II. Выберите правильный перевод сказуемого



I. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения; определите в каждом из них видо -временную форму и залог глагола – сказуемого:

1.The word “science” is derived from the Latin word, “scire” – to know, to experience.

  1. He said the paper had been published in the latest issue of the Journal “Man and Environment”.
  2. The word “scientist” was introduced only in 1840.
  3. A scientist generalizes from various observations and measurements, the relationships and laws that have been accumulated, to develop theories.
  4. Their communication will be carried out through the scientific literature, in scientific meetings and in various discussions.

6. The results of this experiment are being discussed and interpreted as a new stage in geochemistry.


II. Выберите правильный перевод сказуемого.


1. The machine-tool measures its production itself.

2. The machine-tool will measure its production itself.

3. The part is measured with great accuracy.

а) измерила; b) измеряет; с) измеряется; d) будет измерять

4. The builders are planning the road . . .

5. The building of the road is being planned . . .

6. The building of the road was being planned . . .

а) планируется; b) планируют; с) планировали; d) спланировали

7. The tests have been carried out well.

8. The tests were being carried out well.

9. The tests are being carried out well.

а) выполняются; b) выполнялись; с) были выполне­ны; d) будут выполнены


III. Выберите предложения, эквивалентные данным английским.


1. The builders will be shown some models of new bridges.

a) Строителям показали модели новых мостов

b) Строителям покажут модели новых мостов.

c) Строители покажут модели новых мостов.

2. The design of the dam was worked at by some institutes.

a) Несколько институтов работали над проектом плотины.

b) Проект плотины разрабатывается несколькими институтами.

c) Над проектом плотины должны были работать несколько институтов.

3. Complex calculations were followed by experiments

a) За экспериментами последовали сложные вычис­ления.

b) За сложными вычислениями последовали экспе­рименты.

c) За сложными вычислениями следуют экспери­менты.


IV. Перепишите предложения. Определите функцию глагола to be: а) смысловой глагол; б) глагол-связка; в) вспомогательный глагол; г) эквивалент модального глагола. Переведите предложения письменно на русский язык.


1. In some cases radio is the only means of communication .

2. Laboratories are to be equipped with modern devices.

3. The new system of colour television is developing very quickly.

4. Mail delivery is on a house-to-house basis.

5. At present radio transmission is used for a variety of purposes


V. Перепишите предложения. Определите функцию глагола to have : а) смысловой глагол; б) вспомогательный глагол; в) эквивалент модального глагола. Переведите предложения письменно на русский язык.


1. Metals have a positive temperature coefficient.

2. He had to analyze the results of the experiment.

3. Transport and communications have always progressed together.


VI. Замените слова в скобках эквивалентами модаль­ных глаголов, данными ниже.


1. You (должны) to replace this old lathe.

2. In fu­ture we (сможем) to use solar energy more effectively.

3. They (было разрешено) to test the machine-tool.

4. The students (смогли) to make the experiment.

a) were allowed; b) shall be able; c) have; d) were able; e) were


VII. Замените эквивалент соответствующим модаль­ным глаголом из данных ниже.


1. They are allowed to replace the old equipment.

2. They have to replace the old equipment.

3. They were able to replace the old equipment.

a) must; b) could; c) may; d) might


VIII. Прочтите и письменно переведите текст.


What is hardware? Webster's dictionary gives us the following definition of the hardware - the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical devices composing a computer system.

Computer hardware can be divided into four categories:

1)input hardware

2)processing hardware

3)storage hardware

4)output hardware.

Input hardware

The purpose of the input hardware is to collect data and convert it into a form suitable for computer processing. The most common input device is a keyboard. It looks very much like a typewriter. The mouse is a hand held device connected to the computer by small cable. As the mouse is rolled across the mouse pad, the cursor moves across the screen. When the cursor reaches the desired location, the user usually pushes a button on the mouse once or twice to signal a menu selection or a command to the computer.

The light pen uses a light sensitive photoelectric cell to signal screen position to the computer. Another type of input hardware is optic-electronic scanner that is used to input graphics as well as typeset characters. Microphone and digital camera can be also used to input data into the computer.

Processing hardware

The purpose of processing hardware is to retrieve, interpret and direct the execution of software instructions provided to the computer. The most common components of processing hardware are the Central Processing Unit and main memory.

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer. It reads and interprets software instructions and coordinates the processing activities that must take place. The design of the CPU affects the processing power and the speed of the computer, as well as the amount of main memory it can use effectively. With a well-designed CPU in your computer, you can perform highly sophisticated tasks in a very short time.

Memory is the system of component of the computer in which information is stored. There are two types computer memory: RAM and ROM.

RAM (random access memory) is the volatile computer memory, used for creating/loading, and running programs and for manipulating and temporarily storing data;

ROM (read only memory) is nonvolatile, no modifiable computer memory, used to hold programmed instructs to the system.

The more memory you have in your computer, i more operations you can perform that is the faster works.



I. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения; определите в каждом из них видо - временную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого:

1. This relationship is not viewed in the same way by all people.

2. A new approach to this study is being proposed now.

3. We understood that his theory had been developed long ago.

4. The concept was held by the early settlers of North America.

5. The people are becoming to realize that natural resources must be wisely used.

6. Many scientists have come to this conclusion.


II. Выберите правильный перевод сказуемого.


1. The machine-tool measures its production itself.

2. The machine-tool will measure its production itself.

3. The part is measured with great accuracy.

а) измерила; b) измеряет; с) измеряется; d) будет измерять

4. The builders are planning the road . . .

5. The building of the road is being planned . . .

6. The building of the road was being planned . . .

а) планируется; b) планируют; с) планировали; d) спланировали

7. The tests have been carried out well.

8. The tests were being carried out well.

9. The tests are being carried out well.

а) выполняются; b) выполнялись; с) были выполне­ны; d) будут выполнены