Read the text and look up unknown words at the dictionary. Decide, if adjectives are positive (P) or negative (N) personality traits.

The zodiac is a diagram used by astrologers to represent the positions of the planets and stars. It is divided into twelve sections, each of which has its own name and symbol. The zodiac is used to try to calculate the influence of the planets, especially on someone’s life.

Capricorn /ˈkæprɪˌkɔːn/ (December 22—January 19): responsible ( ), persistent ( ), pessimistic ( ), disciplined ( ), conservative ( ), shy ( ), calm ( ).
Aquarius /əˈkwɛərɪəs/ (January 21—February 19): aloof ( ), unpredictable ( ), inventive ( ), clever ( ), humanitarian ( ), rebellious ( ), friendly ( ).
Pisces /ˈpaɪsiːz; ˈpɪ-/ (February19—March 20): romantic ( ), indecisive ( ), escapist ( ) devoted ( ), compassionate ( ), idealistic ( ).
Aries /ˈɛəriːz/ (March 21—April 20): quick-tempered ( ), selfish ( ), generous ( ), enthusiastic ( ), efficient ( ), arrogant ( ).
Taurus /ˈtɔːrəs/ (April 21—May 20): reliable ( ), possessive ( ), stable ( ), greedy ( ), determined ( ), materialistic ( ).
Gemini /ˈdʒɛmɪˌnaɪ; -ˌniː/ (May 21—June 21): witty ( ), creative ( ), impatient ( ), restless ( ), eloquent ( ), tense ( ), curious ( ).
Cancer /ˈkænsə/ (June 22—July 22): self-pitying ( ), intuitive ( ), nurturing ( ), moody ( ), frugal ( ), jealous ( ), cautious ( ).
Leo /ˈliːəʊ/ (July 23—August 22): dogmatic ( ), confident ( ), bossy ( ), vain ( ), independent ( ), ambitious ( ).
Virgo /ˈvɜːɡəʊ/ (August 23—September 22): perfectionist ( ), analytical ( ), practical ( ), picky ( ), inflexible ( ), precise ( ).
Libra /ˈlaɪbrə/ (September 23—October 22): changeable ( ), diplomatic ( ), unreliable ( ), easygoing ( ), sociable ( ), superficial ( ).
Scorpio /ˈskɔːpɪˌəʊ/ (October 23—November 21): narcissistic ( ), passionate ( ), resourceful ( ), manipulative ( ), suspicious ( ), focused ( ).
Sagittarius /ˌsædʒɪˈtɛərɪəs/ (November 22—December 21): optimistic ( ), adventurous ( ), careless ( ), reckless ( ), irresponsible ( ), straightforward ( ).

Smart Politics analysis finds that of the 56 presidential elections in U.S. history, 20 percent (11) have been won by those born under the sign of Aquarius (although not Washington) - more common than any other astrological sign. One bleak spot for the Aquarius club - four of the five died in office with the fifth, Reagan, nearly assassinated in 1981.

Translate the text into Russian.

W. Somerset Maugham “Mr Know All”

Mr Kelada was chatty. He talked of New York and of San Francisco. He discussed plays, pictures, and politics. He was patriotic. The Union Jack is an impressive piece of drapery, but when it is nourished by a gentleman from Alexandria or Beirut, I cannot but feel that it loses somewhat in dignity. Mr Kelada was familiar." I do not wish to put on airs, but I cannot help feeling that it is seemly in a total stranger to put "mister" before my name when he addresses me. Mr Kelada, doubtless to set me at my case, used no such formality. I did not like Mr Kelada. I had put aside the cards when he sat down, but now, thinking that for this first occasion our conversation had lasted long enough, I went on with my game.



Study the table of adjectives you are given nouns, find adjectives. Define the suffix

Noun Adjective Suffix Verb Adjective Suffix
adventure     Response    
resource     Change    
confidence     Devote    
passion     Persist    
boss     Possess    
self     Nurture    
enthusiast     Flex    
practice     Ignore    

Transform the words in brackets into adjectives.

1. Ptolemy I found the Museum, which became a center of ________study. (SCIENCE)

2. The arenas are_______ sites, preserved after the Games. (HISTORY)

3. Their ability to detect scents is similar to that of dogs, and both are several thousand times more ________ than humans. (SKILL)

4. The state changed seaside into a ________center for intellectually disabled people in 1961. (REGION)

5. He was too old to join in such _______games and too young not to want to.(CHILD)

6. I have thirty-five dollars in my purse, the______ allowance Mother still gives me. (MONTH)

7. “It’s all about how ______ you can be,” said Ferrell, referring to prepared dishes as well as the cooking school, itself. (CREATIVE)

8. It was _______; the coffee had warmed me up, and the smell of flowers on the night air was coming through the open door. (PLEASE)

9. She had a _______ voice which didn’t go with her face at all, a melodious, quavering voice. (REMARK)

10.Just 15 herself, Caplan had never acted professionally before and spent much of her time on the show feeling nervous and _______. (CONFUSE)

11. Where in this big, dark,_______ city was Salim going to sleep tonight? (DANGER)

12. But mountains did as much for a soul as the ocean, and they were more mystical and more alive, and more _______, too. (ACCESS)



A type of language consisting of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically restricted to a particular context or group of people.

Each sentence contains slang word, but they are mixed, put the proper word into the gap.

1. Person 1: Susan knows a lot about Pin Up Models
Person 2: Yeah she's kinda womanizer on Cheesecake.

2. My boyfriend is killing me; he never socializes. He's never asked me to go out; he's black sheep.

3. Jimmy neglects his family so he can spend more time working, he's a coach potato.

4. My sisters are so successful. One is a doctor, the other is an engineer but I'm the night owl.

5. Suzy has bought 10 new dresses, she is a real pack rat!

6. Most kids these days are workaholics. They sleep at wee hours of the morning and get up late in the day.

7. He tells me lovely nice things, though he do exactly the same with many other girls, he is a total history buff.

8. My dad is such a clothes horse. He still stores his stuff in my mom's house despite the fact that he is no longer married to her.


Read the text. Have you ever thought about distinctive features of the British? Do Russian people have any typical characteristics as a nation?

The British are proud of their descent, their history and traditions and think nothing is as well done as in their own country. There are some distinct characteristic features typical of the British people. They have been known as aloof, tolerant, cold, reserved, xenophobic and unsociable. They tend to be rather conservative and hostile, they love familiar things. British still possess fairly decent table manners and are also famous eccentrics.

In Britain respect for privacy is an important part of their life, deeply rooted in their nature and soul. British value their privacy and believe that everyone has a right to a private life.



“Why do people respect the package rather than the man?”
Michel de Montaigne,The Complete Essays