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Bread is a valuable food. Excellent bread can be made with flour, yeast, salt and water. Other ingredients may be added such as sugar, fat, eggs, milk, nuts and fruit.

The first basic step in the production of bread is mixing of the ingredients to form dough. This process takes place in mixes. The mixed dough undergoes the second main stage of production called fermentation. At that time the yeast changes sugar to carbon dioxide and alcohol and the volume of the dough increases.

The fermented dough is cut into pieces by a dividing machine. The dough pieces are taken to the next machine called a rounder. The function of this machine is to round the dough pieces into the form of a ball. Then the rounded dough balls are subjected to a short fermentation period called intermediate proofing. After that a special moulding machine shapes the dough pieces into a loaf form. The moulded dough pieces undergo the final proofing in large chambers called proof boxes.

The last and most important step in the production of bread is baking process, which is performed in the ovens.

2. Найдите в тексте выражения, эквивалентные следующим:

ценный продукт питания; могут быть добавлены, другие ингредиенты; смешивание ингредиентов; для образования теста; подвергается второй основной стадии производства теста, промежуточная расстойка; в форме буханки; дрожжи; сахар; выпечка.

3. Расположите название процессов в том порядке, в котором они описаны в тексте.

1. замес; 2. деление на куски; 3. промежуточная расстойка; 4. брожение; 5. округление; 6. окончательная расстойка; 7. формовка; 8. выпечка.

4. Заполните пропуски словами из данного ниже списка.

1) The first step in the production of bread is … of the ingredients to form dough. 2) The process of mixing takes place in ... . 3) The ...` dough undergoes fermentation. 4) The fermented dough is cut into pieces by a ... . 5) The dough pieces are taken to the next machine ... a rounder. 6) Then the rounded dough balls are ... to an intermediate proofing. 7) The moulding machine shapes the dough balles into a ... form. 8) Then the moulded dough pieces ... the final proofing in large chambers called boxes. 9) The last step in the production of bread is the ... process. 10) Bread is baked in the .... ovens.

1. divider; 2. mixing; 3.called; 4) mixed; 5) mixers; 6) subjected; 7) ovens; 8) undergo; 9) loaf: 10) baking.


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The flesh from the cattle over 6 month of age is beef and from younger cattle is veal. Beef is a nutritious food having approximately 25% protein and rich in essential acids, B vitamins and minerals.

The primary products of swine are pork, lard, hides and innumerable by-products. Pork is more successfully cured and stored than any other meats.

Fresh red meats are refrigerated. Cured meats, such as ham, bacon and sausage contain chemical preservatives (salt, nitrate, nitrite) and are stored under refrigeration. Fresh and cured meats are also canned. With severe heat processing a shelf-stable product is produced. In certain products stability is achieved in part through other processes: fermentation, drying, smoking and impregnation with vinegar.

The manufacture of meat products includes those processes which prepare the product for consumption and increase the stability, improve the texture, colour and appearance of various meat items.

Various processes are employed depending upon the desired result.

Various enzymatic agents and other additives are often used.

2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

мясные продукты, субпродукты, питательный продукт, богат минералами и незаменимыми аминокислотами, свинина, ветчина, консервировать, брожение, сушка, копчение, потребление, желаемый результат.

3. Заполните пропуски словами из данного ниже списка.

1. ... is the flesh of cattle. 2. The flesh of young cattle is called ... . 3. Swine gives us ... and ... . 4. Pork is successfully ... and ... . 5. Chemical preservatives are contained in ..., ..., ... . 6. Fresh and ... meats can also ... . 7. ..., ..., ... are used to get stable products. 8. The manufacture of meat products improves ..., ..., ..., increases ... .

[1) cured, canned; 2) beef; 3) bacon, ham and sausages, 3) pork, lard; 4) fermentation, drying, smoking; 5) texture, flavour, appearance, stability; 7) veal; 8) cured, stored]

4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What is beef? 2. What is veal? 3. What is beef rich in? 4. What are the primary products of swine? 5. What is stored and cured better, pork or beef?

6. How are cured meats stored? 7. What processes are used for the manufacture of meat products?

5. Переведите на русский язык:

1. Cured and pickled meats contain salt, sodium or potassium nitrate. 2. Sausage products belong to the group of cured, smoked and cooked meats. 3. Finely chopped meat is used for the production of sausages and frankfurters. 4. To obtain the end product with proper juiciness ice is incorporated. 5. To impart the characteristic smoked flavour to the product hardwood smoke is introduced.



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Fluid milk for commercial distribution is usually pasteurized, that is subjected to a temperature of 61.7C for at least 39 min or 71.7C for 15 sec, and then cooled and bottled. The importance of safety and cleanliness is stressed in the dairy industry. Milk may also be condensed, evaporated, dried, powdered, or separated into skim milk and cream.

Butter is churned from cream. Margarines are similar to butter, but made of hydrogenated fats, usually vegetable in origin, with added butter-type flavours and colouring.

Ice-cream is a frozen product made from a combination of milk products (cream, butter, or milk – either whole or evaporated, condensed, skimmed, or dried) and two or more of the following ingredients: eggs, water and sugar with flavouring and coloring matter. In the manufacture of ice-cream, freezing is accompanied by agitation of the ingredients to avoid crystallization and to incorporate air for proper texture.

Cheese is a product made from curd obtained from milk of cows or other animals, with or without added cream. Many fermented products are produced from milk. These fermentations require the use of bacteria that ferment lactose or milk sugar.

