UNIT3 I. Text. Our University

Hello again! Now let me tell you about my university - Far Eastern State Transportation University. I am really glad to study here. It is one of the best country's higher educational institutions.

Our University is quite large and old. It was founded in 1939 as Khabarovsk Railway Engineering Institute. In those days the institute had only 3 faculties: the Mechanical, the Railway Engineering and the Operational faculties. Since that time the institute has undergone many structural changes and grown into a large modern institution of higher learning. In 1977 it received a university sta­tus.

The university is well known for its high standards of education and re­search. It trains competent and creative specialists for different branches of en­gineering, transportation and economy of our country.

Our university is a large school where about 15 thousand students study currently. Most of them are full-time students, like me; there are also many part-time and extra-mural students. Besides, there are many post-graduate students, who carry out independent research work and conduct classes or deliver lec­tures as well.

Every year about 2 thousand people are enrolled in the university. Young people who are interested in science and technology may enter the Institute of Traction and Rolling Stock, the Institute of Operation, Automation and Telecom­munication, the Institute of Transport and Civil Engineering, the Power Engineer­ing Institute, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, the Aeronautical Engineering Facul­ty. The Institute of Economics trains economists, accountants and other special­ists in finance, management and commerce. The Humanitarian Faculty prepares specialists in social service, psychology, tourism management.

The course of training at the university lasts 5-6 years. The academic year is 9 months or 2 semesters of 4 and a half months each. Studies usually be­gin in September and end in June. Students take exams at the end of each semester. Twice a year students have vacations.

During the first two years the students study general engineering subjects, such as higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, basics of computer engineer­ing, social sciences and the humanities. In the third year the students begin to take specialized courses. Great importance is given to practical training. Stu­dents work in well-equipped laboratories and shops, computer centres of the university and in the fourth and fifth years they work at railway and industrial en­terprises of the Khabarovsk Territory.

More than 600 highly-qualified professors and instructors work at 50 de­partments of the university. Teaching is only part of their activity; they are in-

volved in scientific work. Gifted students also take part in research activities un­der their tutors' guidance.

Our university covers a large territory. On the campus there are three build­ings for classes, six hostels, sport facilities, residential houses for teachers, a cafeteria and a polyclinic for teachers and students, a club house.

Higher education is not free now. Most of the students have to pay for their tuition. Those students, who pass their entrance examinations well, study free of charge.

It's very interesting to study at the university. You have a chance not only to get a higher education but also to make a lot of friends and develop your special talents.

Active vocabulary

1. education - образование

secondary education - среднее образование higher education - высшее образование vocational training - профессионально-техническое образование

2. higher educational institution, institution of higher learning - высшее
учебное заведение

3. found (establish, set up ) a university - основать университет

4. research - исследование, научно-исследовательская работа research activities - научная деятельность

5. train - учить, обучать, готовить (специалистов)

6. teach somebody - учить, обучать кого-либо

teach something - учить чему-либо, преподавать что-либо

7. learn - учиться, учить что-либо, узнавать (= to find out)
learn by heart - учить наизусть

learn by rote - зубрить

8. study - изучать, заниматься, учиться

study for an examination - готовиться к экзамену syn.: sit for an examination,

read for an examination

revise for an examination

9. study hard -упорно, напряженно учиться

study by fits and starts - учиться урывками, нерегулярно

10. full-time student - студент, занимающийся на дневном отделении
part-time student - студент, занимающийся без отрыва от производ­

11. apply for admission - подавать заявление о приеме

12. applicant-абитуриент

13. get enrolled (in) = to be enrolled (in) - быть зачисленным (в)

14. be admitted = be accepted (at) - быть принятым

15. be expelled from = be dismissed from - быть отчисленным (из)

16. enter the university - поступить в университет

17. entrance exams - вступительные экзамены, entrance requirements-требования при поступлении

18. academic year-учебный год

19. semester = term - семестр

20. take (have) an exam - сдавать экзамен


21. pass an exam = get through, do well in - сдать экзамен

22. fail in an exam - не сдать экзамен

23. attend classes - посещать занятия miss classes - пропускать занятия

24. fall behind - отставать от (в учебе)

catch up with - догонять кого-либо в учебе

25. vacation- каникулы

26. subject- предмет, (учебная) дисциплина

general engineering subjects - общетехнические предметы social subjects (sciences) - обществоведение (экономика, социоло­гия, психология, политическая география)

(the) humanities - гуманитарные науки natural sciences - естественные науки

27. gifted (talented, capable) student-талантливый (способный) студент

28. campus - территория университета

on the campus - на территории университета

29. hostel = hall of residence ( Br.E.) - общежитие dormitory = dorm (Am.E.) - общежитие

30. tuition = teaching - обучение, плата за обучение tuition fee - плата за обучение

31. free (of charge) - бесплатно

32. first (second, third )- year student - первокурсник (второкурсник, )

33. graduate from university - заканчивать университет graduate - выпускник высшего учебного заведения

34. time-table = schedule - расписание

35. credit-зачет

36. methods of teaching - методы преподавания

37. classroom - аудитория

38. lecture hall - лекционный зал

39. well-equipped laboratory - хорошо оборудованная лаборатория

40. course of studies - курс обучения

41. department, chair- кафедра

42. head (chief) of a department - зав. кафедрой

43. dean - декан (факультета)

44. Rector- ректор (университета)

45. teaching staff- штат преподавателей

46. undergraduate student - студент 1 - 5 курсов

47. (post)-graduate student- магистрант, аспирант

48. correspondence student = extra-mural student - студент-заочник

49. freshman (Am.E.) - первокурсник sophomore (Am.E.) - второкурсник

junior (Am.E.) - студент предпоследнего курса senior (Am.E.) - студент последнего курса

50. curriculum -учебный план

Comprehension questions

1. What university do you study at?

2. When was it founded?

3. What are the oldest faculties of our university?

4. How many students study at the university?

5. Do only full-time students study here?

6. What institute or faculty do you study at?

7. How long does training last?

8. How many semesters are there in the academic year?

9. How often do students take exams?


10. Do they have any vacation?

11. What subjects do the first and second-year students study?

12. When do students begin to take specialized lectures and practical

13. Where do students get practical training?

14. Can students take part in research activities?

15. What facilities are located on the campus?

16. Do all students pay for their education?