior in a few specifications, compared to virginaggregates.

5. Recycled crushed aggregate normally produces a good quality aggregate that varies with the source of debris and the…… .

6. Since the harmful …… cannot be eliminated completely, acceptable levels should be determined to achieve a quality product.

7. The properties of …… concrete may differ from each other since the sources may be extensive.

8. …… refers to the particle size distribution of the aggregate.

9. Since……is not used, carbon dioxide is not released during the recycling of concrete

10. Sulphation of the recycled crushed aggregates may occur due to the reaction of plaster and gypsum in a …… environment.

UNIT 24 Sustainable Building



Read, translate the following text and be ready to fulfil the tests:


75% of the world’s energy is consumed in cities, 40% of the world’s energy is consumed in buildings. The most interesting potential for CO2 reduction in cities from the economical point of view lays in the modernization of the building’s infrastructure. Converting existing and new buildings into Green Buildings is one of the most effective levers to meet the challenges of CO2 reduction in cities. “Sustainable building” is the design and construction of buildings using methods and materials that are resource efficient and that will not compromise the health of the environment or the associated health and well-being of the building’s occupants, construction workers, the general public or future generations. Sustainable building involves the consideration of many issues, including land use, site impacts, indoor environment, energy and water use, solid waste, and lifecycle impacts of building materials.

The built environment has a vast impact on the natural environment, human health, and the economy. By adopting green building strategies, we can maximize both economic and environmental performance. “Green” construction methods can be integrated into buildings at any stage, from design and construction, to renovation and deconstruction. However, the most significant benefits can be obtained if the design and construction team takes an integrated approach from the earliest stages of a building project. Potential benefits of green building can include:

Environmental benefits

• Enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystems

Improve air and water quality

• Reduce waste streams

• Conserve and restore natural resources


Economic benefits

• Reduce operating costs

• Create, expand, and shape markets for green products and services

Improve occupant productivity

• Optimize life-cycle economic performance

Social benefits

Enhance occupant comfort and health

• Heighten aesthetic qualities

• Minimize strain on local infrastructure

• Improve overall quality of life

The main factors that are taken into consideration in “sustainable building” are the following: site sustainability, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, material and resources, indoor environmental quality, innovation and design.


Read memorize the active vocabulary to the text:


Active Vocabulary


1. to consume потреблять, расходовать

2. reduction снижение, понижение; уменьшение, сокращение

3. lever рычаг, средство воздействия

4. sustainable экологически устойчивый

5. resource efficient ресурсосберегающий

6. site impact воздействие стройплощадки на окружающую среду

7. indoor environment внутренняя среда, окружающая среда в помещении

8. to adopt принимать, утверждать

9. to obtain получать; добывать; приобретать

10. biodiversity биологическое разнообразие, разнообразие форм жизни, биологическая вариативность

11. approach подход; метод; технология

12. benefit выгода, прибыль, польза, благо; полезность; преимущество

13. waste streams потоки сточной воды, стоки отходов

14. to improve улучшать, совершенствовать

15. to restore восстанавливать, возобновлять, реконструировать, возвращать, регенерировать

16. operating costs текущие расходы; эксплуатационные расходы

17. to shape принимать форму, вид; выходить, получаться

18. green products натуральные (экологически чистые) продукты

19. economic performance технико-экономические показатели

20. to enhance повышать, увеличивать, усиливать

21. strain напряжение

22. overall всеобщий, всеобъемлющий, всеохватывающий





Decide whether these statements are true or false:


1. a). The most interesting potential for CO2 reduction in cities from the economical point of view lays in converting existing and new buildings into Green Buildings.

b). The most interesting potential for CO2 reduction in cities from the economical point of view lays in the modernization of the building’s infrastructure.

c). The most interesting potential for CO2 reduction in cities from the economical point of view lays in optimizing life-cycle economic performance.


2. a). “Sustainable building” is the design and construction of buildings using methods and materials that are resource efficient and that will not compromise the health of the environment or of the building’s occupants.

b). “Sustainable building” is enhancing occupant comfort and health.

c). “Sustainable building” is conserving and restoring natural resources.


3. a). By adopting green building strategies, we can improve occupant productivity.

b). By adopting green building strategies, we can heighten aesthetic qualities.

c). By adopting green building strategies, we can maximize both economic and environmental performance.


4. a). The built environment has a vast impact on reducing operating costs.

b). The built environment has a vast impact on the natural environment, human health, and the economy.

c). The built environment has a vast impact on improving overall quality of life.


5. a). Converting existing and new buildings into Green Buildings is one of the most effective levers to meet the challenges of CO2 reduction in cities.

b). Converting existing and new buildings into Green Buildings is one of the most effective levers to minimize strain on local infrastructure.

c). Converting existing and new buildings into Green Buildings is one of the most effective levers to reduce waste streams.




Match words in columns A and B (synonym match):




1.reduction a). decrease b). wreckage

c). convention d). despoliation


2. to convert a). to strike b). to assault

c). to affect d). to transform

3. well-being a). origination b). welfare

c). derivation d). creation


4. impact a). source b). provenance

c). influence d). outbreak


5. to adopt a). to manage b). to clarify

c). to accept d). to explain


6. to enhance a). to advance b). to justify

c). to confirm d). to support


7. to restore a). to reinforce b). to fasten

c). to seal d). to recover


8. to expand a). to broaden b). to squeeze

c). to displace d). to extrude


9. strain a). facility b). mastery

c). tension d). proficiency


10. overall a). deceptive b). general

c). competent d). sophisticated




Select the best possible answer out of the choices from the list to the statements (multiple choice):


1. “Green” construction methods … .


a. enhance and protect biodiversityand ecosystems.

b.can be integrated into buildings at any stage.

c. heighten aesthetic qualities.

d. improve overall quality of life.


2. The most significant benefits can be obtained … .


a. in case of reducing operating costs.

b. if occupant productivity is improved.

c. on the chance of conserving and restoring natural resources.

d. if the design and construction team takes an integrated approach.


3. Environmental benefits of green building can include… .


a. enhancement of occupant comfort and health.

b. reducing waste streams.

c. creating markets for green products.

d. minimizing strain on local infrastructure.

4. Sustainable building … .

a. involves the consideration of many issues, including land use, site impacts, energy and water use and other ones.

b. is provided by utilization of waste that can be recycled economically.

c. has a vast impact on the natural environment, human health, and the economy.

d. can be achieved by avoidance of contamination by detrimental substances from buildings or other harmful materials.


5. Social benefits of green building can include … .


a. enhancement and protection of ecosystems.

b. improving overall quality of life.

c. conservation of natural resources.

d. improving occupant productivity.