2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

сгущенное молоко, цельное молоко, питьевое молоко, обезжиренное молоко, сырое молоко, цельное молоко, концентрированное молоко, сухое молоко, кисломолочные продукты, мороженое, сливки, очистка, замораживать, творог, красящее вещество, чтобы избежать кристаллизации.

3. Определите, о каком продукте идет речь:

1. A product made from curd with or without added cream.

2. A dairy product which is churned from cream.

3. A frozen product made from combination of milk products, eggs, water and sugar with flavouring and colouring matter.

4. A product similar to butter, but made of hydrogenated fats with added butter-type flavours and colouring.

5. Milk products fermented by bacteria.

(Сливочное масло, мороженое, сыр, кисломолочные продукты, маргарин).

4. Выберите правильный ответ следующих предложений. Обратите внимание на функцию инфинитива.

1. Milk is pasterized to kill bacteria.

а) Пастеризованное молоко не содержит бактерий.

б) Молоко пастеризуют для того, чтобы уничтожить бактерии.

2. To make butter cream is churned.

а) Для того, чтобы получить масло, взбивают сливки.

б) Процесс взбивания масла и сливок называется взбиванием.




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Most row milk collected at farms is pumped from stainless steel tanks into tank trucks for delivery to processing plants.

Collection and intake. The truck drivers are required to check flavour, temperature and volume of milk in the farm tank and to collect a sample of row milk for analysis before pumping the milk into truck. At the receiving station of the processing plant the milk in the farm truck is weighed and pumped into the plant through flexible plastic and stainless steel pipelines.

Separation and clarification. The actual processing of milk begins with either separation or clarification. These machines are essentially similar except that in the clarifier the cream and skim milk fraction are not separated.

Separators have two discharge pipes, one for cream and one for skim milk. Clarifiers have only one pipe for whole milk. Separators have a device called cream screw by which the fat content in the cream is regulated. This screw allows more a less milk to pass out through the discharge pipe.

Примечания к тексту: tank truck - автоцистерна; cream screw - шнек-дозатор для сливок.

2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

для доставки на перерабатывающее предприятие; брать образец сырого молока на анализ; сепарация и очистка; порции сливок и обезжиренного молока; две отводные трубы; содержание жира в сливках; большее или меньшее количество сливок; всасывание; взбивать.

3. Заполните пропуски словами из данного ниже списка:

1) Fluid milk for commercial distribution is usually ... . 2) ... is churned from cream. 3) Ice cream is the ... product. 4) Cheese is the product made from ... . 5) Industry processing milk is called ... industry. 6) After separation whole milk is separated into two fractions: ... and ... . 7) Clarifiers have one pipe for ... milk.

(1. Curd; 2. pasteurized; 3. whole; 4. cream; 5. butter; 6. dairy; skim milk; 8.frozen).

4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Что обычно делают перед перекачиванием молока из автоцистерны на перерабатывающее предприятие?

2. В чем состоит основное различие между процессами сепарации и очистки молока?

3. Можно ли приготовить сыр в домашних условиях?

4. От чего зависит жирность сыра?



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Sugar is extracted from the sugar cane and the sugar beet. Cane sugar is manufactured from the sugar cane. In the manufacturing of sugar cane, the first step is crushing of the cane to express the juice. The juice is then clarified usually by heating with lime. The clarified juice is then concentrated in vacuum evaporators to brownish syrup containing about 35 per cent moisture of syrup and crystals.

The crystals are separated from the liquor or molasses by centrifugal machines. The molasses may be evaporated a second and a third time and the crystals are removed. The raw sugar must be washed, treated with lime, filtered, recrystallized, washed and dried to give the familiar refined sugar.

Recovery of crystalline sugar from the sugar beet is not a simple procedure. In its life processes, sugar beet forms many organic substances other than sucrose and takes up organic nutrient elements from the soil. These nonsucrose substances are also brought into solution of sucrose during processing and must be removed. Some are removed by liming and filtering, but those that remain inhibit crystallization of sucrose.

This is how beet sugar is produced. The beets are washed and sliced. The juice which is high in sucrose is leached by hot water. It is then subjected to clarification, filtration, and evaporation, resulting in formation of clear crystals.

2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

сахарный тростник; очищать; быть богатым чем-либо; сахароза; измельчать; обрабатывать; сахарная свекла; свекловичный сахар; выпаривать; нарезать на кусочки; сахар-сырец; приводить к; патока, вязкая жидкость; вакуумный выпариватель; меласса; известь.

3. Закончите следующие высказывания в соответствии с содержанием текста:

1. Cane sugar is manufactured from the … . 2. Beet sugar is manufactured from … . 3. In the manufacturing of sugar cane, the first step is … . 4. To produce beet juice the beets are … . 5. This is how beet sugar is … .

4. Расставьте названия процессов в том порядке, в котором они описаны в тексте:

а) обработка тростника для получения сахара-сырца:

clarification of the juice; crushing of the cane; separation of crystals from the molasses; concentration of the clarified juice;

б) обработка сахара-сырца для получения рафинированного сахара:

Filtering; treating with lime; washing; recrystallizing; drying; washing;

в) обработка сахарной свеклы для получения сока:

Slicing; leaching; washing;

г) обработка сока сахарной свеклы для получения чистых кристалликов сахара:

Evaporation; clarification; filtration.