Exercise 10. Complete the sentences.

A project manager is someone who is in charge of …… .

General Manager is someone who …… .

A product line manager is someone …… .

A functional manager is …… .

A product manager …… .

Exercise 11. Match the verbs in column A with the nouns in column B. Then make up sentences using the completed collocations.

to reach decisions
to set speciality
to make relationships
to influence meetings
to choose projects
to establish people
to develop direction
to hold   goals  

Exercise 12. Think it over and write an essay on the following topic:

“The variation of managerial jobs in the organization structure”.

Exercise 13. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and then correct the false statements:

1. To be qualified specialists we should have profound knowledge in the field of management.

2. Organization is a social, administrative structure formed to pursue certain goals.

3. Planning is the process of setting direction for the organization, groups and individuals and it also influences people to follow that direction.

4. There exists one level of managers in organization structure.

5. Top managers pay much attention to day-to-day activities.

6. General Managers are in charge of developing a certain project.

7. The graduates of our department work as managers, leading specialists and directors at different enterprises.


Exercise 14. In each line choose one word that doesn’t belong to the group and explain why you think so.

1. To control, to organize, to manage, to incur, to arrange.

2. Project, plan, scheme, staff, design.

3. Business, organization, company, enterprise, subject.

4. Employee, economist, job, manager, director.

5. Level, goal, objective, task, aim, purpose.


Exercise 15. Express the same in English.

1. Я - студент другого курсу факультету економіки транспорту. Моя спеціальність - менеджмент організацій.

2. Функції менеджменту базуються на чотирьох основних принципах: контроль, планування, процес організації, керування.

3. Менеджмент – це група людей, які головним чином є відповідальними за прийняття рішень в організації.

4. Організація – це соціальна, адміністративна структура, яка створена виконувати певні цілі.

5. Менеджмент виконує дві головні ролі: роль приймаючого рішення та інформаційну роль.

6. Організаційна структура включає в себе різні рівні менеджерів: керівник вищої ланки, керівник середньої ланки та

керівник першого рівня.

7. Щоб створити ефективну організацію, менеджери повинні компетентно приймати рішення, вести переговори, проводити зібрання, заохочувати працівників та інше.

8. Випускники нашого факультету працюють менеджерами, директорами, провідними спеціалістами в комерційних та некомерційних установах.


Exercise 16. Try to remember the following phrases (conversational formulas):

I would like to ask … – Я хотів би запитати …

I see. – Розумію.

Tо my mind ... – На мою думку ...

Yes, indeed. – Так,дійсно.

I agree with you. – Погоджуюсь з вами.

What do you mean? – Що ти маєш на увазі?

If I understand you right ... – Якщо я вас вірно розумію ...

Yes, it happened. – Так, це трапляється.

I’m interested ... – Мене цікавить ...

Correctly. – Вірно.

As far as I know ... – Наскільки я знаю ...

It seems to me ... – Мені здається ...

Do you really think so? – Ви дійсно так вважаєте?

Certainly! – Звичайно! Авжеж!

Will you explain me please … – Поясни мені, будь ласка …

By the way (by the by) ... – До речі ...

What’s the matter? – У чому справа?

Really? – Дійсно?

I think that ... – Я гадаю, що ...

Read the dialogues given below and try to reproduce them.

Dialogue 1

- I would like to ask what managers need in order to manage people well.

- They need to understand that there are things that motivate everyone and these are some very familiar, common themes like, people care about their families, everybody needs to be respected, etc.

- I see. Have you ever faced with the difficulties? What are they?

- Yes, it happened. The most difficult thing is to understand how everybody is unique and different, and different to the way you, as a manager, are.

- And what is the secret to solve this problem?

- Tо my mind the secret here, therefore, is to try to know what the world looks like through the eyes of another person who reports to you.

- I agree with you. But what is the best way to do that?

- In order to do that, you need to perfect the art of asking questions and listening to people.

- What do you mean?

- I mean asking not just any questions but questions that really tell you
about what a person's drivers, unique motivators are, and what a person's concerns are in this situation that you share.

Dialogue 2

- I’m interested in what are some of the problems facing new businesses, in your experience?

- I think that some of the problems facing new businesses are really to do with management skills.

- Correctly. So how is a new business formed?

- Often a new business is formed out of somebody who has a really
good idea, has a really good hobby, has a really good knowledge of a certain thing, such as anything from biology to carpentry, and they form a business out of that core knowledge.

- Yes, indeed. But what is the main real problem of the modern new businesses?

- As far as I know the problem is they don't have enough business knowledge such as knowledge of finance and book-keeping, of marketing and human issues and these need to be integrated in a small business.

- If I understand you right there is a lack of business and management skills in the new businesses.

- Yes, it is really the main problem with 90 per cent of that I work with.