The foundation of the United Nations






1.The procurator is preparing to speak on the case tried by the regional court.(Present Continuous Active)

Прокурор готовится говорить о деле, рассмотренном региональным судом.


2.During the Great Patriotic War many Soviet women were taking an active part in the fight against the fascists.(Past Continuous Active)

Во время Великой Отечественной войны много советских женщин принимали активное участие в борьбе против фашистов.


3.At the beginning of the seminar one of our students will be making a report on the rights of the Defendant according to the Criminal Law. (Future Continuous Active)

В начале семинара один из наших студентов будет делать доклад на правах ответчика согласно Уголовному праву.


1.Thousands of young people from different foreign countries are being trained at various higher educational establishments of our country.(Present Continuous Passive)

Тысячи молодых людей из различных зарубежных стран обучают в различных высших образовательных учреждениях нашей страны.


2.The case was being prepared for trial when the investigator was given some new important evidence. (Past Continuous Passive) , (Past Simple Passive)

Дело готовили к суду, когда следователю были даны несколько новых важных улик.




1.The investigator has collected evidence on the case.(Present Perfect Active)

Следователь собрал улики по делу.


2.The state and pubic organizations had discussed the Draft of the new Constitution before it became the law.(Past Perfect Active)

Государственные и общественные организации обсудили Проект новой Конституции прежде, чем она стало законом.


3.The article says that by the year 2000 the population of the Earth will have reached as much as 6000000000.(Future Perfect Active)

Статья говорит, что к 2000 году население Земли достигнет не менее чем 6000000000.



1.The United Nations Organization has been called upon to play an important role in the affairs of mankind. It has become the forum of the world for the discussion of issues of great concern of all nations. (Present Perfect Passive), (Present Perfect Active)

Организация Объединенных Наций была призвана, чтобы играть важную роль в делах человечества. Она стала форумом мира для обсуждения вопросов в интересах всех стран.


2.He became a good investigator after many serious crimes had been examined by him. (Past Perfect Passive)

Он стал хорошим следователем после того, как много тяжких преступлений былирасследованы им.


3.The head of the delegation will have been appointed by the time when all the preparatory work is done. (Future Perfect Passive), (Present Simple Passive)

Глава делегации будет назначен к тому времени, когда сделают всю подготовительную работу.




1.The convicted was taken to prison to serve his sentence after his appeal had been rejected by the higher court. (Past Simple Passive), (Past Perfect Passive)

Осужденный был заключён в тюрьму, чтобы отбыть наказание после того, как его апелляция была отклонена более высоким судом.


2.His nomination will have been approved by the end of the week. (Future Perfect Passive)

Его назначение будет одобрено в конце недели.


3.The police was being assisted by many citizens while that crime was being investigated. (Past Continuous Passive)

Полиции помогало много граждан, в то время как расследовалось то преступление.


4.If you come to the court late in the afternoon the judge will have declared his decision. (Future Perfect Active)

Если Вы приедете в суд к концу дня, судья объявит свое решение.


5.The regional court will be hearing this case for three days.(Future Continuous Active)

Региональный суд будет слушать это дело три дня.





The foundation of the United Nations

The foundation of the United Nations was laid at the Dumberton Oaks Conference in Washington, August 21-September 28, 1944 when World War II was coming to its final stage.

The United Nations was born as a result of the victory of the anti-Hitler coalition in World War II.

The charter of the United Nations signed in San Francisco on June 25, 1945 by 51 states came into force on October2, 1945 after it had been ratified by the 5 great powers- the USSR, the USA, the UK, France and China- and by the majority of the founder-states. October 24 is now commemorated each year as United Nations Day.

The democratic principles of international relations- the principles of equality, sovereignty and self-determination of peoples were put into the United Nations Charter and they were and are being widely supported by all those who are interested in peace.

Since the first days of the United Nations the USSR and other democratic states have made and are making repeated initiatives for peace, for international security.

It is thanks to precisely these initiatives that the latest sessions of the General Assembly will go down in history as sessions of struggle for détente and ending the arms race.

Today it is clear to everybody that the fate of the World depends on the solution of this problem- the most urgent problem of our time.

